FISITA 2021, September 13-17
FISITA World Automotive Congress
„From automobile to mobility. New roles. New challenges”
O2 Universum
2021, September 13-17, Prague, Czech Republic
Organized by: Ceská Automobilova Spolecnost
Since 1947, the FISITA World Automotive Congress has been a forum for industry experts, engineers and executives to exchange ideas and discuss the trends that drive the automotive industry forward. The 37th FISITA Congress took place in Chennai, India from 2-5 October 2018.
FISITA 2021 will take place in Prague, Czech Republic, from 12-17 September 2021, where the theme is ‘From automobile to mobility. New roles. New challenges.’ For more information about FISITA 2021 please click here to visit the official website and watch the video introduction below.
GUARANT International | Na Pankraci 17, 140 21 Prague 4 | Czech Republic
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