Societatea Inginerilor de Automobile din Romania

Centrul de documentare




Societatea Inginerilor de Automobile din Romania – SIAR  dispune de un Centru de documentare in ingineria autovehiculelor care funcționează în cadrul Universității Politehnica din Bucureşti, Facultatea de Transporturi, Parter, sala JC 010, e-mail:

În cadrul Centrului de documentare, membrii SIAR pot consulta gratuit o bogată bibliografie din domeniul ingineriei autovehiculelor (peste 4000 titluri), precum și colecțiile principalelor reviste românești și străine.
Consiliul Director al SIAR a aprobat procedura de împrumut la distanță a lucrărilor din cadrul Centrului de documentare. Împumutul la distanță este condiționat de constituirea unei garanții în contul SIAR și de acoperirea costurilor aferente operațiunii de expediere prin curierat rapid. Pentru informații suplimentare, vă rugăm contactați Secretariatul general al SIAR.
Puteți consulta mai jos lista lucrărilor din dotarea Centrului de documentare al SIAR.
A-001Alkidas C. AlexVehicle Thermal ManagementSAE19941
A-002Antonescu OvidiuTransmisii variabile utilizate la vehicule rutierePubliferom20011
A-003Andreescu Cristian, Teodorescu Claudiu, Oprean Ioan-Mircea, Drăgan Viorel, Cristea GabrielAplicaţii numerice la studiul fiabilităţii automobilelorMagie19961
A-004Atanasiu MihailMecanicaDidactică şi Pedagogică19731
A-005Alexandrescu LuciuAcustică aplicatăOrator20041
A-006Anghelache GabrielControlul şi atenuarea zgomotelor şi vibraţiilor autovehiculelorBren20081
A-007Atanasiu MihailMecanica tehnică staticăTehnică19631
A-008Anghel Florin, Miholcă ConstantinAutomatizări industrialeUniversitatea din Galați19901
A-009Artamonov D. Mikhail, Vitalij A. Ilarionov, Michail M. MorinMotor Vehicles Fundamentals and DesignMir Publishers Moscow19761
A-010Antman S. Stuart, Brezis Haim, Coleman D. Bernard, Feinberg Martin , Nohel A. John, Zeimer P. WilliamAnalysis and Continuum MechanicsSpringer-Verlag19891
A-011Anton IoanStudii şi cercetări de mecanică aplicatăAcademia Română19961
A-012Angeles JorgeRational KinematicsSpringer-Verlag19881
A-013Alexandru Petre, Vişa Ion, Talabă Doru, Alexandru C., Antonya CsabaModelarea statico-dinamică a mecanismelor de ghidare ale roţilor automobilelorLUX LIBRIS20051
A-014Albu Alexandru, Bonciu Florin, Ciurel Violeta, Gaftoniuc SimonaCooperarea economică internaţionalăExpert19951
A-015Abăităncei Dan, Hașegan Constantin, Stoica Ion, Claponi Dan, Cihodaru LiviuMotoare pentru automobile și tractoare, vol. 1Tehnică19781
A-016Abăităncei Dan, Hașegan Constantin, Stoica Ion, Claponi Dan, Cihodaru LiviuMotoare pentru automobile și tractoare, vol. 2Tehnică19802
A-017Arsicault MCommande numerique par calculateurIUT Poitiers19951
A-018Anghel Florin, Stîngă OctavianPascalVega19921
A-019Anton Viorica, Popoviciu Mircea, Fitero IoanHidraulică și mașini hidrauliceDidactică şi Pedagogică19781
A-020Antonescu VeronelCalitatea - mereu mai susICPTT19901
A-021Aelenei Mihai, Gheghea IonProbleme de mașini unelte.V1Tehnică19721
A-022Aelenei Mihai, Gheghea IonProbleme de mașini unelte.V2Tehnică19721
A-023Aelenei Mihai, Gheghea IonProbleme de mașini unelte.V1Tehnică19851
A-024Aelenei Mihai, Gheghea IonProbleme de mașini unelte.V2Tehnică19851
A-025Atanasiu Mihail, Dobrotă VictorFizică.V1Albatros19741
A-026Atanasiu Mihail, Dobrotă VictorFizică.V2Albatros19741
A-027Andreescu Cristian, Oprean Ioan -MirceaDinamica tractoarelorUPB19971
A-028Aramă Constantin, Mihai Adrian, Gheorghe Ruse, Văiteanu Dan, Zătreanu GheorgheAutomobilul dela A la ZMilitară19851
A-029Andreescu Cristian NicolaeDinamica autovehiculelor pe roți, vol. IPolitehnica Press20101
A-030Anghelache Gabriel, Andreescu Cristian Nicolae, Iozsa Daniel Mihail, Petrescu Alexandru, Piticar Ion, Moldoveanu Gheorghe, Stoleru MihalacheElemente de accidentologie și siguranță rutieră20021
A-031Apostolescu Nicolae, Sfințeanu DragoșAutomobilul cu combustibili neconvenționaliTehnică19891
A-032Andreescu Cristian, Stan Cornelia, Manea Ana-MariaDinamica autovehiculelor pe roți. Aplicații numericeAGIR20221
B-001Bostan Ion, Dulgheru Valeriu, Grigoraş S.Transmisii planetare, precesionale şi armoniceTehnică19972
B-002Bertieri ClaudioTruck StoryIVECO19921
B-003Bata M. RedaAlternative Fuels: A Decade of Success and PromiseSAE19961
B-004Brady N. RobertModern Diesel TechnologyPrentice Hall19961
B-005Backaitis H.Stanley, Mertz J. HaroldHybrid III: The First Human-Like Crash Test DummySAE19941
B-006Breuer Bert, Karlheinz H. BillBremsenhandbuchSpringer20131
B-007Braess Hans-Herman, Ulrich SeiffertVieweg Handbuch KraftfahrzeugtechnikVieweg Teubner20111
B-008van Basshuysen Richard, Schafer FredInternal Combustion Engine HandbookSAE20021
B-009Braess Hans-Hermann, Seiffert UlrichHandbook of Automotive EngineeringSAE20051
B-010Brebbia A. CarlosTopics in Boundary Element ResearchSpringer-Verlag19841
B-011Frank S. BudnickApplied MathematicsMcGraw-Hill19831
B-012Blair P. GordonThe Basic Design of Two – Stroke EnginesSAE19901
B-013Blair P. GordonDesign and Simulation of Two-Stroke EnginesSAE19961
B-014Broch Jens T.Mechanical Vibration and Shock MeasurementsNaerum19801
B-015Băţaga Nicolae, Rus IoanConducerea automobiluluiSincron19911
B-016Bebernes Jerrold, Eberly DavidMathematical Problems from Combustion TheorySpringer-Verlag19891
B-017Boroiu AlexandruGeografia transporturilorUniversităţii Piteşti20101
B-018Boroiu AlexandruInstrumente statistice utilizate în managementul calităţiiUniversităţii Piteşti20101
B-019Bugaru Mihai, Predoi Mihai-ValentinVibraţiile plăcilor plane rectangulare subţiri excitate parametricBren19991
B-020Buzdugan Gheorghe,Blumenfeld M., Dumitrescu Em., Rusiu Gh., Sandu M., Constantinescu D.M.Rezistenţa materialelor Ediţia VIIIPB19901
B-021Bobescu Gheorghe, Cofaru Cornel, Chiru Anghel, Radu Gheorghe-Alexandru, Ene Vladimir, Guber Iurie, Scalnâi VitalieMotoare pentru automobile şi tractoare Vol.ITehnică19963
B-022Bucicliu Gheorghe, Maximilian FrankelManualul inginerului Vol. ITehnică19541
B-023Bucicliu Gheorghe, Maximilian Frankel, Kell Ioan, Solomon MaxManualul inginerului Vol. IITehnică19551
B-024Buzdugan Gheorghe, Gabrielescu Vasile, Dumitrescu Anghel-Enacu, Christofor Nicolae, Goilav AntonManualul inginerului mecanic Vol. IIITehnică19521
B-025Buzdugan Gheorghe, Seleşteanu Al.Manualul inginerului mecanic Vol. ITehnică19591
B-026Buzdugan GheorgheRezistenţa materialelorTehnică19701
B-027Botez EmilAngrenajeTehnică19621
B-028Boiangiu D. Dumitru, Constantinescu Constantin, Săveanu LuciuArcuriTehnică19581
B-029Baciu Emilian, Crivac GheorgheFabricarea şi repararea industrială a autovehiculelorIIS Pitești19901
B-030Bonsch Helmut WernerEinfuhrung in die MotorradtehnikMotorbuch Verlag1
B-031Baltac AlexandruPythagorasTehnoplast19971
B-032Barna Peter StephenFluid Mechanics for EngineersButterworths Publications Limited19571
B-033Bussien RichardAutomobiltechnisches Handbuch Vol. IM. Krayn,Technischer Verlag19411
B-034Bussien RichardAutomobiltechnisches Handbuch Vol. IIM. Krayn,Technischer Verlag19411
B-035Binroth WilliamAutomotive Electronics Reliability HandbookSAE19871
B-036Bellman E. Richard, Dreyfus E. StuartProgramarea dinamică aplicatăTehnică19671
B-037Brach M. Raymond, Brach R. MatthewVehicle Accident Analysis and Reconstruction Methods Second EditionSAE20111
B-038Bischof KurtInfo-Tech Auto-kindersitzeTCS20031
B-039Backaitis H. StanleyBiomechanics of Impact Injury and Injury Tolerances of the Thorax-Shoulder ComplexSAE19941
B-040Backaitis H. StanleyBiomechanics of Impact Injuries and Injury Tolerance of the Abdomen, Lumbar Spine, and Pelvis ComplexSAE19951
B-041Backaitis H. StanleyBiomechanics of Impact Injury and Injury Tolerances of the ExtremitiesSAE19961
B-042Bancu TheodorBazele exploatării autovehiculelor de marfă în traficul intern şi internaţionalTransport Rutier - UNTRR20051
B-043Brown C. Jason, Robertson A. John, Serpento T. StanMotor Vehicle Structures: Concepts and FundamentalsSAE20021
B-044Buraga SabinAplicaţii Web la cheie. Studii de caz implementate în PHPPolirom20031
B-045Browne Allen, Balter AlisonBazele Access '95Teora19961
B-046Bernal J.D.Știința în istoria societățiiPolitică19651
B-047Bodin ConstantinFizica explozivilor. ProblemeAcademiei Militare19771
B-048Bun Ion, Forlafu Sergiu, Dănilă Gheorghe, Hodiș GheorgheRepararea autovehiculelor militare. Indreptar de laboratorAcademiei Militare1973
B-049Bun IonTransmisia autovehiculelor pe șenile. Calcul și construcțieAcademiei Militare19751
B-050Boțan N.V., Saal C.Acționarea electrică a mecanismelor cu volantTehnică19671
B-051Boldea IonVehicule pe pernă magneticăAcademiei19811
B-052Bărbatu Gheorghe, Ionescu VCercetarea operațională în întreprinderile industrialeTehnică19821
B-053Boicu NeculaiContactul elastic liniarAcademiei19771
B-054Breazu M. s.a.Indrumătorul sudoruluiTehnică19731
B-055Buzdugan Gheorghe, Mihăilescu Elena, Radeș MirceaVibration measurementMartinus Nijhoff Pubsh19861
B-056Bodea Constanța Nicoleta s.a.Courseware - o nouă tehnologie didacticăInforec19991
B-057Begu Liviu-StelianStatistică intrernaționalăASE20031
B-058Baz Dragomira, Baz Sorin DragoșModele matematice ăn economieASE20031
B-059Bălănescu T. s.a.Pascal și Turbo PascalTehnică19921
B-060Buzdugan GheorgheRezistența materialelorTehnică19801
B-061Braesch Christian, Haurat AlainLa modelisation systemique en entrepriseHermes19951
B-062Burg HeinzReconstituirea pe bază de calcul a accidentelorInformation19841
B-063Boboș BogdanCercetări privind reconstruirea coliziunii autovehiculelorRisoprint20081
B-064Brebenel Aurel, Vochin DumitruAutoturisme și performanțeSport-Turism19831
B-065Batanjac JasminkaAccidentele și traumatismul rutierOrizonturi universitare20031
B-066Beda Victor, Stoleru Mihalache, Ene Gheorghe, Diniță GheorgheActualitățilre circulației rutierePolitică19841
B-067Brebenel A, Mondiru C, Farcașu IoanDacia 1300 (Germana)Tehnică19831
B-068Blaj Constantin DoruComportamentul la volanMedicală19821
B-069Baican Roman, Enache ValeriuAutomobilul modernUTBv20081
B-070Beliș VladimirTratat de medicină legală. vol. IMedicală19951
B-071Beliș VladimirTratat de medicină legală. vol. IIMedicală19951
B-072Burg HeinzRechnerunterstutzte Rekonstruktion von PKW/PKW-UnfallenVerlag Information19841
B073Boldea IonElectric machines:UPT Selected ContributionsPolitehnica Publishing House20202
C-001Cannon T. John, Dostrovski SigaliaThe Evolution of DynamicsSpringer-Verlag19811
C-002Coleman T. JamesMicrowave DevicesReston Publishing Company19821
C-003Chowanietz EricAutomobile ElectronicsSAE19951
C-004Cubberly H. WilliamDictionary of Materials and TestingSAE19931
C-005Caines Arthur, Haycock RogerAutomotive Lubricants Reference BookSAE19961
C-006Chagette JeanTechnique AutomobileDunod19631
C-007Copae Ion, Cazacu Constantin, Lespezeanu IonDinamica autovehiculelorEricom20061
C-008Creus J. GuillermoViscoelasticity- Basic Theory and Applications to Concrete StructuresSpringer-Verlag19861
C-009Cocoşilă MihaiElemente de management pentru IngineriPrintech19991
C-010Crişan GabrielaMotoarele pentru automobile şi poluarea mediului înconjurătorOIDICM19931
C-011Cramariuc Radu, Spulber VirgilDe la electrostatică la racheta ionicăAlbatros19831
C-012Cristea Preda, Moscu IonAgenda autoTehnică1
C-013Constantinescu Ioan, Golumbovici Dan, Militaru ConstantinPrelucrarea datelor experimentale cu calculatoare nunmdericeTehnică19801
C-014Constantinescu Aurelian, Cosneanu Constantin, Laşcu-Simion N., Rizescu Cornel, Rotenstein ButuÎndreptar de fonte şi oţeluriTehnică19691
C-015Cioc DumitruMecanica fluidelorDidactică şi Pedagogică19671
C-016Carabulea AndreiInițiere în ingineria sistemelor industrialeTehnică19781
C-017Chiţulescu Florin, Munroe M., Seleşteanu Al.Manualul inginerului mecanic Vol. IITehnică19591
C-018Căpitanu LucianTribologia materialelor termoplastice compoziteBren20031
C-019Conţiu TraianCulegere de probleme din teoria mecanismelor şi a maşinilorTehnică19571
C-020Cristea Dumitru, Ivan FlorianCalculul şi construcţia instalaţiilor auxiliare ale automobilelorUniversitatea din Pitești19931
C-021Caraiani Gheorghe, Pricină LucianTransporturi şi expediţii rutiereLumina Lex20021
C-022Cristea Dumitru, Ivan Florian, Şerban FlorinEconomicitate şi depoluareUniversitatea din Pitești19951
C-023Cedoz W. Robert, Chaplin R. MichaelDesign Guide for Involute SplinesSAE19941
C-024Chiroiu Veturia, Sireteanu TudorTopics in Applied Mechanics Vol. IAcademiei Române20031
C-025Chiroiu Veturia, Sireteanu TudorTopics in Applied Mechanics Vol. IIAcademiei Române20041
C-026Crişan GabrielaNoi cercetări, dezvoltări şi aplicaţii în domeniul motoarelor termice cu ardere internăOIDICM19961
C-027Chiru Anghel, Scutaru Maria-Luminiţa, Vlase Sorin, Cofaru CornelMateriale plastice şi compozite în ingineria autovehiculelorUniversităţii Transilvania Braşov20101
C-028Chandler F. RichardAircraft CrashworthinessSAE19951
C-029Canţă TraianMini-Service Oltcit Vol. IOltcit Club Român1
C-030Chiriac RaduMoteurs a combustion interne - ProcessusBren20031
C-031Cojocaru Vasile Valerian, Popescu Florentin, Thierheimer Walter WilhelmCercetări privind îmbunătățirea ținutei de drum la autoturismele cu tracțiune pe fațăTransversal20141
C-032Collett PeterCartea gesturilorTrei20031
C-033Collett PeterCartea gesturilor europeneTrei20031
C-034Cira OctavianLecții de MathCadAlbastră20001
C-035Ciorănescu NicolaeTratat de matematici specialeDidactică şi Pedagogică19631
C-036Ciurea Sorin, Drăgulănescu NicolaeManagementul calităţii totaleEconomică19951
C-037Caraiani Gheorghe, Cazacu CornelTransporturi - Expediţii internaţionaleEconomică19951
C-038Căprariu Vlad, Enyedi Andrei, Muntean Marius, Chiorean MariusSistemul de operare DOS* Comenzi. Ediţia IIIMicroinformatica19911
C-039Căprariu Vlad, Enyedi Andrei, Muntean MariusSistemul de operare DOS* Ghidul programatorului. Ediţia IIMicroinformatica19911
C-040Căprariu Vlad, Enyedi Andrei, Muntean Marius, Chiorean MariusViruşii calculatoarelorMicroinformatica19911
C-041Croitorescu ValerianSisteme de propulsie hibride pentru autovehiculePolitehnica Press20161
C-042Croitorescu ValerianSisteme de propulsie hibride electrice pentru automobilePolitehnica Press20161
C-043Croitorescu ValerianModelarea şi simularea sistemelor de propulsie pentru automobilePolitehnica Press20161
C-044Croitorescu ValerianModelarea şi simularea sistemelor de propulsie pentru automobile. Îndrumător de proiectarePolitehnica Press20161
C-045Clark SamuelMechanics of pneumatic tires Ed. 2USDT19821
C-046Clark SamuelMechanics of pneumatic tires Ed. 1USDC19711
C-047Constantinescu N VirgilTeoria lubrificației în regim turbulentAcademiei Române19651
C-048Ciupitu ConstantinAutomatică și calculatoare analogice. V1Academiei Militare19781
C-049Constantin GheorgheIndrumar pentru proiectarea proceselor tehnologiceAcademiei Militare19831
C-050Costeniștiu Ispas, Giurgiu MariaCurs de matematici speciale. V3Academiei Militare19771
C-051Cerchez MihuProbleme și exerciții de algebrăAcademiei Militare19781
C-052Ciobanu Gheorghe, Vlad NicolaeCulegere de probleme de cercetare operaționalăAcademiei Militare19801
C-053Copae IonInstalațiile de alimentare ale motoarelor de racțiune cu ardere internăAcademiei Militare19871
C-054Corban Claudiu, Andrieș PetreBroșareaTehnică19631
C-055Cordașevschi CristinaDiagnoza fiabilistă a produselor industrialeTehnică19901
C-056Constantinescu Cornelia Doina, Antonescu VeronelManager sau directorOIDICM19921
C-057Ciucu George, Craiu Virgil, Ștefănescu AntonStatistică matematică și cercetări operaționale.v2Didactică şi Pedagogică19781
C-058Cătuneanu VasileAmeliorarea calitățiiFRPC20011
C-059Cătuneanu Vasile, Drăgulănescu Nicolae, Drăgulănescu MagdalenaCalitatea serviciilorCIMERES20021
C-060Constantinescu Ioan, Tocu TudorCalcule de rezistență pentru utilaje tehnologiceTehnică19791
C-061Constantinescu GeorgetaOțeluri inoxidabile și refractareOIDICM19821
C-062Ceacâr CtinPreparații de opticăUniversității București19971
C-063Ciobotaru Ticușor, Gherman Gh., Vînturiș Valentin, Grigore LucianÎncercarea autovehiculelorMirton20091
C-064Cristache Sivia ElenaMotode statistice de calcul și analiză a eficienșei economice în comerțASE20031
C-065Covrig Mircea, Ionescu SorinManagementul proiectelorAMCSIT20051
C-066Ciocârdia Ctin, Gheorghe MarianTehnologia construcției utilajului agricolDidactică şi Pedagogică19791
C-067Ciocârdia Ctin, Drăgulănescu E., Drăgulănescu I.Aliaje dure sinterizate din carburi metaliceTehnică19851
C-068Chivu Iulia, s.aManegementul resurselor umane în întreprinderile mici și mijlociiEconomică20011
C-069Carafoli Elie, Oroveanu TeodorMecanica fluidelorAcademiei19521
C-070Cîrstea Horia, popescu Mircea, Romanescu MirceaDiode, tranzistori, tiristoare și triaceFacla19881
C-071Comănescu A., Suciu I. s.aMecanică, rezistența materialelor și organe de mașiniDidactică şi Pedagogică19821
C-072Cheetham CraigVintage CarsGrange Books20041
C-073Caraciugiuc Grigore, Demetrescu I., Mihățoiu I.TractoareCeres19701
C-074Cristuș NicoletaCirculația rutieră. Contravenții la regimul circulației pe drumurile publiceHamangiu20111
C-075Cristea PetrePractica automobilului. Vol. 1Tehnică19662
C-076Cristea PetrePractica automobilului. Vol. 2Tehnică19671
C-077Crișan ViorelTrafic rutierFacla19831
C-078Câmpian V. Ovidiu, Șoica O. AdrianÎncercarea ți omologarea autovehiculelorUTBv20041
C-079Câmpian OvidiuStudiul solicitărilor din transmisiile mecanice ale automobilelorUTBv20041
C-080Cantemir Codrin-Gruie, Sachelarie AdrianTurbotronica MAS. Bazele conceptuale ale supraalimentării controlateGh. Asachi19991
C-081Cordoș Nicolae, Burnete Nicolae, Todoruț AdrianColiziunea autommobilelorTodesco20031
C-082Cristea PetreMotorul de automobilTehnică19891
C-083Cepișcă Costin, Lefter EmilianTraductoare pentru vehiculeElectra20031
C-084Căpruciu Filoftia, Alexandrescu Paul, Drăguș ConstantinAnvelopele autovehiculelor. Exploatare, întreținere, reparareTehnică19901
C-085Cristea PetreAgenda autoTehnică19731
C-086Constantin Radu, Drăghici Pompil, Ioniță MirceaExpertizele - mijloc de probă în procesul penalTehnică20001
C-087Crișan GabrielaUtilizarea materialelor în construcția modernă de automobileOIDICM19861
C-088Clenci AdrianComprimarea variabilă (dig.)Universitatea din Pitești20191
C-089Clenci Adrian, Bîzîiac AdrianDistribuția variabilă (dig.)Universitatea din Pitești20191
C-090Cunescu Sergiu, Ignat Dan, Pavelescu Toma, Săvulescu AndreiÎndreptar automobilisticTehnică19881
D-001Dingle J. G. Philip, Ming-Chia D. LaiDIESEL Common Rail and Advanced Fuel Injection SystemsSAE20051
D-002Deroche G. AndreThe Principles of Auto Body Repairing and Repainting 6th EditionPrentice Hall19961
D-003Dwiggins H. Boyce, Edward F. MahoneyAutomotive Electricity and Electronics: Concepts and ApplicationsPrentice Hall19961
D-004Dodson Bryan, Harry SchwabAccelerated TestingSAE20061
D-005Dominguez HenryThe Remarkable Design Team and Their Classic Fords of the 1930s and 1940sSAE19991
D-006Denton TomAutomobile Electrical & Electronic SystemsBath Press19951
D-007Dolce E. JohnAnalytical Fleet Maintenance ManagementSAE19941
D-008Dinu Sorin-Vasile, Panaitescu GheorgheCirculaţia rutieră şi ecologia sistemelorTransport Rutier20011
D-009Dobrotă Corneliu SorinTransporturile rutiere internaţionaleTransport Rutier19931
D-010Drobotă VictorRezistenţa materialelorDidactică şi Pedagogică19821
D-011Drobotă Victor, Atanasiu MihailRezistenţa materialelorDidactică şi Pedagogică19771
D-012Dinu Gheorghe, Cuculiciu Virgiliu, Petreanu Dominic, Lepădatu MarinCurs general de formare profesională pentru conducerea activităţii de transport rutier19991
D-013Dolcini J. Pietro, Canudas de Wit Carlos, Bechart HubertDry Clutch Control for Automotive ApplicationSpringer20101
D-014Dukkipati Rao, Pang Jian, Qatu Mohamad, Sheng Gang, Shuguang ZuoRoad Vehicle DynamicsSAE20081
D-015Dukkipati Rao, Pang Jian, Qatu Mohamad, Sheng Gang, Shuguang ZuoRoad Vehicle Dynamics Problems and SolutionsSAE20101
D-016deLong ChrisData Bus Systems Integration HandbookSAE19911
D-017Dascăl Amalia-Ana, Macarie Tiberiu-NicolaeBazele ingineriei Autovehiculelor - Elemente teoretice si aplicativePim20131
D-018Dascăl Amalia, Ivan FlorianControlul şi reducerea poluării la autovehicule rutierePim20141
D-019Dorn W. S., McCracken D. D.Metode numerice cu programare în Fortran IVTehnică19721
D-020Darnell RickTotul despre HTML 4Teora20011
D-021Dănilă Nicolae, Berea Aurel-OctavianManagementul bancar. Fundamente şi orientăriEconomică20001
D-022DuBois PaulMySQLTeora20011
D-023Dragomir GeorgeModelarea şi simularea traficului rutier în VISSIMUniversităţii din Oradea20151
D-024Duroselle Jean-BaptisteIstoria relaţiilor internaţionale Vol. IŞtiinţelor sociale şi politice20061
D-025Duroselle Jean-BaptisteIstoria relaţiilor internaţionale Vol. IIŞtiinţelor sociale şi politice20061
D-026Drăgulănescu NicolaeAgenda radioelectronistuluiTehnică19891
D-027Dobre Alexandru, Mateescu ViorelPunți și suspensii pentru automobile. Construcție și proiectarePolitehnica press20171
D-028Dumitru VicențiuProgramare nelioniarăAcedemiei19791
D-029Drăghici I., Bejan C., Moldovean Gh., Achiriloaie I. ș.a.Îndrumar de proiectare în construcția de mașini. V2Tehnică19821
D-030Dinu Ion, Olariu NicolaeElemente de rezistența materialelorAcademiei Militare19741
D-031Demian TraianMecanisme și elemente constructive de mecanică fină, V1Didactică şi Pedagogică19701
D-032Demian TraianMecanisme și elemente constructive de mecanică fină, V2Didactică şi Pedagogică19701
D-033Dănilă GheorgheOrganizarea și conducerea unităților productiveAcademiei Militare19881
D-034Dima ManoleOrgane de mașini. V3Academiei Militare19781
D-035Dima Ion, Melconian Virgil, Vasiliu George, Anghelescu LuciaFizică. Culegere de problemeAcademiei Militare19711
D-036Dima ManoleOrgane de mașini. V1Academiei Militare19651
D-037Dobrescu Ștefan NicolaeEchipamentul electric al tancurilor și automobilelor . V1Academiei Militare19751
D-038Drăghici Gheorghe, Gartig O.Așchierea cu materiale mineralo-ceramiceTehnică19791
D-039Dorin Al., Marinecu I., Enciu G.Sisteme de scule pentru mașini-unelte cu comandă numericăTehnică19861
D-040Donțu OctavianTehnologii de prelucrare cu laserTehnică19851
D-041Duican LaurențiuPrin labirintul geometrieiAlbatros19901
D-042Drăgan IrinelTehnici de bază în programarea liniarăTehnică19781
D-043Dumitraș Ctin s.a.Mașini-unelte și control tehnicUPB19751
D-044Drăghicescu D, Vraciu G., Leonte Al.Ghid de pregătire la matematicăScrisul românesc19761
D-045Dobre Ion, Mustață FloareSimularea proceselor economiceInforec19961
D-046Danciu VictorMarketing internaționalIndependența Economică20041
D-047Dincă GheorgheMetode variaționale și aplicațiiTehnică19801
D-048Diaconescu Gheorghe, s.a.Tehnologia mecanicii fine și microtehniciiTehnică19851
D-049Datentechnik SteffanPC-Crash. A simulation Program for Vehicles Accident. Version 6.1Dr. Steffan Datentechnik1
D-050Datentechnik SteffanPC-Crash. A simulation Program for Vehicles Accident. Version 8Dr. Steffan Datentechnik20061
D-051Datentechnik SteffanPC-Crash. A simulation Program for Vehicles Accident. Version 8.1Dr. Steffan Datentechnik20071
D-052Datentechnik SteffanPC-Crash. A simulation Program for Vehicles Accident. Version 9.1Dr. Steffan Datentechnik20111
D-053Datentechnik SteffanPC-Crash. A simulation Program for Vehicles Accident. Version 11Dr. Steffan Datentechnik20161
D-054Dima Dragoș Sorin, Țolea Bogdan AdrianReconstrucția accidentelor rutiereUniversităţii din Oradea20181
D-055Deliu GheorgheMecanicaAlbastră20081
D-056Danner Max, Halm JohannesTechnische Analyse von VerkehrsunfallenEurotax19941
D-057Danciu GrigoreEchipamente electrice și electronice auto.Sistemul de aprindereElectra20111
D-058Dicu MihaiArtere de circulație urbanăConspress20101
D-059Dobrescu RaduAutovehicule inteligenteMatrixRom19951
D-060Dumitru IlieMotoare pentru automobile și tractoareUniversitatea Craiova20061
D-061Durluț Constantin, Ionescu HenryExpertiza tehnică autoOIDETMCGFF19801
D-062Durluț Constantin, Ionescu HenryÎndrumar pentru expertize tehnice autoOIDETMCGFF19861
D-063Danner Max, Halm JohannesTechnische Analyse von VerkehhrsunfallenEurotax19841
E-001Eckermann ErikWorld History of the AutomobileSAE20011
E-002Ellis R. J., Kantor R.Testarea şi simularea unui autovehicul care transportă încărcătură pendulară1
E-003Escher J. D. WilliamThe Synerjet Engine- Airbreathing/Rocket Combined-Cycle Propulsion for Tomorrow’s Space TransportsSAE19971
E-004Erza A,A.Princile and practice of explosive metalworkingUniversity of Denver19701
E-005Emilian RaduFundamentele managementului firmeiASE20041
E-006Eliezer SandiScule așchietoare cu plăcuțeTehnică19771
E-007Ermakov S.M.Metoda Monte Carlo și probleme înruditeTehnică19761
E-008Enescu Nicolae, Bulgaru MihaiMecanicăPrintech20001
E-009Enescu Nicolae, Frățilă MarianaMecanicaUPB20011
F-001Fitch James WilliamMotor Truck Engineering Handbook (Fourth Edition)SAE19942
F-002Forstner Ulrich, Wittmann T.W. GottfriedMetal Pollution in the Aquatic EnvironmentSpringer-Verlag19831
F-003Fenton JohnHandbook of Vehicle Design AnalysisSAE19961
F-004Frățilă GheorgheNoutăți în automobilismTehnică19681
F-005Floricel Gheorghe, Vasiliade Mihai, Năstase I. GabrielCoridorul de Transport Euroasiatic prin Marea NeagrăEconomică19981
F-006Fierbinţeanu MirceaCriminalistica accidentului rutierLittle Star20101
F-007Fistung DanielTransporturi. Teorie economică, ecologie, legislaţieAll Beck19991
F-008Filipoiu Ioan-Dan, Rânea ConstantinManagementul proiectelor de cercetare- dezvoltare şi inovare a produselor Vol. IPolitehnica Press20091
F-009Felix LucieneExpunere modernă a matematicii elementareŞtiinţifică19731
F-010Florea DanielaAplicaţii telematice în sistemele avansate de transport rutierUniversităţii Transilvania din Braşov20041
F-011Frăţilă Gheorghe, Chimu NicolaeEvoluţia automobiluluiTehnică19711
F-012Frăţilă GheorgheCalculul şi construcţia automobilelor – ambreiajulIPB19731
F-013Flik Theodor, Liebig Hans16-BIT Microprocessor SystemsSpringer-Verlag19851
F-014Fierbinţeanu MirceaCartea şoferului modernLittle Star20121
F-015Fano VittorioAutomobile Museums and Collections in EuropeInternational Historical Commission19941
F-016Fierbinţeanu MirceaAsigurările accidentelor rutiereLittle Star20131
F-017Forta BenSQL în lecţii de 10 minuteTeora20041
F-018Frățilă Gheorghe, Mărculescu GheorgheSisteme de frînare ale autovehiculelorTehnică19861
F-019Floricel GheorgheMașini amfibii. Teorie și calculAcademiei Militare19721
F-020Forrester JayPrincipiile sistemelorTehnică19791
F-021Fomin A.A.Covremennîe tractornîe dizeli. AtlasMașgiz19631
F-022Freifeld Herman, Schneider IoanÎntrebări și răspunsuri pentru calificarea șoferilorTehnică19761
F-023Fierbințeanu MirceaInteligența artificială a automobiluluiLittle Star20111
F-024Fierbințeanu MirceaExpertiza tehnică auto judiciară și criminalisticăBibliotecho20061
F-025Fierbințeanu MirceaAccidentul de trafic rutier. vol ILittle Star20101
F-026Fierbințeanu MirceaAccidentul de trafic rutier. vol IILittle Star20101
F-027Fierbințeanu MirceaCriminalistica accidentului autovehicul-pietonLittle Star20111
F-028Fierbințeanu MirceaExpertizarea accidentelor rutiere prin metode moderne europene. vol. IMatrixRom20171
F-029Fierbințeanu MirceaExpertizarea accidentelor rutiere prin metode moderne europene. vol. IIMatrixRom20171
F-030Frățilă GheorgheCalculul și construcția automobilelorDidactică și Pedagogică19771
F-031Frățilă Gheorghe, Frățilă Mariana, Samoilă StefanAutomobile. Cunoaștere, întreținere și reparareDidactică și Pedagogică20021
F-032Frățilă Gheorghe, Frățilă Mariana, Samoilă StefanAutomobile. Cunoaștere, întreținere și reparare. Ed. VIIIDidactică și Pedagogică20071
G-001German M. JohnHybrid Gasoline – Electric Vehicle DevelopmentSAE20051
G-002Goodsell DonDictionary of Automotive Engineering (second edition)SAE19951
G-003Gillespie D. ThomasFundamentals of Vehicle DynamicsSAE19921
G-004Gu P., Norrie D.H.Intelligent Manufacturing PlanningChapman & Hall19951
G-005Gheorghişor MarianCarburanţi, lubrifianţi şi materiale auto specialeParalela 4520031
G-006Georgescu LiviuPoluare şi economie de combustibil la automobileAlma20071
G-007Gaiginschi Radu, Drosescu Radu, Rakoşi Edward, Sachelarie Adrian, Filip Iulian, Pintilei MihaiSiguranţa circulaţiei rutiere Vol. ITehnică20041
G-008Gaiginschi Radu, Drosescu Radu, Rakoşi Edward, Sachelarie Adrian, Filip Iulian, Pintilei MihaiSiguranţa circulaţiei rutiere Vol. IITehnică20061
G-009Gaiginschi RaduReconstrucţia şi expertiza accidentelor rutiereTehnică20092
G-010Grădinaru ConstantinAspecte medico-sociale ale accidentului rutierSport-Turism19771
G-011Gheorghişor MarianCarburanţi şi lubrifianţi pentru autovehiculeTiparg20122
G-012Georgescu S. GeorgeIndrumator pentru ateliere mecaniceTehnică19781
G-013Gheorghe GabrielMăsurarea debitelor de fluideTehnică19781
G-014Gaiginschi EmilMotoare cu ardere internăDidactică şi Pedagogică19601
G-015Grohe HeinzOtto und DieselmotorenVogel-Verlag19731
G-016Grohe HeinzMessen an VerbrenungsmotorenVogel-Verlag19771
G-017Gallissian ChristianCroisiere des SablesArthaud19921
G-018Ginn K. B., Sc. M.Arhitectural AcousticsBruel & Kjaer19781
G-019Gautier Gabriel,Girard G., Lentin A.Algebra Vol. 1 – Mulţimi, statistică, probabilităţiDidactică şi Pedagogică19731
G-020Gautier Gabriel, Girard G., Lentin A.Algebra Vol. 2 – Funcţii numerice, aplicatii diverseDidactică şi Pedagogică19731
G-021Gaiginschi Radu, Filip IulianExpertiza tehnică a accidentelor rutiere Vol. I
G-022Gaiginschi Radu, Filip IulianExpertiza tehnică a accidentelor rutiere Vol. II
G-023Gaiginschi Radu, Filip IulianExpertiza tehnică a accidentelor rutiere Vol. III
G-024Galupa AngelaTeoria microeconomică a agenților economiciTehnic20041
G-025Gaudaen J. GeorgeMotor Vehicle LightingSAE19961
G-026Gheorghiu Constantin, Damian ValeriuBazele cercetării experimentale a maşinilor termiceUniversitatea din Galați19891
G-027Gheorghiu Constantin, Uzuneanu KristinaMotoare cu ardere internă (construcţie şi calcul)Universitatea din Galați19891
G-028Gheorghiu Gheorghe TeodorGeometrie analitică și diferențialăDidactică şi Pedagogică19691
G-029Ghizdavu Victor, Teodoru DorinToleranțe și ajustaje, AnexeAcademiei Militare19771
G-030Gorianu Mihai, Danila Gheorghe, Munteanu NeculaiConstrucția și calculul automobilului. Puntea din față, Sistemele de diirecție, suspensie și frânareAcademiei Militare19781
G-031Ghizdavu Victor, Teodoru DorinToleranțe și ajustajeAcademiei Militare19771
G-032Ghizdavu VictorProcedee neconvenționale de prelucrare a suprafețelorAcademiei Militare19811
G-033Ghizdavu VictorMașini unelte și prelucrări prin așchiere,V1Academiei Militare19711
G-034Ghizdavu VictorPrelucrarea metalelor cu puteri și viteze mariTehnică19671
G-035Grosu Dănuț, Mitrea MinuAutovehicule blindate cu roțiAcademia Tehnică Militară20061
G-036Gavrilaș Ionel, Marinescu NicolaePrelucrarea prin electroeroziune și electrochimic-abrazivă,V1Tehnică19821
G-037Gavrilaș Ionel, Marinescu NicolaePrelucrarea prin electroeroziune și electrochimic-abrazivă.V2Tehnică19821
G-038Gerbert Francisc, Caisan VasileÎndrumător pentru ridicarea calificării strungarilor.V1Tehnică19861
G-039Gerbert Francisc, Caisan VasileÎndrumător pentru ridicarea calificării strungarilor.V2Tehnică19861
G-040Gridan TeofilPetrologia - știința a rocilorAlbatros19831
G-041Ghircoiași Nicolae, Iașinschi M.AlgebrăDacia19761
G-042Gafițeanu Mihai, Focșa Virgil, Merticaru Vasile, Biborosch LeopoldVibrații și zgomoteJunimea19801
G-043Gavrilaș Ionel, Voicu NicolaeTehnologia de fabricație a roților dințate pe mașini unelte clasice și cu comandă programTehnică19821
G-044Guțu VictorCalculul curbelor pe baza echilibrului spațial al deplasării auto pe drumurile moderne. Vol. 1. Elemente teoreticeConspress20151
G-045Guțu VictorCalculul curbelor pe baza echilibrului spațial al deplasării auto pe drumurile moderne. Vol. 2. Aplicații practiceConspress20151
G-046Gold B.V.Cum funcționează automobilulTehnică19561
G-047Groza Alexandru, Ghiță Ioanrepararea automobilelorTehnică19721
G-048Groza Alexandru, Calciu Gheorghe, Saviuc Samoil, Smărăndescu Gheorghe, Aldescu IoanMetode și lucrări practice pentru repararea automobielorTehnică19851
G-049Gacea Eugeniu MimiiInvestigarea criminalistică a accidentului de trafic rutierMI
G-050Gheorghiu Al. Gh. CezarRomânia rutieră. vol. ISport-Turism19751
G-051Gheorghiu Al. Gh. CezarRomânia rutieră. vol. IISport-Turism19751
G-052Gold BVCum funcționează automobilulTehnică19611
G-053Gelinier OctaveMorala competitivității. Lecție despre Japonia pentru Franța (traducere)Traducere dactilo19821
H-001Heisler HeinzAdvanced Vehicle Technology (Second Edition)SAE20021
H-002Halderman D. James, Ellinger E. HerbertAutomotive Engines, Theory and Servicing. 3rd EditionSAE19971
H-003Halderman J.D.Automotive Chassis Systems: Brakes, Steering, Suspension and AlignmentSAE19961
H-004Halderman D. JamesAutomotive Brake SystemsPrentice Hall19961
H-005Haney Paul, Braun JeffInside Racing Technology – Discussions on Racing Technical TopicsTV MOTORSPORTS19951
H-006Harralson JosephDesign of Racing and High Performance EnginesSAE19951
H-007Holt J. DanielAlternative Diesel FuelsSAE20041
H-008Holt J. DanielPedestrian SafetySAE20041
H-009Hoag L. KevinVehicular Engine DesignSAE20061
H-010Huang MatthewVehicle Crash MechanicsSAE20021
H-011Heisler HeinzAdvanced Vehicle TechnologySAE19951
H-012Haszpra OttoModelling Hydroelastic VibrationsAkademiai Kiado19801
H-013Heck M.Roland, Farrauto J. RobertCatalytic Air Pollution Control Commercial TechnologyVan Nostrand Reinhold19951
H-014Hassall R. John, Sc. M, Zaveri K., Phil MApplication of Bruel & Kjaer Equipment to Acoustic Noise MeasurementsBruel & Kjaer19781
H-015Hoffmann D. LaurencePractical Calculus for the Social Managerial Sciences and Managerial SciencesMcGraw-Hill19751
H-016Hutzinger OttoThe Environmental Chemistry - The Natural Environmental and the Biogeochemical CyclesSpringer-Verlag19841
H-017Hardenberg O. HorstThe Oldest of the Automobile – Ferdinand Verbiest’s Steam Turbine-Powered Vehicle ModelSAE19951
H-018Hinton Ernest, Owen D. R. J.Finite Element ProgrammingAcademic Press19771
H-019Haag Hansen, Gunther RTribologie: Reibung – Verschleiß –SchmierungSpringer-Verlag19881
H-020Hannam M.J., Smethurst R.Alegerea materialelor la proiectarea şi construcţia vehiculelor pentru transporturile publiceIMechE19771
H-021Hovaha M.SilingAvtomobilnîie Dvigateli (rusă)Maşinostroienie19771
H-022Harrison JohnCurs de secretariatALL19961
H-023Hiltrop M. Jean, Udall SheilaArta negocieriiTeora19991
H-024Hătărăscu OvodiuMetalele în epoca actualăAlbatros19821
H-025Hascal Adela, Preotesiu LucrețiaCorespondență și tehnica secretariatuluiDidactică și Pedagogică19951
H-026Hardjono T.W., s.aDrumul european spre excelențăFRPC20011
H-027Huseion Gheorghe, Tudose MihailDesen tehnicDidactică și Pedagogică19901
H-028Hilohi Călin, Untaru Marin, Soare Iosif, Druță GheorgheMetode și mijloace de încercare a automobilelorTehnică19822
H-029Hockney R.W, Jesshope C.RCalculatoare paraleleTehnică19911
H-030Husea vV., Pavelescu T.Cunoștințe despre mașini au aplicații practice. AutomobilulDidactică și Pedagogică19601
H-031Hogea Dimitrie, Marinaș MarinConducerea automobiluluiTehnică19671
H-032Hoancă Vasile, Bocîi Liviu SevastianVehicule feroviare cu motoare termiceAsab20021
H-033Hugemann WolfgangUnfall-reconstruktion. GrundlahenAutoren Team20071
H-034Hugemann WolfgangUnfall-reconstruktion. PraxisAutoren Team20071
I-001Ilie Ovidiu-ConstantinModelarea statistică a dinamicii autovehiculelorAcademia Tehnică Militară20081
I-002Ivan Nicolae-ValentinTeorie şi practica în prelucrarea cu avansuri circulare a suprafeţelor profilate de revoluţieOIDICM19931
I-003Ionescu V. DanielEcuaţii diferenţiale şi integraleDidactică şi Pedagogică19641
I-004Ivan FlorianTermotehnică şi maşini termice- Bazele termodinamiciiUniversiatea din Piteşti19941
I-005Ivan Florian, Mitrache IonTermotehnică şi maşini termice- Probleme şi aplicaţii pentru ingineriUniversiatea din Piteşti19931
I-006ICCECatalog Data BookICCE19801
I-007Irmer VolkerDer Umweltfreundiche Stadlische FahrzeugparkUBA19911
I-008Ivan Florian, Liță Daniel; Bușoi AndreiMetode și mijloace de depoluare a motoarelor pentru automobileMatrix Rom20141
I-009Ispas Nicolae, Fodor Dinu, Şoica Adrian, Beleş HoriaExpertiza şi dinamica accidentelor rutiereEditura Universităţii din Oradea20111
I-010Ispas Nicolae, Mitran TudorSoluţii moderne de îmbunătăţire a arderii la motoarele cu ardere internăEditura Universităţii din Oradea20111
I-011Ionescu-Pallas NicolaeRelativitate generală şi cosmologieŞtiinţifică şi Enciclopedică19801
I-012Inţa Ioan, Dumitru SpiridonComplemente de fizică ITehnică1
I-013Inţa IoanComplemente de fizică IITehnică19851
I-014Mihail-Daniel IozsaCaroserii pentru autovehicule rutierePolirehnica Press20161
I-015Ivan M,, Antonescu N.N., Dumitraș C., Rusan Gl., Bădescu Gh., Popescu I.Mașini unelte și control dimensionalDidactică şi Pedagogică19801
I-016Ispas Ștefan, Nica Alexandru, Morțun AlexandruMecanica materialelor pentru construcții aerospațialeAcademiei19781
I-017Ionescu-Bujor C., Sacter O.Exercișii șimproblemne de geometriue analitică și diferențială.V2Didactică şi Pedagogică19631
I-018Iancu Gheorghe, Szabados CarolCutii de viteze pentru automobileTehnică19711
I-019Ionescu GabrielMăsurări și traductoare. V1Didactică şi Pedagogică19851
I-020Ionescu GabrielMăsurări și traductoare. V2Didactică şi Pedagogică
I-021Ionescu Nicolae, Papuc Florinel, Iordache GheorgheTehnici de laborator în tehnologia materialelorAcademiei Militare19801
I-022Ianovici Titus, Rădulescu OctavianTeoria mecanismelor și a mașinilor. DinamicaAcademiei Militare19681
I-023Ionescu Dan, Ștefan Sterie, Fuirea Ion, Poradici Petre, Lazăr Ionel, Pădurean Viorel, Buracu VictorMecanică. Culegere de probleme. Dinamica. V1Academiei Tehnice Militare19921
I-024Ionescu-Țiu Ctin, Liviu PîrșanAlgebră și analiză matematicăAlbatros19741
I-025Ionescu-Țiu CtinGeometrie plană și în spațiuAlbatros19761
I-026Ionescu Dan, Nisipeanu Lidia, Stoica EmilBaze matematice pentru calculatoare numericeTehnică19781
I-027Iliescu-Grozăvești VictorCartea fochistului de la cazanele de aburTehnică19621
I-028Ionescu C.I., s.aPrelucrări prin așchiere. Lucrări de laborator.V1UPB19931
I-029Ionescu C.I., s.aPrelucrări prin așchiere. Lucrări de laborator.V2UPB19931
I-030Ispas Ctin, s.a.Mașini unelete. Ăncercare și recepțieTehnică19981
I-031Iliescu DanControlul calității loturilor de produseTehnică19821
I-032Ionescu Ilie s.aVademecum pentru modeliștiSport-Turism19831
I-033Ionescu Victor, Grămescu Ana MariaGhidul expertului tehnicCeprohart19981
I-034Ionescu Corneliu, Teodorescu DanManualul instructorului de conducere auto și al profesorului de legislație rutierăInstitutul Setar20001
I-035Ilie SorinModelarea fenomenelor de impact ale automobilelorAGIR20121
I-036Iclodean CălinIntroducere în sistemele autovehiculelorRISOPrint20231
J-001Johnson H. JohnEmission Control and Fuel Economy for Twin Ports and Direct Injected SI EnginesSAE20051
J-002Jurgen K. RonaldOn – and Off – Board DiagnosticsSAE20001
J-003Johnson H. JohnCombustion & Emission Control for SI Engines: Modeling and Experimental StudiesSAE20051
J-004Jurgen K. RonaldElectronic Braking, Traction and Stability ControlsSAE19991
J-005Jurgen K. RonaldSensors and Transducers (second edition)SAE20031
J-006Jurgen K. RonaldNavigation and Intelligent Transportation SystemsSAE19981
J-007Jurgen RonaldAutomotive Electronics HandbookMcGraw-Hill19951
J-008Jacoby GabnerBetriebslastensimulation an FahrzeugbauteilenSchenck19871
J-009Janicijevic NenadAutomatsko Upravljanje u motornim vozilima (sârbă)Univerzitet u Beogradu19931
J-010Jurgen K. RolandAutomotive Electronics. The Early YearsSAE19981
J-011Jurgen K. RolandAutomotive Electronics. The 1980sSAE19981
J-012Jurgen K. RolandAutomotive Electronics. The 1980s and BeyondSAE19981
J-013Jinescu ValeriuProprietățile fizice și termomecanica materialelor plastice. V1Tehnică19791
J-014Jinescu ValeriuProprietățile fizice și termomecanica materialelor plastice. V2Tehnică19791
J-015Javel GeorgeL'organisation et la gestion de productionMasson19931
J-016Jaksch Emilia, Chetraru Dumitru, Manea GheorgheMatewriale plastice poliamideTehnică19881
K-001Kurowski M. PaulFinite Element Analysis for Design EngineersSAE20041
K-002Kent RichardAir Bag Development and PerformanceSAE20031
K-003Krutz W. Gary, Schneller K. John, Paul W. Claar, IIMachine Design for Mobile and Industrial ApplicationsSAE19941
K-004Katz JosephNew Directions in Race Car Aerodynamics – Designing for SpeedRobert Bentley19951
K-005Gary W. Krutz, John K. Schueller, Paul W. Claar, IIMachine Design for Mobile and Industrial Applications (second edition)SAE19991
K-006Kollins J. MichaelPioneers of the U.S. Automobile Industry Vol. IV: The Design InnovatorsSAE20021
K-007Koh L. Severino , Speziale C.G.Recent Advances in Engineering ScienceSpringer-Verlag19891
K-008Keating L. EugeneApplied CombustionMarcel Dekker19931
K-009Kuratle RalphCombustion Engine Measurement TechnologyKistler19901
K-010Kuhnt Heinz-WernerUntersuchung der Arbeitsprozesses und der Russbildung beim Beschleuningungsvorgang von turboafgelandenenDarmstadt19911
K-011Kettunen AnuAutomotive Engineering Studies in Universities - FISITA Education Committee – Helsinki OctoberFISITA19971
K-012Kerman PhillipAction Scripting în FLASHTeora20021
K-013Kisck Dragoș Ovidiu, Năvrăpescu ValentinSisteme de propulsie pentru vehicule electriice. vol. IElectra20071
K-014Kisck Dragoș Ovidiu, Andronescu GheorgheSisteme de propulsie pentru vehicule electriice. vol. IIElectra20071
K-015Kravciuk C.P.Napriajeno deformirovanoe sostoianie corpusnîh detalei podșipnikov tractornîh dvigateleiNauka i jîzna19761
L-001Limpert RudolfTemperature and Stress Analysis of Solid- Rotor Disk BrakesUniversity of Michigan19721
L-002Lazarev Petr PetrovichEnergia şi resurse energeticeTehnică19621
L-003Labhart HelvEinfuhrung in die Physikalische ChemieSpringer-Verlag19851
L-004Limpert RudolfAnalysis and Design of Motor Vehicle Brake Systems19711
L-005Lovin EditaCulegere de jurisprudenţă în materie de falimentMonitorul Oficial20011
L-006Liu C. Q.Principles of Vibration AnalysisSAE20111
L-007Limpert RudolfBrake Design and SafetySAE20111
L-008Lawson J. LaustanderStudy of Flywheel Energy Storage Task 5UMTA19771
L-009Lawson J. LaustanderStudy of Flywheel Energy Storage Vol. IUMTA19771
L-010Lawson J. LaustanderStudy of Flywheel Energy Storage Vol. IVUMTA19771
L-011Lawson J. LaustanderStudy of Flywheel Energy Storage Vol. VUMTA19771
L-012Lehmann von Dr. KonstantinDie Untersuchung von StrassenverkehrsunfallenGUVU19671
L-013Lenz Hans PeterVerminderung des Verkehrslarms in StadtenOVK19881
L-014Lenz Hans PeterSchadlichkeit der Automobilemissionen fur die Menschliche GesundheitOVK19891
L-015Lenz Hans PeterTransit in Tirol: Technische LosungsmoglichkeitenOVK19891
L-016Lenz Hans PeterPraxiserfahrungen mit Raps – Methyl – Ester als Ersatz fur Dieselkraftstoff fur TraktorenOVK19881
L-017Lemmenmeyer WalterAutomobilSAE19951
L-018Levine S. RobertHead and Neck InjurySAE19941
L-019Lungu RomulusEchipamente şi sisteme giroscopiceUniversitaria19971
L-020Lefter Viorel, Moanolescu AurelManagementul resurselor umaneDidactică şi Pedagogică19951
L-021Lefter CorneliaDrept comunitar instituţionalEconomică20011
L-022Lemay Laura, Cadenhead RogersJava 2 fără profesor în 21 de zileTeora20011
L-023Le Groff JacquesBanii şi viata. Economie şi religie în Evul MediuErasmus19931
L-024Lăzărescu IonToleranțe, ajustaje, calibreTehnică19631
L-025Lebedev V.M s.a.Turnarea pieselor din aliaje de aluminiuTehnică19721
L-026Lupu Iuliana, Grigorescu Florina, Lupu LigiaAnaliza instrumentală în metalurgie și construcții de mașiniTehnică19861
L-027Lăzărescu IonTeoria așchierii metalelor și proiectarea sculelorDidactică şi Pedagogică19841
L-028Leca Aureliu, Prisecaru IlieDiagrame pentru apă-aburTehnică19871
M-001Mack JosefABS – TCS – VDC. Where Will the Technology Lead Us?SAE19961
M-002Merker P. Gunter, Schwarz Christian, Teichmann, RudigerGrundlagen VerbrennungsmotorenVieweg Teubner+Verlag20121
M-003Milliken F. William, Milliken L. DouglasRace Car Vehicle DynamicsSAE19951
M-004Maxwell JamesPlastics in the Automotive IndustryWoodhead Publishing Limited19941
M-005Maxwell T. Timothy, Jones C. JesseAlternative Fuels, Emissions, Economics and PerformanceSAE19951
M-006Meisel Armin, Leonhardt Gunter, Szargan RudigerX-Ray Spectra and Chemical BindingSpringer-Verlag19891
M-007Mihăilescu Mircea, Chiroiu VenturiaAdvanced Mechanics on Shells and Intelligent StructuresAcademiei Române20041
M-008Myskis D. AnatolyIntroductory Mathematics for EngineersMir Publishers19721
M-009Mondiru Corneliu, Zaharia CătălinStaţii service pentru automobileUniversităţii Piteşti20041
M-010Mateescu Adelaida, Solcan Ioan, Vavilin VasileAlimentarea cu energie electrică în telecomunicaţiiTehnică19681
M-011Mihoc Gheorghe, Firescu DStatistica matematicăDidactică şi Pedagogică19661
M-012Mateevici Victor,Pavelescu Victor, Bogdan Dumitru, Grosu Graţian, Timaru Gheorghe, Ion Marin, Capeti RaduAutomobile ROMAN pentru transportul de mărfuriTehnică19821
M-013Mocanu D. RaduActivitatea comisiei de tensometrieIncertrans19871
M-014Manea GheorgheOrgane de maşiniTehnică19701
M-015Moisil C. I., Huţanu G.Fizică generalăDidactică şi Pedagogică19681
M-016Mocanu D. R.Stadiul actual şi perspectiva cercetării contactului prin rostogolireIncertrans19851
M-017Matthies H. J., Meier FJarbuch AgrartehnikMaschinenbau-Verlag GmbH19881
M-018Mincă MihaiÎndrumar pentru activitate practică productivăUPB19801
M-019Morris BrendonTehnici de descarcerare din vehiculeHolmatro20041
M-020Mollenhauer Klaus, Tschoeke HelmutHandbook of Diesel EnginesSpringer20101
M-021Malen E. DonaldFundamentals of Automobile Body Structure DesignSAE20111
M-022Morello Lorenzo, Rosti Rossini, Giuseppe Pia, Andrea TonoliThe Automotive Body Vol. 1 Components DesignSpringer20111
M-023Morello Lorenzo, Rosti Rossini, Giuseppe Pia, Andrea TonoliThe Automotive Body Vol. 2 System DesignSpringer20111
M-024Maten John, Anderson BruceContinuously Variable TransmissionSAE20061
M-025Murphy W. Ray, Limpert Rudolf, Segel LeonardBus, Truck, Tractor – Trailer Braking System Performance Vol. 1The University of Michigan19711
M-026Murphy W. Ray, Limpert Rudolf, Segel LeonardBus, Truck, Tractor – Trailer Braking System Performance Vol. 2The University of Michigan19711
M-027Mocanu MarianaInformatică industrialăUPB19961
M-028Moser PeterAktueller Stand und Zukunft des Personnenwager-Vorkammer-DieselmotorsSAE Schweiz19901
M-029Matolcsy MatolocsyCercetări la AUTOKUTAutokut Research Institute, Hungary19771
M-030McGuigan K.Flexible Manufaturing fol Small to Medium EnterprisesSpringer+Verlag19881
M-031Melton G. RobertSpace Station TechnologySAE19961
M-032Mitrea MinuControlul calității în fabricația de autovehiculeAcademia Tehnică Militară20031
M-033Mitrea MinuAsigurarea calității în fabricația de autovehicule militareAcademia Tehnică Militară19971
M-034Mitrea Minu, Balogh PetruMașini-unelte. Generarea suprafețelor prin așchiereAcademia Tehnică Militară19981
M-035Motica I. Radu, Moţiu FlorinContractul de vânzare-cumpărareLumina Lex19991
M-036McCarty BillPHP 4Teora20021
M-037Mateescu Adelaida, Solcan Mateescu Adelaida, Bănică Ion, Marghescu Ion, Negrescu Cristian, Zoican Sorin, Borcoci Eugen, Rădulescu Tatiana, Zoican Roxana, Dragu IonelSisteme şi reţele GSMTehnică19991
M-038Marin Dumitru, Stancu StelianEconomia informaţiei. Note de cursASE20031
M-039Marin Dumitru, Stancu StelianMicroeconomieASE20031
M-040Marinescu Marin, Alexa OctavianBazele analizei accidentelor rutiereAcademia Tehnică Militară20161
M-041Moldovan Virgil, Maniu AlexandruUtilaje pentru deformări plasticeDidactică şi Pedagogică19821
M-042Mihăilescu Ștefan, Vlasiu GheorgheMașini de contrucții și procedee de lucruDidactică şi Pedagogică19731
M-043Mateescu Dan, Roșu Danil, Caraba IoanConstrucții metalice. Exemple de calculDidactică şi Pedagogică19721
M-044Mihoc Gheorghe, Craiu VirgilTratat de statistică matematică, Selecție și estimațieAcademiei Române19761
M-045Mihoc Gheorghe, Craiu VirgilTratat de statistică matematică,Academiei Române19761
M-046Marinescu Gheorghe, Badea Lori, Grigore Gheorghe, Jambor Csaba, Mazilu Petre, Rizzoli Irina, Ștefan CristinaProbleme de analiză numericăDidactică şi Pedagogică19781
M-047Mateescu Dan, Caraba IoanConstrucții metalice. Calculul și proiectarea elementelor din oțelTehnică19801
M-048Mânzatu EufrosinaProbleme de geometrie analiticăAcademiei Militare19791
M-049Melconian Virgil, Anghelescu Lucia, Vasilescu PompiliuIndrumar de laborator de fizicaAcademiei Militare19801
M-050Manolescu Nicolae, Mocănescu Aurică, Nicolau Elena, Toodora DidencoCurs de matematici superioareAcademiei Militare19751
M-051Munteanu Nicolae,Automobile de teren și mașini blindate pe roțiAcademiei Militare19721
M-052Manea ConstantinMotoare cu piston rotativAcademiei Militare19721
M-053Manea Constantin, Năstase MirceaConstrucția și calculul motoarelor de tracțiune. Instalații auxiliareAcademiei Militare19781
M-054Manea Constantin, Năstase MirceaCinematica și dinamica motoarelor de tracțiuneAcademiei Militare19811
M-055Manea ConstantinConstrucția și calculul motoarelor de tracțiune. Calcul organologicAcademiei Militare19751
M-056Mânzatu EufrosinaMatematici speciale. Teoria câmpurilorAcademiei Militare19801
M-057Moșescu DanStudii asupra dinamicii frânării și a stabilității la frînare a mașinilor pentru lucrăriCTEA20061
M-058Marin Dumitru, Stancu Stelian, Aldea AnamariaMicroeconomie- Aplicaţii la nivelul agenţilor economiciASE20041
M-059Mărăcine Virginia, Nica Vasile TudorModelarea activităților companieiASE20031
M-060Mustață Floare, Ciumara Roxana, Gramatovici SorinaAnaliza economico-matematică a unor modele liniareASE20031
M-061Mănescu Manea, Măcriș Anatol, Dumiru VicențiuMetode matematice moderne aplicate în organizarea și planificarea lucrărilor de construcții și montajAcademiei19691
M-062Mateescu Cezar, Vasilescu GabrielaManagement neconvenționalOIDICM19971
M-063Mitruț DorinGestiunea integrată a firmeiASE20041
M-064Munteanu MariusIntroducere în mecanica mașinilor vibratoareAcademiei19861
M-065Mlădinescu T., Rizescu E., Weinberg H.Organe de maşini și mecanismeDidactică şi Pedagogică19821
M-066Marinescu GheorgheTratat de analiză funcțională,V2Academiei19721
M-067Mocanu Dumitru Remus s.a.Încercarea materialelor.V2Tehnică19821
M-068Mangeron Dumitru, Irimiciuc NicolaieMecanica rigidelor cu aplicații în inginerie.V1Tehnică19781
M-069Minkevici A.N.Tratamentele termochimice ale metalelor și aliajelorTehnică19681
M-070Mocanu Dumitru RemusFenomenul moire și aplicațiile lui în tensometrieTehnică19731
M-071Mihalcu MihailMateriale plastice armateTehnică19861
M-072Manoliiu Corneliu, Zugrăvescu PaulMic atlas de spectroscopie atomicăTehnică19901
M-073Manea Gh., Boșianu O., Chișu A., Săveanu L.Organe de mașini.V1Tehnică19661
M-074Manea Gh., Boșianu O., Chișu A., Săveanu L.Organe de mașini.V2Tehnică19661
M-075Mondiru Corneliu, Mihai DumitruDaia 1300. Echipamente speciale și accesorii complementareTehnică19801
M-076Moțoc Ion, Popescu IonAutobuze cu motoare Diesel orizontaleTehnică19791
M-077Mondiru CorneliuAutoturisme DaciaTehnică19901
M-078Mateevivi Victor, Ignat DanExploatarea automobilelorTehnică19701
M-079Mănoiu IonFișier auto-moto și de circulație rutierăTehnică19881
M-080Manea Adriiana Teodora, Manea Laurențiu ClaudiuMecatronica automobilului modern. Vol. 1Matrix Rom20001
M-081Manea Adriiana Teodora, Manea Laurențiu ClaudiuMecatronica automobilului modern. Vol. 2Matrix Rom20001
M-082Mihăilescu ConstantinCurs de automobile. Teoretic și practic.Ed. IIImprimeria Națională19391
M-083Mihăilescu ConstantinConducerea și întreținerea automobilului. Ed. IIImprimeria Națională19421
M-084Marincaș Dumitru, Negruș Eugen, Radu Gheorghe, Chiru AnghelCombustibili, lubrifianți și materiale speciale pentru automobileDidactică și pedagogică19831
M-085Marincaș Dumitru, Negruș EugenCombustibili, lubrifianți și materiale speciale pentru automobileDidactică și pedagogică19771
M-086Mihăilescu Ștefan, Bratu Polidor, Petre Zafiu Gheorghe, Vlădeanu Alexandru, Gaidoș Aurelian, Mihăilescu SorinTehnologii și utilaje pentru executarea, întreținerea și reabilitarea suprastructurilor de drumuri. vol. 1Impuls20051
M-087Mihăilescu Ștefan, Bratu Polidor, Petre Zafiu Gheorghe, Vlădeanu Alexandru, Gaidoș Aurelian, Mihăilescu SorinTehnologii și utilaje pentru executarea, întreținerea și reabilitarea suprastructurilor de drumuri. vol. 2Impuls20051
M-088Mihăilescu Ștefan, Bratu Polidor, Petre Zafiu Gheorghe, Vlădeanu Alexandru, Gaidoș Aurelian, Mihăilescu SorinTehnologii și utilaje pentru executarea, întreținerea și reabilitarea suprastructurilor de drumuri. vol. 3Impuls20051
M-089Manea Adriana, Manea LaurențiuAutovehicule de transport rutier în zona portuară. viol. 1MatrixRom20041
M-090Mihăilescu ConstantnConducerea și întreținerea automobilelor și tractoarelorCapitol19421
M-091Mayer GeorgeÎntreținerea și repararea motocicletelor, motoretelor și cuterelorTehnică19591
M-092Moris BTehnici de descarcerare din vehiculeIcone Graphic20041
N-001Nwagboso O. ChristopherRoad Vehicle AutomationPentech Press Limited19931
N-002Newton K., Steeds W., Garrett T. K.The Motor Vehicle, 12TH EditionSAE19961
N-003Nwagboso O. ChristopherThe Automotive Sensory SystemChapman & Hall19931
N-004Evans LeonardTraffic Safety and the DriverVan Nostrand Reinhold19911
N-005Naples J. GaryBy the Numbers: Principles of Automotive Parts ManagementSAE19941
N-006Nayler G.H.F.Dictionary of Mechanical Engineering 4TH EditionSAE19961
N-007Năstase I. GabrielRolul interactiv al informaţieiRapana20011
N-008Năstase I. GabrielFenomene energoinformaţionaleRapana19991
N-009Năstase I. GabrielTermodinamica sistemelor energo informaţionaleRapana19981
N-010Nagi Mihai, Dănilă Iorga, Ioan Laza, Liviu Mihon, Daniel OstoiaSchimbătoare de căldură Vol. IMirton20061
N-011Nagi Mihai, Dănilă Iorga, Ioan Laza, Liviu Mihon, Daniel OstoiaSchimbătoare de căldură Vol. IIMirton20071
N-012Negrea Dan Virgiliu, Sandu VeneţiaCombaterea poluării mediului în transporturile rutiereTehnică20001
N-013Nicolau Theodor, Popescu Al., Jakab I., Zaharescu A., Cosmiţă F., Negoiţă C., Ianculescu Gh.Măsurări electronice în industrieTehnică19641
N-014Nicolau EdmondManualul inginerului electronist. Măsurări electroniceTehnică19791
N-015Negurescu Niculae, Pană Constantin, Popa Marcel GinuMotoare cu ardere internă Vol. IMATRIX ROM SRL19951
N-016Negurescu Niculae, Pană Constantin, Popa Marcel GinuMotoare cu ardere internă Vol. IIMATRIX ROM SRL19951
N-017Neumaier RobertHandbuch Neuzeitlicher PumpenanlagenLederle-Pumpen19711
N-018Negruş Eugen, Hainarosie I., Ciubotaru O., Mocanu M., Rus A.Sisteme numerice de supraveghere şi automoatizare a regimurilor de funcţionare a autovehiculelorUPB1
N-019Negruş Eugen, Anghelache Gabriel, Teodorescu ClaudiuTesting and Evaluationg of Tyre Like Component Part of Motor VehicleBren20026
N-020Naunheimer Harald, Bertsche Bernd, Rzborz Joachim, Novak WolfgangAutomotive TransmissionsSpringer20111
N-021Niculescu-Aron Ileana-GabrielaSondajul statistic în cercetarea forţei de muncăASE20051
N-022Nan Petru, Gherdan ViorelManualul tahografuluiYGREC20041
N-023Nădăşan Ştefan, Kovats L., Dobre I., Nicola P.Probleme de rezistenţa materialelorDidactică şi pedagogică19681
N-024Norton Peter, Mueller John PaulGhid complet Windows 98Teora19991
N-025Nielsen JoyceWord 7 pentru Windows 95Teora19961
N-026Nica AlexandruSisteme de lubrificațieAcademiei1968
N-027Năstăsoiu Stelian, Andreescu Cristian, Popescu Simion, Frățilă Gheorghe, Cristea DumitruTractoareDidactică şi pedagogică19832
N-028Nădejde Ileana, Zidăroiu C., Bergthaller C,, Sburlan SProbleme de cercetare operaționalăAcademiei19711
N-029Novacu ValeriuBazele teoretice ale fizicii. Mecanica clasicaTehnică19901
N-030Nicolae Petre, Otlăcan PetreElemente de analiză numerică și programarea calculatoarelor electroniceAcademiei Militare19711
N-031Nikolaev G,. Olshhansky N.Advanced welding processesMir19771
N-032Nica AlexandruCeramica TehnicăTehnică19881
N-033Năstăsescu C., Andrei G., Țena M, Otărășanu M.Probleme de structuri algebriceAcademiei19881
N-034Nanu Aurel, Nanu DanPrelucrarea dimensională prin eroziune electrică în câmp magneticFacla19811
N-035Nica Alexandru s.a.Alegerea și utilizarea lubrifianților și combustibililor pentru motoare termiceTehnică19781
N-036Niță Ctin, Spircu TiberiuProbleme de structuri algebriceTehnică19741
N-037Nădăşan Ştefan, Safta V., Rațiu M., Slătineanu R.Încercări și analize de metaleTehnică19651
N-038Novorojdin Dumitru, Burbulea IonAutomobileUASM20111
N-039Nicolae Mariana business and professional communicationCison20031
N-040Nicolae Mariana s.a.Comunicate in businessCison20011
N-041Nagy Tiberiu, Sălăjan CornelExploatarea și tehnica transportului autoDidactică şi pedagogică19821
N-042Negruș Eugen, Soare Iosif, Tănase Frîncu, Bejan NicolaeÎncercarea autovehiculelorDidactică şi pedagogică19831
N-043Nistor NeculaiConducerea automobiluluiMilitară19891
N-044Neculăiasa VasileMișcarea autovehiculelorPolirom19961
N-045Nistor Nneculai, Stoleru MihalacheExpertiza tehnică a accidentului de circulațieDidactică și pedagogică19871
N-046Negrea Virgiliu Dan, Sandu VenețiaCombateerea poluării mediului în transporturile rutiereTehnică20001
O-001Owen Keith, Coley TrevorAutomotive Fuels Reference Book. 2ND EditionSAE19951
O-002Oprean Ioan-MirceaAutomobilul modernAcademiei Române20031
O-003Oţăt Victor, Simniceanu LoretaÎncercarea autovehiculelorUniversitaria Craiova20071
O-004OSIMBuletin pentru invenţii şi mărciOSIM19901
O-005Oprean Ioan-Mircea, Andreescu CristianTransmisii automate pentru autovehiculeUPB19971
O-006Oswald WernerMercedes-Benz Lastwagen und OmnibusseMotorbuch Verlag19861
O-007Oţăt Victor, Cismaru LoretaÎncercarea autovehiculelorUniversitatea Craiova19971
O-008Oprea Călin, Ristea Mihai, Ilie Văduva, Horia NeamţuBazele contabilităţiiDidactică şi Pedagogică20001
O-009Olariu Valter, Prepeliţă ValeriuMatematici specialeDidactică şi Pedagogică19851
O-010Olariu Virgil, Sima Petre, Schiriloaie ValeriuMecanica tehnicăTehnică19821
O-011Otlăcan Petru, Mocănescu AuricăMatematici superioare. Probleme. V1Academiei Militare19771
O-012Owen GullermoTeoria jocurilorTehnică19741
O-013Oprea Florin, Ilinescu E., Segărceanu T., Vișa I.Metalurgiile elementelor ănsoțitoare ale metalelor neferoase uzualeTehnică19681
O-014Olteanu MariaProcedee și utilaje noi de lipire a metalelorICDT19661
O-015Onceanu Vasile Petru, Armașu Sergiu-GrigoreManagement și audit în siguranța traficului rutierUTM20111
O-016Oprescu EugenAsigurarea calității în prestarea serviciilorOscar Print19971
O-017Olinescu Radu, Greabu MariaChemiluminiscența și bioluminiscențaTehnică19871
O-018Oprescu Eugen, Manole ViorelManualul calității în prestarea serviciilor19991
O-019Olaru MarietaManagementul calitățiiEconomica19951
O-020Oprean Ioan MirceaTransmisii automate pentru automobilePrintech19991
P-001Pike A. JeffreyAutomotive Safety: Anatomy, Injury, Testing and RegulationSAE19901
P-002Pacejka B. HansTire and Vehicle DynamicsSAE20061
P-003Plint Martyr, Plint MichaelEngine Testing – Theory and PracticeHartnolls Limited19951
P-004Purcell M. EdwardCursul de fizică Berkeley: Electricitate şi magnetism Vol. IIDidactică şi Pedagogică19821
P-005Petrescu Florian, Petrescu RellyMechanical Systems, Serial and ParallelLulu20111
P-006Panaitescu GheorgheMediul şi sănătatea în activitatea rutierăTransport Rutier19991
P-007Panaitescu Gheorghe, Dinu Sorin ViorelEcologie rutierăTransport Rutier20021
P-008Panaitescu GheorgheSănătatea în transporturile rutiereTransport Rutier19982
P-009Predoi Mihai-Valentin, Bugaru Mihai, Motomancea AdrianIntroducere în modelarea dinamicii placilor planeBren19991
P-010Panaitescu GheorgheSecuritatea în ecosistem rutierTransport Rutier20031
P-011Petrescu Alexandru, Boşcoianu MirceaFenomene instabile în funcţionarea compresoarelorV.I.S. Print20001
P-013Panaitescu GheorgheSfaturile unui medic pentru conducătorii autoTransport Rutier19991
P-014Pic GheorgheAlgebră superioaraDidactică şi Pedagogică19661
P-015Pelecudi Cristian, Simionescu IonMecanică asistată de calculatorTehnică19861
P-016Pereş Gheorghe, Florea Daniela, Cofaru Corneliu, Şoica AdrianManagementul traficului rutierUniversităţii TRANSILVANIA19981
P-017Puşcaşu Romeo, Ionescu Corneliu, Radu AlexandruNoţiuni şi elemente pentru pregătirea instructorilorSEMNE '9419961
P-018Puşcoiu NicolaeCurgerea bifazică a hidrocarburilor în ţevile de extracţieTehnică19681
P-019Peicu AurelReguli de circulaţie rutierăAGORA Călăraşi20001
P-020Poţincu Gheoghe, Tabacu IonAutomobile Vol. II transmisia automobiluluiIPB19731
P-021Poţincu Gheoghe, Tabacu IonAutomobile Vol. III transmisia automobiluluiIPB19731
P-022Panaitescu GheorgheIncidente, accidente şi atitudini în circulaţia rutierăTransport Rutier19981
P-023Panaitescu GheorgheFactorii de risc în activitatea rutierăTransport Rutier20001
P-024Preda Ion,Ciolan Gheorghe, Diaconescu Eugen, Cristea DumitruTransmisii mecanice cu fricţiune pentru autovehiculeUniversitatea din Piteşti20122
P-025Persu AurelLe Principe de la Dualite des ForcesEDITYPE2
P-026Persu AurelMecanique Appliquee Mon Testament Scientifique2
P-027Persu AurelL'Automobile Aerodynamique2
P-028Persu NicolaePovestea caselorSimetria19991
P-029Partenie ConstanţaCererea, oferta şi preţul de echilibruTRITONIC19971
P-030Phillips Lee AnneXMLTeora20011
P-031Popa Cornel, Oprea EugenUtilizarea calculatoarelor personale. Sistemul de operare MS-DOS 5.0ECCE19921
P-032Patriciu Victor-ValeriuSisteme de plăţi electronice şi securitatea aplicaţiilor InternetASE20041
P-033Popescu VictorConstrucții metaliceTehnică19751
P-034Parizescu Virgil, Sîmtion V., Moțiu P., Neniță M.Autoturismele AROTehnică19761
P-035Popescu VictorConstrucții metalice industrialeTehnică19771
P-036Pălăcianu Vasile, Lixandru Paul, Nicolau Theodor, Berbentea IonÎndrumar pentru efectuarea lucrărilor de laborator la rezistența materialelorAcademiei Militare19791
P-037Popa Ioan, Ștefanciu VasileIndrumator pentru repararea cazanelor. V1Tehnică19761
P-038Platon VictorSisteme avansate de prodcțieTehnică19901
P-039Popovici Mircea-Mihai, Antonescu VeronelGhid pentru controlul statistic al calității produselor industrialeTehnică19731
P-040Popovici Vl.Organizarea și dotarea fabricilor și secțiilor de structuri sudateCNIT19711
P-041Popovici Vl.Tendințe noi în construcția surselor și utilajelor pentru sudarea electricăCNIT19701
P-042Pașa FlorinFolosirea injecției de benzină la alimentarea motoiarelor cu apriindere prin scînteieCDPT19671
P-043Pridvornic Mihai, Tănase SergiuÎndrumător tehnologoc al muncitorilor forjoriTehnică19861
P-044Popov A.A., Popova L.E.Spravocinic TermistaMașghiz19611
P-045Postelnicu T, Dinescu C., Săvulescu B.Matematici speciale aplicate în economieDidactică şi Pedagogică19771
P-046Popescu Hristache, Chiroiu VeturiaCalculul structurilor optimaleAcademiei19811
P-047Pîrșan Liviu, Ionescu-Țiu CtinProbleme de matematicăFacla19791
P-048Popinceanu Nicolae, Gafițeanu Mihai, Diaconescu Emanuel, Crețu Spiridon, Mocanu Dumitru RemusProbleme fundamentale ale contactului cu rostogolireTehnică19851
P-049Pavel AlecsandruMandrinarea mecanicăTehnică19821
P-050Picoș Ctin, Coman Gheorghe, Dobre Nicolae, Pruteanu Octavian, Rusu Costache, Rusu Ștefan, Trufinescu ȘtefanNormarea tehnică pentru prelucrări prin așchiere. V1Tehnică19791
P-051Picoș Ctin, Coman Gheorghe, Dobre Nicolae, Pruteanu Octavian, Rusu Costache, Rusu Ștefan, Trufinescu ȘtefanNormarea tehnică pentru prelucrări prin așchiere. V2Tehnică19821
P-052Popa Ioan, Filip RaduManagement internaționalEconomica19991
P-053Popa IoanTranzacții de comerț exteriorEconomica20021
P-054Pecican Eugen, Tănăsoiu Ovidiu, Iacob Andreea IluziaModele econometriceASE20011
P-055Poțincu Gheorghe, Hara Vasile, Tabacu IonAutomobileDidactică şi Pedagogică19801
P-056Popa Mihaela, Dragu Vasile, Costescu DorinelaIngrans 2020. vol. 1Politehnica București20201
P-057Popa Mihaela, Dragu Vasile, Costescu DorinelaIngrans 2020. vol. 2Politehnica București20201
P-058Pană Constantin, Popa Marcel Dinu, Niculae NegurescuMotoare cu ardere internă. Cinematică, dinamică, echilibrajMatrix Rom20001
P-059Popa Marcel Ginu, Negurescu Niculae, Pană ConstantinMotoare Diesel. Procese. vol. 1Matrix Rom20031
P-060Popa Marcel Ginu, Negurescu Niculae, Pană ConstantinMotoare Diesel. Procese. vol. 2Matrix Rom20031
P-061Petrescu Florian, Petrescu RellySisteme mecanice serialeși paraleleLulu20111
P-062Popa Bazil, Nicolae Bățagă, Căzilă AuricaMotoare pentru autovehiculeDacia19821
P-063Pană Constantin, Popa Marcel Ginu, Negurescu Nicolae, Silvestru ConstantinDinamica motoarelor cu ardere internăMatrixRom20051
P-064Picoș Constantin, Ailincăi Gheorghe, Bohosievici Cazimir, Pruteanu Octavian, Coman Gheorghe, Braha Vasile, Paraschiv DragoșCalculul adausurilor de prelucrare și al regimurilor de așchiereTehnică19741
R-001Riley Q. RobertAlternative Cars in the 21st Century: A New Personal Transportation Paradigm (2nd Edition)SAE20041
R-002Ribbens B. WilliamUnderstanding Automotive Electronics 4TH EditionSAMS19931
R-003Randall Robert B.Frequency AnalysisBruel & Kjaer19771
R-004Radulescu Rodica, Brătucu Gheorghe, Popa GabrielaFabricarea pieselor auto şi măsurări mecaniceDidactică şi Pedagogică19831
R-005Raicu VirgilÎntreţinerea şi repararea echipamentului electric al automobilelorTehnică19641
R-006Răduleţ RemusManualul inginerului mecanic Vol. ITehnică1
R-007Rădulescu Ion, Popa Laurenţiu, Georgescu Liviu, Cocoşilă MihailConstrucţia şi calculul automobilelorUPB19951
R-008Răcota RaduConstrucţia motoarelor pentru automobileUniversitatea din Piteşti19951
R-009Riedwyl PiaEmissionen von Strassen-baumaschinenTouring Club der Schweiz19891
R-010Rogai E., Teodorescu C.Tabele matematice uzualeTehnică19751
R-011Ren Wei, Beard W. RandalDistributed Consensus in Multi-vehicle Cooperative ControlSpringer20081
R-012Ruhl A. RolandVehicle Accident Investigation. A Guide for Risk Managers Claim PersonnelChampaign, IL19941
R-013Ravnitzky J.MichaelAutomotive TextilesSAE19951
R-014Ravnitzky J. MichaelAutomotive Interior TrimSAE19961
R-015Rogers R. DavidEngine Combustion: Pressure Measurement and AnalysisSAE20101
R-016Racicovschi Virgil, Danciu Grigore, Chefneux MihaelaAutomobile electrice şi hibrideElectra20071
R-017Raţă Vasile, Isache DanCalitatea conductellor metaliceICTCM19991
R-018Radu Ioan, Ursăcescu Minodora, Ioniţă FlorinInformatică pentru managementul firmeiTribuna economică20011
R-019Roşculeţ N. MarcelManual de analiză matematică Vol. IDidactică şi Pedagogică19641
R-020Rey ChrissyMacromedia Flash MXTeora20021
R-021Rinehart L. MartinSă învăţăm C++ pas cu pasTehică19971
R-022Roșu Al. AlexandruTeoria grafelorMilitară19741
R-023Rusescu Corneliu, Tudose CosmaModele și modelare în fizicăDidactică şi Pedagogică19871
R-024Rădulescu OctavianOrgane de mașini. Sinteze optimaleAcademiei Militare19821
R-025Roșianu Gheorghe, Veran Horia, Papuc Florinel, Iordache GheorgheStudiul metalelorAcademiei Militare19771
R-026Rabega Ctin, Rabega MariaChimie pentru admitere în facultate.V1Albatros19731
R-027Rabega Ctin, Rabega MariaChimie pentru admitere în facultate.V2Albatros19731
R-028Rusu Ștefan, Rozsa FranciscIndrumar pentru prelucrări prin rabotare și mortezare. V1Tehnică19831
R-029Rusu Ștefan, Rozsa FranciscIndrumar pentru prelucrări prin rabotare și mortezare. V2Tehnică19831
R-030Răducu Viorel, Răducu Nicoleta, Rusu GheorgheÎndrumător pentru ridicarea calificării lăcătușilor din construcțiile de mașini.V1Tehnică19791
R-031Răducu Viorel, Răducu Nicoleta, Rusu GheorgheÎndrumător pentru ridicarea calificării lăcătușilor din construcțiile de mașini.V2Tehnică19791
R-032Ripoșan Iulian, Sofroni Laurenșiu, Chișamera MihaiFonta bainiticăTehnică19881
R-033Rușitoru GheorgheOptimizarea producției de serie prin metode de cercetare operaționalăDidactică şi Pedagogică19751
R-034Rădoi Marin, Deciu Eugen, Voiculescu DumitruElemente de vibrații metaliuceTehnică19731
R-035Rabinovici Iosif, Badea Gh., Anghel Alexandru, Ioniță Nicolae, Nibeleanu ȘtefanRulmențiTehnică19771
R-036Roman MonicaResursele umane în Romania. Evaluare și eficiențăASE20031
R-037Roșu ConstantinMecanică cuanticăUPB19971
R-038Radcenco VsevolodTermodinamică tehnică și mașini termiceDidactică şi Pedagogică19761
R-039Radu Ioan, Vlădeanu DorianFundamentarea deciziilor complexe prin tehnici de simulareEconomica20021
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R-041Rădulescu G.A., Petre I.Combustibili, uleiuri și exploatarea autovehiculelorTehnică19861
R-042Russu Marius-AlexandruPersonalități ale științei și tehnicii militare românești.Monografie.vol.IIIAGIR20201
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S-002Sumantran V., Sovran G.Vehicle AerodynamicsSAE19961
S-003Scharchburg P. RichardCarriages Without Horses - The Birth of the American Automobile IndustrySAE19931
S-004Szilas A.PalProduction and Transport of Oil and GasAkademiai Kiado19751
S-005Stamatis D. H.Integrating QS-9000 with your Automotive Quality SystemASQC19961
S-006South W. David, Mancuso R. JonMechanical Power Transmission ComponentsMarcel Dekker19941
S-007Stone RichardIntroduction to Internal Combustion Engines Second EditionSAE19921
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S-009Stoicescu AurelProiectarea performanţelor de tracţiune şi de consum ale automobilelorTehnică20071
S-010Stoicescu AurelDinamica autovehiculelor Vol. IIIPB19821
S-011Sireteanu Tudor, Ghiţă Gheorghe, Stăncioiu DănuţFluide şi amortizoare magneto-reologiceBren20051
S-012Sireteanu Tudor, Gundisch Ortwin, Părăian SorinVibraţiile aleatoare ale automobilelorTehnică19811
S-013Stănescu Constantin, Petrescu MariaMateriale şi tehnologia materialelorIPB19911
S-014Schwarzl Friedrich RudolfPolymer – mechanikSpringer-Verlag19901
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S-016Spicer GlaenzerReflexions sur les Quatre Roues Motrices1
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S-018Schrage LinusLinear, Integer and Quadratic Programming with LindoThe Scientific Press19861
S-019Sheng GangVehicle Noise, Vibration and Sound QualitySAE20121
S-020Schneider ArnulfModerne Entwicklungen auf dem Gebiet der Aufladung von Verbrennungsmotoren19951
S-021Scolari PeterInternational conference on new development in power trainand chassis engineeringEAEC19871
S-022Stanomir DumitruSemnale şi sisteme discreteAthena19971
S-023Stancu StelianTeoria contractelorASE20021
S-024Sireţchi GheorgheAnaliză matematică Vol. ITipografia Universităţii19761
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S-026Sofronie Gh., Surcel Tr., Mârşanu R., Paiu Oct.Medii de programare pentru gestiunea bazelor de dateCalipso20001
S-027Staicu ŞtefanAplicaţii ale calculului matriceal în mecanica solidelorAcademiei Republicii Socialiste România19861
S-028Somnea Dan, Turturea DoruIniţiere în C++. Programare orientată pe obiecteTehnică19931
S-029Snell NedCrearea paginilor WEBTeora20011
S-030Swann Craig, Caines GregXML în FLASHTeora20021
S-031Sofronie Gh., Surcel Tr., Mârşanu R., Paiu Oct.Informatică economicăCalipso20001
S-032Sută NicolaeComerţ internaţional şi politici comerciale contemporaneALL19951
S-033Stan CornelAuto-Mobility of the Future. Development of Functions and TechnicsTransilvania din Brasov20161
S-034Stratulat Mihail, Copae IonProcesele enrgetice din motoareAcademiei Militare19821
S-035Stratulat Mihail, Crișan GabrielaProcesele din motoarele cu ardere internăAcademiei Militare19711
S-036Sipoșan DanComplemente de fizicăAcademiei Militare19911
S-037Stratulat MihailConsumul rațional de combustibilMilitară19791
S-038Stanomir Dumitru, Negrescu Cristian, Jalbă LiviuAlgoritmi pentru prelucrarea semnalului vocalAthena19981
S-039Sauer LeopoldScule pentru danturareTehnică19621
S-040Silaș Gh. s.a.Culegere de probleme de vibrașii mecanice.V2Tehnică19731
S-041Stoica Ion Aurel, Cimoca Gheorghe, Stoica MarianaȘeveruirea roților dințateDacia19871
S-042Spicer KeithThink on your feetTYFI20001
S-043Sterian Paul, Pușcaș NicolaeLaseri și procese multifotoniceTehnică19881
S-044Stan CornelAutomobilele viitorului pe înțelesul tuturorMatrixRom20182
S-045Siminea Petre, Negrei LucianConstrucții metalice. Calcul prin metoda stărilor limităDidactică și Pedagogică19821
S-046Stroe Ctin, Druță Gheorghe, Sepciu SilviuDela IMS 57 la Dacia DusterAGIR20171
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S-048Sorohan MardarieProprietățile fizice ale metalelor sub presiune hidrostaticăTehnică19881
S-049Stratulat Mihai, Andreescu CristianDiagnosticarea automobiluluiȘtiință și Tehnică19981
S-050Stratulat MihaiExploatarea rațională a automobiluluiMilitară19861
S-051Stratulat Mihai, Șoiman Mihai, Văiteanu DanDiagnosticarea automobilelorTehnică19771
S-052Stoica MihailFrânarea trenurilorAsab20021
S-053Stoica VirgilMotoare și autovehicule. Experimente de monitorizare și controlPolitehnica Timișoara20081
S-054Stratulat MihaiPrevenirea risipei de combustibilTehnică19881
S-055Stan CornelTermodinamica automobiluluiMatrixRom20171
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Ş-004Ștefan Ion, Ștefan SterieMecanica fluidelorAcademiei Militare19781
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T-001Thiessen J. Frank, Dales N. DavisAutomotive Drive Trains – Automatic and Manual. 2nd EditionPrentice Hall19961
T-002Thomas J. BryanThe Internet for Scientists and EngineersSpie Optical Engineering Press19961
T-003Tabacu ŞtefanImpactul automobilelorUniversităţii din Piteşti20041
T-004Tătar Ioan, Cae Marius, Ştefănescu AdinaExploatarea comercială rutieră şi feroviarăTransport Rutier20001
T-005Turcoiu TitiCalcul de rezistenţă si dimensionarea organelor unui motor DieselInstitutul de Marină "Mircea cel Bătrân"19791
T-006Tabacu IonTransmisii mecanice pentru autoturismeTehnică19991
T-007Teodorescu ConstantinSesiunea a V-a de comunicări tehnico-ştiinţificeInstitutul Naţional de Motoare Termice19851
T-008Tomescu IonProbleme de combinatorică și teoria grafurilorDidactică și Pedagogică19811
T-009Thompson K. JamesBrake NVH-Testing and MeasurementsSAE20111
T-010Tătar Ioan, Ştefănescu Ileana-AdinaÎndrumar privind sistemul de management al calităţii în transporturile terestreTransport Rutier20014
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T-012Taşnadi Alexandru, Doltu ClaudiuRobert A. Mundell şi zonele monetare optimeASE20001
T-013Trușculescu Marin, Tache Anna Maria, Mitelea Ion, Budău VictorStudiul metalelor. Tehnici de laboratorFacla19771
T-014Trandafir RodicaIntroducere în teoria probabilitățilorAlbatros19791
T-015Trușculescu Marin, Șerban Viorel Aurel, Trușculescu DanMetale amorfeTehnică19881
T-016Trandafir Magdalena, Antonescu VeronelCalitateaOIDICM19941
T-017Tudose Ion, Constantinescu Dan Mihai, Stoica MădălinaRezistența materialelor. AplicațiiTehnică19901
T-018Tecușan Nicolae, Ionescu EnacheTractoare și automobileDidactică și Pedagogică19821
T-019Theocaris P.S. s.aAnaliza experimentală a tensiunilor. V1Tehnică19761
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T-021Țenchea Petru, Arghiriade Ioan, Lipp GerhardtProbleme actuale ale standardizării în construycșia de mașiniOIDICM19871
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T-023Trigg CharlesIngeniozitate și surpriză în matematicăEnciclopedică19751
T-024Taguchi Genichi, Elsayed Elsayed, Hsiang ThomasQuality engineering in produstion systemsMcGraw Hill19891
T-025Tecușan Nicolae, Nițescu GheorgheTractoare și automobileDidactică și Pedagogică19771
T-026Tomuță OctavianAcumulatore electriceTehnică19881
T-027Turianu CorneliuInfracțiuni contra siguranței rutiereȘtiințifică și Enciclopedică19861
T-028Todea GheorgheSoluții constructive noi pentru roțile autocamioanelor modernizate 1988-1989Casa Cărții de Știință20171
T-029Todea GheorgheRoți pentru remorcile de mare tonaj fabricate ăn RomâniaCasa Cărții de Știință20171
T-030Teodorescu Paul, Dumitrescu VirgilÎndrumîtorul automobilistuluiTehnică19631
T-031Teodorescu DanCurs de legislație rutieră. 2019SHIK20191
T-032Turos GheorgheLocomotive și trenuri electriceAsab20021
U-001Udrişte ConstantinCurbe şi suprafeţeIPB19751
U-002Ursu IoanFizica și tehnologia mateerialelor nucleareAcademiei19821
U-003Ursache M,, Chircă DProprietățile metalelorDidactică și Pedagogică19821
U-004Untaru Marin, Frățilă Gheorghe, Poțincu Gheorghe, Seitz Nicolae, Tabacu Ion, Pereș Gheorghe, Macarie TiberiuCalculul și construcția automobilelorDidactică și Pedagogică19822
U-005Untaru Marin, Poțincu Gheorghe, Stoicescu Aurel, Pereș Gheorghe, Tabacu IonDinamica autovehiculelor pe roțiDidactică și Pedagogică19811
U-006Urdăreanu Tiberiu, Vasiliu Chiriac, Gorianu Mihai, Canță MihaiPropulsia și circulația autovehiculelor cu roțiȘtiințifică și Enciclopedică19871
U-007Untaru Marin, Cîmpeanu Vasile, Seitz Nicolae, Soare IonAutomobileDidactică și Pedagogică19681
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V-003Vuia TraianRealizarea zborului mecanicTehnică19541
V-004Vasiliu CatanoiuAutomobilul în România- Istorie şi TehnicăFLUX19941
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V-006Vasiliu DanielaMonitorizarea mediuluiTehnică20071
V-007Voisard OttoDie Osterreichische Kraftfahrzeug-Industrie Jetzt und in ZukunftOVK19891
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V-010Văcărel Iulian, Bercea FlorianAsigurări şi reasigurăriMarketer19931
V-011Vintilă Georgeta, Vuţă MarianaGestiunea financiară a întreprinderiiROLCRIS20001
V-012Vianu TudorEsteticaOrizonturi1
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V-015Vesa Ioan, Bucșa AlexeTehnologia fabricației autovehiculelor. Normarea tehnicăAcademiei Militare19771
V-016Vesa IonTehnologia fabricației autovehiculelor. V1Academiei Militare19671
V-017Versinin N.I. s.aReglarea automatăTehnică19601
V-018Vasilescu Călin, Pimsner VictorSupraalimentarea motoarelor dieselTehnică19651
V-019Vertan Ctin, Gavăt Inge, Stoian RodicaVariabile și procese aleatoare. Principii și aplicațiiPrintech19991
V-020Vasiliu Florin, Verciuc NicolaeMetode grafice de analiză a calității produselorCeres19831
V-021Haralambie Vl-sceanu, Valeriu Buzea, Victor BedaIntrebări și răspunsuri privind circulația rutieraSport-Turism19771
V-022Vagu ParaschivConducerea, organizarea și planificarea unităților industrialeDidactică și Pedagogică19751
V-023Vasilescu Călin, Faur Simion, Pimser Victor, Rădulescu GheorgheCorelațiile dintre combustibilul lichid și motorul cu ardere internăAcademiei19721
V-024Vochină Virgil, Andreescu M. Dan, Ispășoiu Adrian, Dunăreanu Victor, Boia Traian, Tadio BogdanRiscul rutier. Încotro? Ghid de bune practiciNiculescu20131
V-025Vâlcovici Victor, Bălan Ștefan, Voinea RaduMecanicaTehnică19631
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V-027Vasiliu ChiriacMotorizarea și mecanizarea armatei româneTransport rutier20002
V-028Vasiliu ChiriacAutomobilul în România. Istorie și tehnicăFlux19941
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V-030Văiteanu Dan, Stoleru Mihalache, Cîmpean Năstase, Zamfirescu FlorinAgenda automobilistului. vol. IITehnică19841
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W-002Wright H. DonTesting Automotive Materials and ComponentsSAE19931
W-003Wichmann H. EyvindCursul de fizică-Berkeley Vol. IVDidactică şi Pedagogică19831
W-004Womack P. JamesDie Zweite Revolution in Der AutoindustrieVerlag19901
W-005Warnecke Hans-Jurgen, Schraft RolfIndustrieroboterSpringer-Verlag19901
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W-011Wach WojciechSimulation of Vehicle Accidents using PC - CrashIFRP20111
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Z-002Zurmuhl Rudolf, Falk SigurdMatrizen und ihre AnwendungenSpringer-Verlag19841
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Z-004Zuger P.Periodische Ueberwachung von DieselfahrzeugenTouring Club der Schweiz19901
Z-005Zamfir GabrielInstruire asistată de calculator în domeniul economicInforec20001
Z-006Zaharia Octavian, Danciu Aniela, Roman MonicaStatistica întreprinderiiASE20051
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Z-008Zsori FranciscAutomobile cu motoare DieselTehnică19671
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*-002*Incercari ale Autoturismelor Dacia 1320 si Dacia 1310INCERTRANS1
*-003*Ready Reference for Lubricants and Fuel PerformanceLubrizol19912
*-004*Design Practices Passenger Car Automatic TransmissionsSAE20121
*-005*Application Programmer's ManualThe MacNeal-Schwendler19951
*-006*The Measurement and Automation CatalogNational Instruments20011
*-007*Acte normative în domeniul transporturilor rutierePromotrans20041
*-008*World transport dataI.R.U19731
*-009*Non-Linear Systems and Random VibrationsBruel & Kjaer19751
*-010*MSC/Aries Introductory GuideThe MacNeal-Schwendler19951
*-011*Metric Module Involute SplinesSAE19891
*-012*SAE Glossary of Automotive Terms Second EditionSAE19922
*-013*Global Mobility Database®: Quick ReferenceSAE19931
*-014*van Doorne's Transmissie B.V.Van Doorne1
*-015*Securitatea Rutiera in TransporturiSetar20002
*-016*Drehen Grundlagen und AnwendungstehnikVerlag19871
*-017*Das Auto International In ZahlenVDA19811
*-018*Das Auto International In ZahlenVDA19871
*-019*Mogliche Antriebskonzepte fur Stadbusse, Kommunalfahrzeuge und Innerstadtische VerteilerfahrzeugeBericht19891
*-021*Der Weg Zum Schlanken und agilen Unternehmen – Lean EnterpriseEAIG19931
*-022*Rigiditatea Imbinarilor Structurilor Compuse din Pereti Subtiri (eng.)Cranfield1
*-023*Machine Health MonitoringBruel& Kajer19851
*-024*Raport de Incercare Conform Regulamentului nr. 34 (alimentarea cu carburant) CEE – ONU (DACIA)CESAR19961
*-025*Raport de Incercare Conform Regulamentului nr. 32 (Colizunea Spate) CEE – ONU (DACIA)CESAR19961
*-026*Raport de Incercare Conform Regulamentului nr. 32 (Colizunea Spate) CEE – ONU (ARO)CESAR19961
*-027*Raport de Incercare Conform Regulamentului nr. 33 (Colizunea Fata) CEE – ONU (ARO)CESAR19961
*-028*Raport de Incercare Conform Regulamentului nr. 32-33 (Colizunea Fata-Spate) CEE – ONU (ARO)CESAR19971
*-029*Raport de Incercare Conform Regulamentului nr. 12 (Protectie Contra Impactului cu Volanul la Coliziunea Fata) CEE – ONU (Daewoo Cielo)CESAR19971
*-030*Dezvoltarea Unui Nou Model de Model Functional DaciaCESAR1
*-031*Cars and climate changeIEA19931
*-032*Keep Death off Your RoadsGRSP20011
*-033*Family Cars Crash Test ResultsEuro NCAP19971
*-034*Executive Cars Crash TestEuro NCAP19981
*-035*Uniquely PreciseKistler1
*-036*Design Practices:
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*-037*Îndrumător de exploatare pentru clasa A Dotarea exterioară Mercedes-BenzSINCRON19981
*-038*Ground vehicle standards indexSAE19961
*-039*European Transport Policy for 2010: Time to DecideComisia Europeană20011
*-040*Automotive Brake SystemsBOSCH19951
*-041*Automotive Electric/Electronic SystemsBOSCH19951
*-042*Diesel Fuel InjectionBOSCH19941
*-043*Driving-safety systems 2nd EditionBOSCH19991
*-044*Kraftfahr Technisches Taschenbuch 20 EditionBOSCH19871
*-045*Kraftfahr Technisches Taschenbuch 22 EditionBOSCH19951
*-046*Automotive handbook 2nd EditionBOSCH19861
*-047*Automotive handbook 3rd EditionBOSCH19931
*-048*Automotive handbook 6th EditionBOSCH20041
*-049*Automotive handbook 8th EditionBOSCH20111
*-050*Manual de reparaţii Dacia Nova Ediţia 3Automobile Dacia19981
*-051*Operatiuni de întreţinere tehnică pentru autoturismele ARO 244 echipate cu motor TOYOTA DieselARO1
*-052*SAE Motor Vehicle Safety and Environmental TerminologySAE19951
*-053*Better Journey Time – Better BusinessMEP19961
*-054*Automotive ManufacturingMEP19961
*-055*Automotive PowertrainsMEP19961
*-056*Application of Powertrain and Fuel Technologies to Meet Emissions StandardsMEP19961
*-057*Manual de reparaţie Vol. IRODAE1
*-058*Manual de reparaţie Vol. IIRODAE1
*-059*Manual de reparaţie Vol. IIIRODAE1
*-060*Manual de reparaţie Vol. IVRODAE1
*-061*Manual de reparaţie Vol. VRODAE1
*-062*Des systemes de formation en techniqueLucas-Nulle1
*-063*Catalog de piese de schimb CieloRODAE19951
*-064*Manual de întreţinere Transportere Vol. ISINCRON19941
*-065*Inufa CatalogueVogt-Schild AG19941
*-066*Inufa KatalogVogt-Schild AG19911
*-067*Programul automobilului de foarte mic litraj AFML1
*-068*Catalogue Mondial Piston19981
*-069*Anuarul transportatorilor din România 1998-1999YGREC19981
*-070*Anuarul transportatorilor din România 2000-2001YGREC20001
*-071*This is the IRU 2013 Driving progress since 1948IRU20132
*-072*Linii directoare IRU în materie de siguranţă pentru transportul de persoaneUNTRR20061
*-073*Autobuzele în slujba transportului public rutier şi turisticUNTRR1
*-074*Studiu privind cauzele producerii accidentelor camioanelor europeneUNTRR3
*-075*Economic Cost of Barriers to Road TransportIRU19981
*-076*Manualul şoferului transport marfă şi persoaneUNTRR20091
*-077*Managementul vitezei. Un manual de siguranţă rutieră pentru factorii de decizie şi pentru profesioniştiGlobal Road Safety20083
*-078*Compatibilităţi între cadrul românesc al politicii regionale şi reglementările UE privind ajutorul de statInstitutul European din România20021
*-079*Transpunerea în România a normelor Uniunii Europene în domeniul impozitării indirecte (TVA şi Accize)Institutul European din România20021
*-080*Impactul transpunerii standardelor UE privind protecţia mediului înconjurător în anumite sectoare industriale din RomâniaInstitutul European din România20021
*-081*Politica de coeziune a UE şi dezvoltarea economică şi socială în RomâniaInstitutul European din România20021
*-082*Adaptarea politicilor României la cerinţele UE cu privire la taxele vamale şi politica comercialăInstitutul European din România20021
*-083*Adoptarea de către România a elementelor Acquis-ului comunitar referitor la transportul rutier de mărfuriInstitutul European din România20021
*-084*Politica industrială a României din perspectiva aderării la Uniunea EuropeanăInstitutul European din România20021
*-085*Uniunea Naţională a Transportatorilor Rutieri din RomâniaUNTRR20101
*-086*Uniunea Naţională a Transportatorilor Rutieri din RomâniaUNTRR20061
*-087*Three of a kind - a reflection on the approach to qualityPhilips19841
*-088*Strain MeasurementsBruel &Kjaer19751
*-089*Perspectiva transporturilor 2010 potenţialul de inovareOECD20101
*-090*Studiu asupra clienţilor sectorului de camioane din EuropaUNTRR20102
*-091*Manual de exploatare Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse1
*-092*Manual de exploatare Mercedes-Benz Vito1
*-093*Îndrumător de exploatare pentru clasa A Dotarea interioară Mercedes-BenzSINCRON19981
*-094*Îndrumător de exploatare pentru clasa M Conducerea autovehiculului Mercedes-BenzSINCRON19981
*-095*Îndrumător de exploatare pentru clasa M Dotarea interioară Mercedes-BenzSINCRON19981
*-096*Îndrumător de exploatare pentru clasa M Dotarea exterioară Mercedes-BenzSINCRON19981
*-097*Economia politicăEconomică19981
*-098*Catalog de piese al autoturismului M461ARO19801
*-099*CR-V Honda Navigation SystemHonda20081
*-101*CR-V Manual de utilizare sistem de navigareHonda20081
*-102*CR-V Manual de utilizareHonda20081
*-103*Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0. Ghidul programatoruluiTeora20001
*-104*World report on road traffic injurz prevention. SummaryWorld Health Organization20041
*-105*L'elettronica nell'automobileFiat Auto19901
*-106*Catalog de produse- Automecanica MediasAutomecanica Medias19881
*-107*Automobile Museums and Collections in EuropeFIA19961
*-108*Ghid privind consumul de carburant si emisiile de CO2Registrul Auto Roman20061
*-109*Ghid privind consumul de carburant şi emisiile de CO2Registrul Auto Roman20081
*-110*Ghid privind consumul de carburant si emisiile de CO2Registrul Auto Roman20141
*-111*Ghid privind consumul de carburant si emisiile de CO2Registrul Auto Roman20151
*-112*Ghid privind consumul de carburant si emisiile de CO2Registrul Auto Roman20161
*-113*Ghid privind consumul de carburant si emisiile de CO2Registrul Auto Roman20171
*-114*Ghid privind consumul de carburant si emisiile de CO3Registrul Auto Roman20191
*-115*British Military VehiclesChertsey19661
*-116*Tehnologii,Calitate.Mașini.Materiale.vol.1Editura Tehnică19871
*-117*Tehnologii,Calitate.Mașini.Materiale.vol.2Editura Tehnică19871
*-118*Tehnologii,Calitate.Mașini.Materiale.vol.3Editura Tehnică19881
*-119*Tehnologii,Calitate.Mașini.Materiale.vol.4Editura Tehnică19881
*-120*Ghid de autoevaluare pentru întreprinderiFATI20011
*-121*Conducerea preventivăFATI20051
*-122*Ghid metodologic privind activitatea instructorilor auto și a profesorilor de legislație rutierăFATI20071
*-123*Notița tehnică a pompei de injecție cu distribuitor rotativ tip DPAMefin1
*-124*Instrucțuni de exploatare și întreținere Roman Diesel 12,135DF/12.215DFRoman1
*-125*Notița tehnică ARO 24 - 320ARO19901
*-126*Carte tehnică pompă vacuum 213.001IPA Satu Mare19821
*-127*Notița tehnică a echipamentului de injecție de mărime AMefin1
*-128*Insrtucțiuni de exploarare a pneurilorDanubiana19821
*-129*Instrucțiuni de folosire Dacia - injecție Bosch Monotronic MA 1.7Automobile Dacia19911
*-130*Cartea tehnică a anvelopelor pentru autoturisme de oraș și de terenIADTICP19861
*-131*Prescripțiuni de manipulare și catalogul pieselor detașate pentru tractorul Deutz - Diesel 30PS model F2 M 417Deitz19401
*-132*Tractorul Hanomag 38/45 CP - schema de ungereIndustria SAR19401
*-133*Catalog de piese Volga GAZ 24GAZ1
*-134*Indicator kilometric rutier europeanETR - UNTRR19971
*-135*Recomadări europene privind cele mai bune practici în domeniul securizării încărcăturii pentru transportul rutierComisia Europeană20061
*-136*Oțeluri speciale și superaliaje pentru construcții aeronautice (Fr+De)Aubert&Duval1
*-137*Rolling Bearings CataloguePoligrafica Sibiu19741
*-138*Îndrumător pentru construcția lagărelor cu rulmențiPoligrafica Sibiu19741
*-139*Manuel d'aplicationINA Roulements19911
*-140PC Crash 8.1 (De)Datentechnik Steffan20071
*-141*Ghidul manageruluiSuport curs1
*-142*Sistemul internațional de unitățiDidactică și Pedagogică19791
*-143*Manual tehnic auto. Motoare diesel. Volkswagen Golf și Jeta; 1984 - 199219921
*-144*Caiet de sarcini motor ARO L 27INMT19821
*-145*Instrucțiuni de exploatare TV12.D12Autobuzul1
*-146*TV 41-51. Conducere și întreținereAutobuzul1
BP-001SAE InternationalFuel Cell for Power Transportation 200420041
BP-002SAE InternationalHydrogen IC Engines20091
BP-003SAE InternationalPlastics Components, Processes and Technology19982
BP-004SAE InternationalSystems and Issues in ITS 19951
BP-005SAE InternationalDevelopments for Drivelines in Four-Wheel Drive Systems 19951
BP-006SAE InternationalTrends in Testing and Instrumentation 19941
BP-007SAE InternationalVariable Valve Actuating and Power Boost 19961
BP-008SAE InternationalModeling Techniques in SI and CI Engines 19961
BP-009SAE InternationalInvestigation and Analysis in Vehicle Dynamics and Simulation 19961
BP-010SAE InternationalAutomobile Wind Noise and Its Measurements 19961
BP-011SAE InternationalElectronic Engine Controls 19961
BP-012SAE InternationalTransmission and Controls 19961
BP-013SAE InternationalIssues in Commercial Vehicles Design and Development 19961
BP-014SAE InternationalBus Design: Drive Trains, Electronics and Safety 19961
BP-015SAE InternationalOutcome of the European Programme on Emissions, Fuels and Engine Technologies (EPEFE) 19961
BP-016SAE InternationalDesign Innovations in Engine Management and Driveline Controls 19961
BP-017SAE InternationalModeling of SI and CI Engines 19961
BP-018SAE InternationalStrategies in Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Design 19961
BP-019SAE InternationalConcepts in Vehicle Dynamics and Simulation 19941
BP-020SAE InternationalHeavy Vehicle Dynamics and Stability 19931
BP-021SAE InternationalIVHS and Advanced Transportation Systems 19951
BP-022SAE InternationalAccident Reconstruction: Technology and Animation19961
BP-023SAE InternationalTopics in Vehicle Safety Technology 19961
BP-024SAE InternationalVehicle Dynamics and Simulation 19931
BP-025SAE InternationalElectronic Control of Diesel Engines 19861
BP-026SAE InternationalAdvancements in Engine Management and Driveline Controls19951
BP-027SAE InternationalNew Developments in Vehicle Transmission and Driveline Design 19951
BP-028SAE InternationalModeling and Diagnostics in SI Engines 19961
BP-029SAE InternationalModeling and Diagnostics in Diesel Engines 19961
BP-030SAE InternationalEngine and Multidimensional Engine Modeling 19951
BP-031SAE InternationalTransmission and Driveline Development for Trucks 19911
BP-032SAE InternationalVehicle Aerodynamics: Wake Flows, Computational Fluid Dynamics and Aerodynamic Testing 19921
BP-033SAE InternationalCold-Start Emission Control and Catalyst Technologies 19961
BP-034SAE InternationalEngine Coolants and Cooling System Components 19961
BP-035SAE InternationalAutomotive Design Advancements in Human Factors: Improving Drivers’ Comfort and Performance 19961
BP-036SAE InternationalApplication of Multiplexing Technology 19961
BP-037SAE InternationalDevelopments for Drivelines in Four – Wheel Drive Systems 19951
BP-038SAE International39TH STAPP Car Crash Conference Proceedings 19951
BP-039SAE InternationalAccident Reconstruction: Technology and Animation 19941
BP-040SAE InternationalSheet Metal Stamping Development Applications19971
BP-041SAE InternationalFuel Spray Studies 19971
BP-042SAE InternationalDevelopment of New Diesel Engines and Components Design 19971
BP-043SAE InternationalAnalysis of Engine Combustion and Flow Diagnostics 19971
BP-044SAE InternationalProgress with Human Factors in Automotive Design: Seating Comfort, Visibility, and Safety 19971
BP-045SAE InternationalTransmission and Driveline Systems Symposium: Transmission Systems, Components, Gears and Friction and Fluid Materials 19971
BP-046SAE InternationalNew Developments in Engine Management and Driveline Controls 19971
BP-047SAE InternationalAccident Reconstruction Technology and Animation VII 19971
BP-048SAE InternationalElectronic Engine Controls 19971
BP-049SAE InternationalOccupant Protection and Injury Assessment in the Automotive Crash Environment 19971
BP-050SAE InternationalIntelligent Transportation Systems 19971
BP-051SAE InternationalOverview of ABS/TCS and Brake Technology 19971
BP-052SAE InternationalDiesel Exhaust Aftertreatment 19971
BP-053SAE InternationalNew Plastics Applications for the Automotive Industry 19971
BP-054SAE InternationalTopics in Automotive Filtration Design 19971
BP-055SAE InternationalDiesel Engine Combustion Processes and Emission Control Technologies 19971
BP-056SAE InternationalApplications for Aluminum in Vehicle Design 19971
BP-057SAE InternationalCharacteristics and Applications of Magnesium in Automotive Design 19971
BP-058SAE InternationalIssues in Emissions Control Technology 19971
BP-059SAE InternationalAnthropomorphic Dummies and Crash Instrumentation Sensors 19971
BP-060SAE InternationalLow Emission Vehicle Technologies 19971
BP-061SAE InternationalSteel in Automotive Applications 19971
BP-062SAE InternationalEngine Modeling 19971
BP-063SAE International1996 Propane Vehicle Challenge 19971
BP-064SAE InternationalDesign and Application of Two-Stroke Engines 19971
BP-065SAE InternationalEmissions Formation and In-Cylinder Control of Emissions in SI Engines 19961
BP-066SAE InternationalSpark-Ignition Engine Combustion and Emissions 19971
BP-067SAE InternationalValue-Based Decisions for Automotive Engineering 19971
BP-068SAE InternationalCorrosion Prevention 19971
BP-069SAE InternationalSafety Testing Technology 19971
BP-070SAE InternationalNew Developments in Heat Exchangers for Automotive Design 19971
BP-071SAE InternationalUncontained Turbine Engine Rotor Events 19981
BP-072SAE InternationalHistory of Aircraft Lubricants 19971
BP-073SAE InternationalFuel Additives and Performance 19971
BP-074SAE InternationalFactors Influencing Emissions and Emissions Formation Processes 19971
BP-075SAE InternationalState of Alternative Fuel Technologies 19971
BP-076SAE InternationalCombustion Processes in Engines Utilizing Gaseous Fuels 19971
BP-077SAE InternationalUnderstanding Engine Oil Rheology and Tribology 19971
BP-078SAE InternationalAutomotive Lubricants and Lubrication 19971
BP-079SAE InternationalDiagnostics in SI and Diesel Engines 19971
BP-080SAE InternationalMixture Preparation in SI and Diesel Engines 19971
BP-081SAE InternationalKey Design Developments of the 1997 Chevrolet Corvette 19971
BP-082SAE InternationalAdvances in Advanced Transportation System Design 19971
BP-083SAE InternationalAlternative Fuels: Technology and Developments 19971
BP-084SAE InternationalDesign and Performance of Two – and Four – Stroke Engines 19971
BP-085SAE InternationalNew Trends in Tractor and Farm Machinery 19971
BP-086SAE InternationalBelt and Tire Traction in Agricultural Vehicles 19971
BP-087SAE InternationalNew Concepts in Transmission and Controls 19971
BP-088SAE InternationalFluid Power for Off – Highway Applications 19971
BP-089SAE InternationalAdvances in Component Designs for Noise and Vibration Control19961
BP-090SAE InternationalCommercial Vehicles and Highway Dynamics (2 ex.)19961
BP-091SAE InternationalHybrid-Powered Vehicles Second Edition20111
BP-092SAE InternationalSheet Metal Stamping for Automotive Applications 19961
BP-093SAE InternationalAccident Reconstruction: Technology and Animation 19951
BP-094SAE InternationalReducing Vehicle Noise and Vibrations19931
BP-095SAE InternationalIVHS Advancements 19941
BP-096SAE InternationalAll-wheel and Four-Wheel Drive Vehicle Systems 19951
BP-097SAE InternationalSensors and Actuators 19961
BP-098SAE InternationalMultidimensional Engine Modeling 19961
BP-099SAE InternationalMaintenance Technologies 19961
BP-100SAE InternationalNew Fluid Power Applications, Components and Testing 19961
BP-101SAE InternationalCFD & Engine Modeling 19961
BP-102SAE InternationalLight Truck Suspension Systems19961
BP-103SAE InternationalLight Trucks: Drivetrains and Powertrains 19961
BP-104SAE InternationalTools for Today’s Engineer 19921
BP-105SAE InternationalTire, Axle & Brake – Characteristics on Truck Braking & Steering Performance 19931
BP-106SAE InternationalHeavy Vehicle Dynamics and Simulation in Braking, Steering, and Suspension Systems 19941
BP-107SAE InternationalAll-Wheel and Four-Wheel-Drive Vehicle Systems 19951
BP-108SAE InternationalEmissions and Emissions Control 19961
BP-109SAE InternationalFuel System Design for Fuel Economy and Reduced Emissions 19971
BP-110SAE InternationalAdvanced Engines and Components for Surface Transportation 19971
BP-111SAE InternationalMotor Vehicle Safety Design Innovations 19971
BP-112SAE InternationalGaskets and Seals for Automotive Applications 19971
BP-113SAE InternationalGasoline and Diesel Fuel – Performance and Additives 19971
BP-114SAE InternationalEngine Diagnostics 19971
BP-115SAE InternationalCombustion and Emissions Formation in SI Engines 19971
BP-116SAE InternationalCombustion and Emissions in Diesel Engines 19971
BP-117SAE InternationalEngine Oil Rheology and Tribology 19971
BP-118SAE InternationalLubricants for Passenger Car and Heavy Duty Diesel Engines 19971
BP-119SAE InternationalPreparing Mixtures for Diesel and SI Engines 19971
BP-120SAE InternationalHeavy Duty Vehicle Braking and Steering 19971
BP-121SAE InternationalHeavy Vehicle and Highway Dynamics 19971
BP-122SAE InternationalCAE Methods and Their Application to Truck Design 19971
BP-123SAE InternationalEngine Component Technology 19981
BP-124SAE InternationalDiesel Fuel Injection and Sprays 19981
BP-125SAE InternationalDirect Injection SI Engine Technology 19981
BP-126SAE InternationalDiesel Exhaust Aftertreatment 19981
BP-127SAE InternationalElectronics and Electrical Systems for Trucks and Buses 19971
BP-128SAE InternationalAdvances in Safety Technology 19981
BP-129SAE InternationalSafety and Material Test Methodologies 19981
BP-130SAE InternationalAccident Reconstruction: Technology and Animation VIII 19981
BP-131SAE InternationalVehicle Aerodynamics 19981
BP-132SAE InternationalAdvanced Powerplant Concepts 19981
BP-133SAE InternationalDevelopments in Sheet Metal Stamping 19981
BP-134SAE InternationalAutomotive Lighting Technology 19981
BP-135SAE InternationalTransmission and Driveline Systems Symposium: New Developments and Advenced Concepts in Systems and Components 19981
BP-136SAE InternationalIn Cylinder Diesel Particulate and Nox Control 19981
BP-137SAE InternationalCombustion Processes in Diesel Engines 19981
BP-138SAE InternationalAdvances in Multi-Dimensional Modeling 19981
BP-139SAE InternationalModeling of SI and Diesel Engines 19981
BP-140SAE InternationalITS – Advanced Controls and Vehicle navigation Systems 19981
BP-141SAE InternationalOlefinic Paint Technology 19981
BP-142SAE InternationalGeneral Emissions 19981
BP-143SAE InternationalDevelopments in CAD-CAM and CAE 19981
BP-144SAE InternationalProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology19981
BP-145SAE InternationalDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering and Suspension Technology 19981
BP-146SAE InternationalAdvances in Fatigue Research and Applications 19981
BP-147SAE InternationalDesign and Manufacture for the Environment 19981
BP-148SAE InternationalSealing for Automotive Applications 19981
BP-149SAE InternationalElectronic Packaging 19981
BP-150SAE InternationalAutomotive Climate Control 19981
BP-151SAE InternationalAnalysis of Combustion and Flow Diagnostics19981
BP-152SAE InternationalSteel Sheet and Steel Bar Products and Processing 19981
BP-153SAE InternationalAluminum in Automotive Applications 19981
BP-154SAE InternationalPolymer Composites and Polymeric Materials 19981
BP-155SAE InternationalAdvanced Converter Concepts for Emission Control 19981
BP-156SAE InternationalCar Technology Yearbook 19991
BP-157SAE InternationalTruck Systems – Design Handbook 19921
BP-158SAE InternationalSAE Surface Vehicle Sound Measurement Manual 2ND Edition 19891
BP-159SAE InternationalProceedings of the 1991 Noise & Vibration Conference 19911
BP-160SAE InternationalProceedings of the 1995 Noise & Vibration Conference Vol.1 19951
BP-161SAE InternationalProceedings of the 1995 Noise & Vibration Conference Vol.2 19951
BP-162SAE InternationalCatalysts: Emission Control and Lean NOx Technologies 19981
BP-163SAE InternationalMechanics of Protection 19981
BP-164SAE InternationalElectronic Engine Controls Sensor, Actuators and Development Tools 19981
BP-165SAE InternationalElectronic Engine Controls Diagnostics and Controls 19981
BP-166SAE InternationalHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating and Rear Vision 19981
BP-167SAE InternationalFuture Car Challenge 19981
BP-168SAE InternationalNew Engine Design and Automotive Filtration 19981
BP-169SAE InternationalTesting and Instrumentation 19981
BP-170SAE InternationalState of Alternative Fuel Technologies 19981
BP-171SAE InternationalNew Techniques in SI and Diesel Engine Modeling 19981
BP-172SAE InternationalAdvances in General Emissions 19981
BP-173SAE InternationalLubricants for Passenger Car and Diesel Engines 19981
BP-174SAE InternationalSI and Diesel Engine Diagnostics 19981
BP-175SAE InternationalCombustion and Emission Formation in SI and Diesel Engines 19981
BP-176SAE InternationalNoise and Vibration Research19981
BP-177SAE InternationalCombustion Processes in Engines Utilizing Gaseous Fuels 19981
BP-178SAE InternationalPowertrain Tribology 19981
BP-179SAE InternationalNew Engines and Power Systems 19981
BP-180SAE InternationalIV and ITS Research 19981
BP-181SAE InternationalFluid Power for Off-Highway Applications19981
BP-182SAE InternationalEmissions in Two-Stroke and Small Four-Stroke Engines 19981
BP-183SAE InternationalDevelopments in Transmission and Controls 19981
BP-184SAE InternationalAgricultural Machine Systems 19981
BP-185SAE InternationalHydraulic Fluids and Alternative Industrial Lubricants 19981
BP-186SAE InternationalVirtual Prototyping, Computer Modeling, and Computer Simulation 19981
BP-187SAE InternationalPassenger Car and Diesel Engine Lubricants 19981
BP-188SAE InternationalAdvances in Powertrain Tribology 19981
BP-189SAE InternationalTaking Gasoline Vehicles Beyond ULEV Catalyst System Approaches 19981
BP-190SAE InternationalSI Engines Combustion and Emission Formation 19981
BP-191SAE InternationalAutomatic Transmission Fluids (ATF) 19981
BP-192SAE InternationalPlasma Exhaust Aftertreatment 19981
BP-193SAE InternationalGasoline Performance and Additives 19981
BP-194SAE InternationalSI Emissions 19981
BP-195SAE InternationalDirect Injection Engines, Emissions, and Aftertreatment 19981
BP-196SAE InternationalComputers and Simulation in Truck Design 19981
BP-197SAE InternationalFuel Economy and Wear Performance on Engine Oils 19981
BP-198SAE InternationalInternational Symposium Whiplash ’98 Compendium of Abstracts19981
BP-199SAE InternationalAlternate Fuels for CI Engines 19991
BP-200SAE InternationalTwo-Stroke and Small Four-Stroke Engines and Emissions 19991
BP-201SAE InternationalAdvances in Automotive Lighting Technology 19991
BP-202SAE InternationalIV Vehicle Navigation Systems and Advanced Controls 19991
BP-203SAE InternationalTopics in Automobile Life Cycle, Design, and Manufacture for the Environment 19991
BP-204SAE InternationalOccupant Protection 19991
BP-205SAE InternationalAdvances in Safety Technology 19991
BP-206SAE InternationalSI Engine Components and Technology 19991
BP-207SAE InternationalSteering and Suspension: Technology Symposium 19991
BP-208SAE InternationalTotal Life Cycle Conference Land,sea, air mobility19981
BP-209SAE InternationalVehicle safety structure - Aggressivity and Compatibility in Automotive Crashes 19991
BP-210SAE InternationalAccident Reconstruction. Automobiles Tractor-Semitrailers Motorcycles and Pedestrians 19871
BP-211SAE InternationalIn-Cylinder Velocity Measurements, Combustion, and Flow Diagnostics 19991
BP-212SAE InternationalP/M Applications 19991
BP-213SAE InternationalPolymer Composites and Polymeric Materials 19991
BP-214SAE International Additional Guidelines for Internal Combustion Engine Gaskets – Liquid Sealing 199319931
BP-215SAE International38th Stapp Car Crash Conference Proceedings 19941
BP-216SAE InternationalProceedings of the 1997 Total Life Cycle Conference – Life Cycle Management and Assessment (Part 1) 19971
BP-217SAE InternationalProceedings of the 1997 Total Life Cycle Conference – Design for the Environment, Recycling and Environmental Impact (Part 2) 19971
BP-218SAE InternationalProceedings of the 1998 IAM Conference & Exposition19981
BP-219SAE InternationalSmart Mechanical Systems Adaptronics 19981
BP-220SAE InternationalProceedings of the 1998 SAE Aerospace Automated Fastening 19981
BP-221SAE InternationalVehicle INFOTRONICS: Enabling the Integrated Mobility Experience 19981
BP-222SAE InternationalProceedings of the 1998 SAE Airframe/Engine Maintenance & Repair Conference & Exposition 19981
BP-223SAE InternationalProceedings of the IBEC’98 International Body. Engineering Conference & Exposition Vol. 1 – Advanced Body Design and Engineering 19981
BP-224SAE InternationalProceedings of the IBEC’98 International Body. Engineering Conference & Exposition Vol. 2 – Body Materials 19981
BP-225SAE InternationalProceedings of the IBEC’98 International Body. Engineering Conference & Exposition Vol. 3 – Glass and Glazing 19981
BP-226SAE InternationalProceedings of the IBEC’98 International Body. Engineering Conference & Exposition Vol. 4 – Body Painting 19981
BP-227SAE InternationalProceedings of the IBEC’98 International Body. Engineering Conference & Exposition Vol. 5 – Body Manufacturing, Assembly, and Advanced Manufacturing 19981
BP-228SAE InternationalSAE Southern Automotive Manufacturing Conference & Exposition 19981
BP-229SAE InternationalSAE Aerospace Power Systems 19991
BP-230SAE InternationalModelling and Control of Adaptive Mechanical Structures 19991
BP-231SAE InternationalProceedings of the 1997 noise and vibration conference Vol. I19971
BP-232SAE InternationalProceedings of the 1997 noise and vibration conference Vol. II19971
BP-233SAE InternationalProceedings of the 1997 noise and vibration conference Vol. II19971
BP-234SAE InternationalTruck Systems. Design Handbook 19921
BP-235SAE International41st Stapp Car Crash Conference. 1997 Proceedings 19971
BP-236SAE InternationalChild Occupant Protection 2nd Symposium Proceedings 19971
BP-237SAE International998 Motorsports Engineering Conference Proceedings Volume 2: Engines and Drivetrains 19981
BP-238SAE InternationalGear Design. Manufacturing and Inspection Manual 19901
BP-239SAE InternationalDesign Practices. Passenger Car Automatic Transmissions (Third Edition) 19941
BP-240SAE InternationalSAE Aircraft Maintenance Chemical and Materials AMS Handbook 19971
BP-241SAE InternationalSAE Magnesium Alloys AMS Handbook 19971
BP-242SAE InternationalSAE Cloth AMS Handbook 19971
BP-243SAE InternationalSAE Copper AMS Handbook 19981
BP-244SAE InternationalSAE Sealing Rings AMS Handbook 19981
BP-245SAE InternationalSAE Ferrous Materials Standards Manual 19991
BP-246SAE InternationalSAE Ground Vehicle Lighting Standards Manual 19991
BP-247SAE InternationalManual on Design and Manufacture of Torsion Bar Springs 19911
BP-248SAE InternationalSAE Surface Vehicle Sound Measurement Manual 19981
BP-249SAE InternationalSAE Manual on Shot Peening 19921
BP-250SAE InternationalSAE Fluid Conductor and Connectors Standards Manual 19991
BP-251SAE InternationalSAE Manual on Design and Application of Helical and Spiral Springs 19971
BP-252SAE InternationalSAE Oil Filter Test Procedure 19941
BP-253SAE InternationalAerodynamics Flow Visualization Techniques and Procedures 19861
BP-254SAE InternationalSAE Manual for Incorporating Pneumatic Springs in Vehicle Suspension Designs 19941
BP-255SAE InternationalManual on Design and Manufacturing of Coned Disk Springs (Belleville Springs) and Spring Washers 19881
BP-256SAE InternationalSAE Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery – Supplement to NFPA 19951
BP-257SAE InternationalSAE Energy Transfer System for Electric Vehicles Parts 1 and 2 19991
BP-258SAE InternationalIntroduction to All-Wheel Drive 19931
BP-259SAE InternationalSAE Surface Vehicle Emissions Standards Manual 19981
BP-260SAE InternationalSAE Motorcycle Standards Manual 19991
BP-261SAE InternationalSAE Construction, Agricultural, and Off-Road Machinery Standards Manual 19981
BP-262SAE InternationalSAE Passenger Car Safety Standards Manual 19961
BP-263SAE InternationalSAE Wheel Standards Manual 19981
BP-264SAE InternationalSAE Fuel, Oil, Emissions, and Coolant System Hose and Hose Clamp Standards Manual 19971
BP-265SAE InternationalSAE Fastener Standards Manual 19991
BP-266SAE InternationalSAE Vehicle Cooling Systems Standards Manual 19991
BP-267SAE InternationalSAE Crane Standards Manual 19991
BP-268SAE InternationalSAE Agricultural Tractor and Related Standards Handbook 19971
BP-269SAE InternationalProceedings of the 30Th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference Vol. 1 19951
BP-270SAE InternationalProceedings of the 30Th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference Vol. 219951
BP-271SAE InternationalProceedings of the 30Th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference Vol. 3 19951
BP-272SAE InternationalAviation Fuel Properties 19981
BP-273SAE InternationalCRC Cross Correlation Aircraft Engine Emission Test Program 19861
BP-274SAE InternationalOctane Requirement Increase of 1988 and 1989 Model Vehicles 19921
BP-275SAE InternationalProceedings of the 30Th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference Vol. 1 19961
BP-276SAE InternationalProceedings of the 30Th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference Vol. 2 19961
BP-277SAE InternationalProceedings of the 30Th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference Vol.3 19961
BP-278SAE InternationalProceedings of the 30Th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference Vol. 419961
BP-279AIChEProceedings of the 30Th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference Vol.119971
BP-280AIChEProceedings of the 30Th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference Vol.2 19971
BP-281AIChEProceedings of the 30Th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference Vol.319971
BP-282AIChEProceedings of the 30Th Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference Vol. 419971
BP-283JUMVAutomotive Technology for Better Quality of Life 19991
BP-284SAE KorreaAutomotive Challenge in the 90’s – Proceedings – 19911
BP-285SAE InternationalTechnical Literature Abstracts for 1998 Technical Papers Vol. 119981
BP-286SAE InternationalTechnical Literature Abstracts for 1998 Technical Papers Vol. 2 19981
BP-287SAE InternationalTechnical Literature Abstracts for 1998 Technical Papers Vol. 3 19981
BP-288SAE InternationalTechnical Literature Abstracts for 1998 Technical Papers Vol. 4 19981
BP-289SAE InternationalTechnical Literature Abstracts for 1999 Technical Papers Vol. 119991
BP-290SAE InternationalTechnical Literature Abstracts for 1999 Technical Papers Vol. 2 19991
BP-291SAE InternationalTechnical Literature Abstracts for 1999 Technical Papers Vol. 319991
BP-292SAE InternationalTechnical Literature Abstracts for 1999 Technical Papers Vol. 4 (1 of 2)19991
BP-293SAE InternationalTechnical Literature Abstracts for 1999 Technical Papers Vol. 4 (2 of 2) 19991
BP-294SAE InternationalTechnical Literature Papers Abstracts for 2000 Technical Papers20001
BP-295SAE InternationalCumulative INDEX of SAE Technical Papers 1906 - 196419901
BP-296SAE InternationalCumulative INDEX of SAE Technical Papers 1965-1987 Vol. I19881
BP-297SAE InternationalCumulative INDEX of SAE Technical Papers 1965-1987 Vol. II19871
BP-298VERTIS“Steps Forward” – Proceedings of the Second World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems 1995 Yokohama Vol. I19951
BP-299VERTIS“Steps Forward” – Proceedings of the Second World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems 1995 Yokohama Vol. II19951
BP-300VERTIS“Steps Forward” – Proceedings of the Second World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems 1995 Yokohama Vol. III19951
BP-301VERTIS“Steps Forward” – Proceedings of the Second World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems 1995 Yokohama Vol. IV19951
BP-302VERTIS“Steps Forward” – Proceedings of the Second World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems 1995 Yokohama Vol. V19951
BP-303BOSCHCompressed-air systems for commercial vehicles:219951
BP-304BOSCHAutomotive Microelectronics20021
BP-305BOSCHGasoline-engine management Basics and components20011
BP-306BOSCHAudio, navigation and telematics in the vehicle20021
BP-307BOSCHAutomotive Lighting Technology, Windshield and Rear-Window Cleaning 20031
BP-308BOSCHMotor-Vehicle Batteries and Electrical Systems20031
BP-309BOSCHEmissions-control technology for gasoline engines20031
BP-310BOSCHGasoline-engine Management Motronic Systems20031
BP-311BOSCHACC Adaptive Cruise Control20031
BP-312BOSCHElectronic Transmission Control ETC20041
BP-313BOSCHDriving Stability Systems20051
BP-314BOSCHEmissions-Control Technology for Diesel Engines20051
BP-315BOSCHAutomotive Networking20071
BP-316SAE International1990 SAE Handbook Volume 1: Materials 19901
BP-317SAE International1990 SAE Handbook Volume 2: Parts and Components 19901
BP-318SAE International1990 SAE Handbook Volume 3: Engines, Fuels, Lubricants, Emissions, & Noise19901
BP-319SAE International1990 SAE Handbook Volume 4: On-Highway Vehicles & Off-Highway Machinery19901
BP-320SAE ChinaAbstracts Automobile in Harmony with Human Society19941
BP-321SAE ChinaVehicle Systems and Components19941
BP-322SAE ChinaVehicle Dynamics 19941
BP-323SAE ChinaVehicle and Environment19941
BP-324SAE ChinaSafety19941
BP-325SAE ChinaThe Integration of Design and Manufacture 19941
BP-326SAE ChinaEngineering for the Customers19941
BP-327I MECHEFISITA '92 The Vehicle and the Environment Vol. I19921
BP-328I MECHEFISITA '92 The Vehicle and the Environment Vol. II19921
BP-329I MECHEFISITA '92 Safety, the Vehicle and the Road Vol. II19921
BP-330I MECHEFISITA '92 Safety, the Vehicle and the Road Vol. I19921
BP-331I MECHEFISITA '92 The Integration of Design and Manufacture Vol. I19921
BP-332I MECHEFISITA '92 The Integration of Design and Manufacture Vol. II19921
BP-333I MECHEFISITA '92 Engineering for the Customer Vol. I19921
BP-334I MECHEFISITA '92 Engineering for the Customer Vol. II19921
BP-335I MECHEFISITA '92 Total Vehicle Dynamics Vol. I19921
BP-336I MECHEFISITA '92 Total Vehicle Dynamics Vol. II19921
BP-337I MECHEFISITA '92 Abstracts19921
BP-338SAE InternationalHeavy Truck Crashworthiness- Phase III19971
BP-339EAECThe European Automotive Industry meets the challenges of the year 200019951
BP-340EAECThe European Automotive Industry meets the challenges of the year 2001 Active Safety, Components and Sub-Components19951
BP-341EAECThe European Automotive Industry meets the challenges of the year 2000 Chassis-Body Engineering19951
BP-342EAECThe European Automotive Industry meets the challenges of the year 2000 Lean Product Development and Manufacture19951
BP-343EAECThe European Automotive Industry meets the challenges of the year 2000 Traffic Management19951
BP-344JUMVXXI FISITA Congress Belgrade 1986 Vol. I - Band Engines Fuels and Lubricants19861
BP-345JUMVXXI FISITA Congress Belgrade 1986 Vol. II - Band Vehicles Components Off-road Vehicles19861
BP-346JUMVXXI FISITA Congress Belgrade 1986 Vol. III - Band Production Technology and Materials Electrics and Electronics System Effectiveness Safety19861
BP-347JUMVXXI FISITA Congress Belgrade 1986 Vol. IV - Band Keynote and Plenary Speeches19861
BP-348SAE InternationalXXII FISITA Congress Automotive Systems Technology: The Future 19881
BP-349JUMVScience & Motor Vehicles '8719871
BP-350JUMVScience & Motor Vehicles '8919891
BP-351AEASimposio de Engenharia Automotiva Separatas (sp.) 19911
BP-352AEASimposio de Engenharia Automotiva (sp.)19911
BP-353FISITAFISITA '96 XXVI Congress Book of Abstracts 19962
BP-354EAEC3rd International Conference on Vehicle Dynamics and Powertrain Engineering19911
BP-355SIAAutomobile et Environnement (fr.)19911
BP-356Science and Technics Publishing HouseProceedings of the International Conference on Automotive Technology for Vietnam19961
BP-357ECMTKey issues for transport beyond 200020001
BP-358JUMVAutomotive Technology Towards Better Mobility19971
BP-359JUMVAutomobilska Tehnika Na Putu Ka Vecoj Mobilnosti19971
BP-360Transilvania University of BraşovCONAT 2010 The 11th International Congress Vol. I Innovative Solutions for Automotive Vehicles20102
BP-361Transilvania University of BraşovCONAT 2010 The 11th International Congress Vol. II Innovative Solutions for Automotive Vehicles20101
BP-362Transilvania University of BraşovCONAT 2010 The 11th International Congress Vol. III Automotive Vehicles and Environment20101
BP-363Transilvania University of BraşovCONAT 2010 The 11th International Congress Vol. IV Advanced Transport Systems and Road Traffic Accident Research and Analysis20101
BP-364Transilvania University of BraşovCONAT 2010 The 11th International Congress Vol. V Advanced Engineering Methods20101
BP-365Transilvania University of BraşovCONAT 2010 The 11th International Congress Vol. VI Heavy and Special Vehicles New Materials, Manufacturing Technologies and Logistics 20102
BP-366Politehnica PressESFA 2009 The 8th International Conference Fuel Economy, Safety and Reliability of Motor Vehicles Vol. I20092
BP-367Politehnica PressESFA 2009 The 8th International Conference Fuel Economy, Safety and Reliability of Motor Vehicles Vol. II20092
BP-368Universitaria CraiovaSMAT 2008 International Congress Automotive, Safety and Environment Second Edition20083
BP-369Universitaria CraiovaSMAT 2008 International Congress Automotive, Safety and Environment Second Edition20081
BP-370Universitaria CraiovaSMAT 2008 International Congress Automotive, Safety and Environment Second Edition Abstracts20081
BP-371Technical University of Cluj-NapocaAMMA 2007 International Congress Automobile, Environment and Farm Machinery Vol. IV Applied Mathematics and Mechanics20072
BP-372Technical University of Cluj-NapocaAMMA 2007 International Congress Automobile, Environment and Farm Machinery Vol. V Applied Mathematics and Mechanics20042
BP-373Universitatea din PiteştiBuletin Ştiinţific, Materiale, tehnologii şi tehnici de management în industria de automobile, Nr. 21, Volumul A20111
BP-374Universitatea din PiteştiBuletin Ştiinţific, Concepţia şi construcţia autovehiculelor, Nr. 21, Volumul B20111
BP-375Universitatea din PiteştiBuletin Ştiinţific, Mecanică Aplicată , Nr. 21, Volumul C20111
BP-376Galaţi University PressThe Annals of "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galaţi Fascicle V - Vol. II Tehnologies in Machine Building20101
BP-377Galaţi University PressThe Annals of "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galaţi Fascicle XII Welding Equipment and Technology Vol. 2220111
BP-378Universitatea Transilvania BraşovCONAT 2004 Book of Abstracts20041
BP-379UNTRRSimpozionul Transportul Rutier Prezent şi Perspective20001
BP-380ARoTMMMecanisme şi Manipulatoare Mecanisme cu bare Mecanisme cu came Mecanisme cu elemente dinţate Manipulatoare - roboţi industriali Vol. 5 Nr. 120061
BP-381ARoTMMMecanisme şi Manipulatoare Mecanisme cu bare Mecanisme cu came Mecanisme cu elemente dinţate Manipulatoare - roboţi industriali Vol. 7 Nr. 120082
BP-382ARoTMMMecanisme şi Manipulatoare Mecanisme cu bare Mecanisme cu came Mecanisme cu elemente dinţate Manipulatoare - roboţi industriali Vol. 7 Nr. 220081
BP-383ARoTMMMecanisme şi Manipulatoare Mecanisme cu bare Mecanisme cu came Mecanisme cu elemente dinţate Manipulatoare - roboţi industriali Vol. 8 Nr. 120091
BP-384MEPConference on the Design, Construction and Operation of Public Service Vehicles19771
BP-385Universitatea din CraiovaSMAT 2001 Automobile - Trafic şi Siguranţă Rutieră Vol. I20011
BP-386Universitatea din CraiovaSMAT 2001 Tractoare şi maşini agricole Materiale şi tehnologii noi Vol. II20011
BP-387Universitatea din CraiovaSMAT 2001 Motoare pentru automobile Vol. III20011
BP-388Transilvania University of BraşovProceeding of the 8th International conference on Optimization of Electrical and Electronic Equipments20021
BP-389Master S.A.Sesiunea de Comuncări Ştiinţifice Prezent şi Perspectiva în Construcţia de Motoare Termice Vol. I19953
BP-390Master S.A.Sesiunea de Comuncări Ştiinţifice Prezent şi Perspectiva în Construcţia de Motoare Termice Vol. II19954
BP-391SIAR - Universitatea din Piteşti Lucrări ale seminarului naţional al tinerilor ingineri de automobile şi studenţi 119931
BP-392SIAR - Universitatea din Piteşti Lucrări ale seminarului naţional al tinerilor ingineri de automobile şi studenţi 219931
BP-393SIAR - Universitatea din Piteşti Lucrări ale seminarului naţional al tinerilor ingineri de automobile şi studenţi 319931
BP-394SIAR - Universitatea din Piteşti Lucrări ale seminarului naţional al tinerilor ingineri de automobile şi studenţi 419931
BP-395SIAR - Universitatea din Piteşti Lucrări ale seminarului naţional al tinerilor ingineri de automobile şi studenţi 519931
BP-396SIAR - Universitatea din Piteşti Lucrări ale seminarului naţional al tinerilor ingineri de automobile şi studenţi 619931
BP-397SIAR - Universitatea din Piteşti Lucrări ale seminarului naţional al tinerilor ingineri de automobile şi studenţi 719931
BP-398FISITACONAT '99 Automotive for the Next Century Program19991
BP-399FISITACONAT '99 Automotive for the Next Century Plenary Session Engine processes Vehicle and Environment Reliability Manufacturing and Materials Vol. I19991
BP-400FISITACONAT '99 Automotive for the Next Century Vehicle Dynamics Tractor and agricultural vehicles Vehicle Systems Traffic and safety Electric and electronic Systems Vol. II19991
BP-401FISITACONAT '99 Automotive for the Next Century Vol. III19991
BP-402Universitatea PiteştiCAR '94 A VI-a Conferinţă de autovehicule rutiere Motoare pentru autovehicule Procese şi caracteristici Calcul şi construcţie Vol. I19943
BP-403Universitatea PiteştiCAR '94 A VI-a Conferinţă de autovehicule rutiere Dinamică Construcţie şi calcul Vol. II19942
BP-404Universitatea PiteştiCAR '94 A VI-a Conferinţă de autovehicule rutiere Tehnologie Fiabilitate Tribologie Calitate Ecologie Economie Vol. III19943
BP-405Universitatea PiteştiCAR '94 A VI-a Conferinţă de autovehicule rutiere Echipamente şi Încercări Vol. IV19942
BP-406Universitatea Transilvania BraşovCONAT '96 Conferinţa Naţională de Autovehicule şi Tractoare Ediţia a VIII-a Vol. I19962
BP-407Universitatea Transilvania BraşovCONAT '96 Conferinţa Naţională de Autovehicule şi Tractoare Ediţia a VIII-a Vol. II19962
BP-408Universitatea Transilvania BraşovCONAT '96 Conferinţa Naţională de Autovehicule şi Tractoare Ediţia a VIII-a Vol. III19962
BP-409Universitatea Transilvania BraşovCONAT '96 Conferinţa Naţională de Autovehicule şi Tractoare Ediţia a VIII-a Vol. IV19962
BP-410Universitatea Transilvania BraşovCONAT '96 Conferinţa Naţională de Autovehicule şi Tractoare Ediţia a VIII-a Vol. V19962
BP-411Universitatea Transilvania BraşovCONAT '96 Conferinţa Naţională de Autovehicule şi Tractoare Ediţia a VIII-a Vol. VI19962
BP-412JUMVScience and Motor Vehicles '81 (Nauka I Motorna Vozila '81) I19811
BP-413JUMVScience and Motor Vehicles '81 (Nauka I Motorna Vozila '81) II19811
BP-414JUMVScience and Motor Vehicles '81 (Nauka I Motorna Vozila '81) III19811
BP-415JUMVScience and Motor Vehicles '81 (Nauka I Motorna Vozila '81) Saopstenja IV19771
BP-416Universitatea Ovidius ConstanţaScience and Motor Vehicles ’99 19994
BP-417Bruel&KjaerVehicle Comfort and Ergonomics 19951
BP-418ATA1st Int. Conf. and Exhibition: Advanced Measurements Techniques and Sensory Systems for Automotive Applications – accuracy and reliability. Technical Papers 19951
BP-419Universitatea din PiteştiBuletin Stiintific 20021
BP-420Universitatea Transilvania BraşovCONAT A VII-a Conferinţă Naţională de Automobile şi Tractoare Vol. I Sisteme de propulsie Motoare pentru Autovehicule 1-Construcţia Motoarelor 2-Procese şi caracteristici19931
BP-421Universitatea Transilvania BraşovCONAT A VII-a Conferinţă Naţională de Automobile şi Tractoare Vol. II Sisteme de propulsie Automobile19931
BP-422Universitatea Transilvania BraşovCONAT A VII-a Conferinţă Naţională de Automobile şi Tractoare Vol. III Sisteme de propulsie Tractoare Ingineria Sistemelor Auxiliare Mentenanta şi Siguranţă Sisteme Speciale, Fabricare, Montaj19931
BP-423EAECInternational Conference on New Developments in Power Train and Chassis Engineering Vol. I19871
BP-424EAECInternational Conference on New Developments in Power Train and Chassis Engineering Vol. II19873
BP-425Universitatea din PiteştiCAR '97 A VII-a Conferinţă de Autovehicule Rutiere Motoare pentru automobile Procese şi caracteristici Calcul şi Construcţie19971
BP-426Universitatea din PiteştiCAR '97 A VII-a Conferinţă de Autovehicule Rutiere Echipamente Încercări Trafic Rutier19971
BP-427Universitatea din PiteştiCAR '97 A VII-a Conferinţă de Autovehicule Rutiere Tehnologii Fiabilitate Materiale Speciale Management Industrial19971
BP-428Universitatea din PiteştiCAR '97 A VII-a Conferinţă de Autovehicule Rutiere Automobile Dinamică Calcul şi Construcţie19971
BP-429Universitatea din PiteştiCAR 2000 A VIII-a Conferinţă Internaţională de Autovehicule Rutiere Procese şi Caracteristici Calcul şi Construcţia Termotehnică şi Maşini Termice20001
BP-430Universitatea din PiteştiCar 2000 The VIII-th International Conference of Motor Vehicles Processes and Characteristics Calculus and Engineering20001
BP-431Universitatea din PiteştiCAR 2000 A-VIII-a Conferinţă Internaţională de Autovehicule Rutiere Echipament electric şi electronic Tehnologii şi Materiale Managementul în Industria de Automobile20001
BP-432Universitatea din PiteştiCAR 2000 A-VIII-a Conferinţă Internaţională de Autovehicule Rutiere Calcul şi construcţia Dinamica autovehiculelor Siguranţă, fiabilitate şi trafic rutier20001
BP-433Universitatea din PiteştiCAR 2000 The VIII-th International Conference of Motor Vehicles Calculus and Engineering Vehicle Dynamics Safety, Reliability and Road Traffic20001
BP-434U.T. PresAMMA 2002 Autovehiculul, mediul şi maşina agricolă Vol. I Autovehicule rutiere (Automobile, tractoare)20021
BP-435U.T. PresAMMA 2002 Autovehiculul, mediul şi maşina agricolă Vol. II Motoare pentru autovehicule Tehnnologii de transport, trafic şi securitate rutieră20021
BP-436U.T. PresAMMA 2002 Autovehiculul, mediul şi maşina agricolă Vol. III Maşini agricole Poluare şi strategii de mediu20021
BP-437Institutul Politehnic din BucureştiESFA '84 Economicitatea securitatea şi fiabilitatea autovehiculelor Vol. I Economicitatea autovehiculelor 19842
BP-438Institutul Politehnic din BucureştiESFA '84 Economicitatea securitatea şi fiabilitatea autovehiculelor Vol. II Securitatea autovehiculelor 19842
BP-439Institutul Politehnic din Bucureştiitatea şi fiabilitatea autovehiculelor Vol. III Fiabilitatea autovehiculelor19842
BP-440Institutul Politehnic din BucureştiESFA '87 Economicitatea securitatea şi fiabilitatea autovehiculelor Volumul I19871
BP-441Institutul Politehnic din BucureştiESFA '91 Economicitatea securitatea şi fiabilitatea autovehiculelor Volumul I19912
BP-442Institutul Politehnic din BucureştiESFA '91 Economicitatea securitatea şi fiabilitatea autovehiculelor Volumul II19912
BP-443Universitatea Politehnica BucureştiESFA '95 A V-a Conferinţă "Economicitatea securitatea şi fiabilitatea autovehiculelor" Procese de lucru ale sistemelor autovehiculelor şi modelarea acestora Vol. I19955
BP-444Universitatea Politehnica BucureştiESFA '95 A V-a Conferinţă "Economicitatea securitatea şi fiabilitatea autovehiculelor" Soluţii tehnice în construcţia autovehiculelor Economicitatea autovehiculelor şi reducerea poluării mediului ambiant Vol. II19951
BP-445Universitatea Politehnica BucureştiESFA '95 A V-a Conferinţă "Economicitatea securitatea şi fiabilitatea autovehiculelor" Securitatea activă şi pasivă a autovehiculelor Fabricarea, încercarea, fiabilitatea şi mentenanţa autovehiculelor Vol. III19951
BP-446Universitatea Politehnica BucureştiESFA '98 "Economicitatea securitatea şi fiabilitatea autovehiculelor" Vol. I Lucrări în plen Sistemele vehiculului Motoare19983
BP-447Universitatea Politehnica BucureştiESFA '98 "Economicitatea securitatea şi fiabilitatea autovehiculelor" Vol. II Vehiculul şi mediul Transport Tehnologii noi19982
BP-448Politehnica PressESFA 2003 Fuel Economy, Safety and Reliability of Motor Vehicles Vol. I Fuel Economy and Environment Automotive Safety and Confort20032
BP-449Politehnica PressESFA 2003 Fuel Economy, Safety and Reliability of Motor Vehicles Vol. II Automotive Reliability and Maintenance New Materials and Technologies Traffic and Transport Systems20033
BP-450Politehnica PressESFA 2003 Fuel Economy, Safety and Reliability of Motor Vehicles Vol. III Miscellaneous20032
BP-451Universitatea Tehnică Cluj-NapocaConferinţa TransAgra Tech '98 Vol. I Tractoare şi maşini agricole19981
BP-452Universitatea Tehnică Cluj-NapocaConferinţa TransAgra Tech '98 Vol. II Autovehicule rutiere19981
BP-453Universitatea PiteştiA V-a Consfătuire Naţională Creativitatea în construcţia, fabricarea şi repararea automobile Tehnologii şi echipamente de încercare Echipament electric şi eletronic pentru automobile Tehnologii şi echipamente de diagnosticare 19921
BP-454Universitatea PiteştiCAR 2005 The 9th International Congress on Automotive Book of Abstracts20051
BP-455Universitatea PiteştiCAR 2011 The 10th International Automotive Congress Book of Abstracts 20112
BP-456Universitatea Piteşti Seminarul - Utilizarea tensometriei în construcţia de autovehicule 1
BP-457EvricaSisteme de transport şi logistică 20051
BP-458EvricaImpactul transporturilor asupra dezvoltării relaţiilor economice internaţionale 20041
BP-459SAEThe 777: Rising to the Challenge of a Changing Business Environment 19981
BP-460ECMTKey issues for transport beyond 2000 Topic 1: a) Scenarios, forecasts Pan-European border crossing transport Dag Bjornland20001
BP-461ECMTKey issues for transport beyond 2000 Topic 1: a) Scenarios, forecasts View on forecasts, traffic flows and Infrastructural needs in Hungary Ivan Helcz20001
BP-462ECMTKey issues for transport beyond 2000 Topic 1: a) Scenarios, forecasts European inland freight transport scenarios for 2020 and some related policy implications G.A. Giannopoulos20001
BP-463S.C. Cesar S.A.International Conference of Automobile Students and Young Engineers Mathematical Models for Suspension and Driveline Study19921
BP-464ECMTKey issues for transport beyond 2000 Topic 1: b) Data collection Werner Brog, Erhard Erl20001
BP-465ECMTKey issues for transport beyond 2000 Topic 1: b) Data collection Christian Reynaud Inrets Arcueil France20001
BP-466ECMTKey issues for transport beyond 2000 Topic 1: b) Data collection Future Transport and Travel Data Needs: A practitioner's perspective Toon vad der Hoorn20001
BP-467ECMTKey issues for transport beyond 2000 Topic 2: Transforming economic and institutional structures and technological trends: Experience and prospects a) Economic/institutional transformations Jan Burnewicz20001
BP-468ECMTKey issues for transport beyond 2000 Topic 2: Transforming economic and institutional structures and technological trends: Experience and prospects a) Economic/institutional transformations Herbert Baum 20001
BP-469ECMTKey issues for transport beyond 2000 Topic 2: Transforming economic and institutional structures and technological trends: Experience and prospects b) Intermodality M. Beuthe/ B. Jourquin20001
BP-470ECMTKey issues for transport beyond 2000 Topic 2: Transforming economic and institutional structures and technological trends: Experience and prospects c) Public/private partnerships N. Bruzelius20001
BP-471ECMTKey issues for transport beyond 2000 Topic 2: Transforming economic and institutional structures and technological trends: Experience and prospects d) Technology H. Van Zuylen20001
BP-472ECMTKey issues for transport beyond 2000 Topic 3: Peripherality and pan-European integration: Experience and prospects Jose M. Menendez20001
BP-473ECMTKey issues for transport beyond 2000 Topic 3: Peripherality and pan-European integration: Experience and prospects Max Herry20001
BP-474ECMTKey issues for transport beyond 2000 Topic 3: Peripherality and pan-European integration: Experience and prospects F. Hep20001
BP-475ECMTKey issues for transport beyond 2000 Topic 3: Peripherality and pan-European integration: Experience and prospects Athanasios Argyris / Stella Kostopoulou20001
BP-476ECMTKey issues for transport beyond 2000 Topic 3: Peripherality and pan-European integration: Experience and prospects W. Suchorzewski20001
BP-477ECMTKey issues for transport beyond 2000 Topic 3: Peripherality and pan-European integration: Experience and prospects P. Hilferink20001
BP-478VerlagLaser Metrology for development and quality control of automobiles (ger.)19861
BP-479VerlagMess und Versuchstechnik Im Automobilbau19872
BP-480VerlagTagungsbericht der vdi-gesellschaft fahrzeugtechnik Motorrad19891
BP-481VerlagVDI-Gesellschaft Fahrzeugtechnik Eletronik Im Kraftfahrzeug Electronic Systems for Vehicles19901
BP-482VerlagVDI-Gesellschaft Fahrzeugtechnik Mobilitat und verkehr reichen die heutigen konzepte aus ?19911
BP-483VerlagNew Concepts for Car Recycling19911
BP-484VerlagDas Mensch-Maschine-System im Verkehr19921
BP-485VerlagTechnischer Fortschritt Sichert Die Zukunft 19852
BP-486VerlagFahrzeugtechnik teilgebiete und methoden19851
BP-487VerlagBerechnung im Automobilbau19841
BP-488VerlagMess und Versuchstechnik Im Automobilbau Umwelt-simulation Environmental Engineering1
BP-489VerlagAktive und Passive sicherheit von Kraftradern19871
BP-490VerlagAuflade-Technische Konferenz19911
BP-491VerlagElektronik im Kraftfahrzeugbau19861
BP-492Verlag100 Jahre Automobil19861
BP-493Verlag100 Jahre Motorrad19861
BP-494VerlagInternationales Wiener Motorensymposium 28-29 April 199419944
BP-495VerlagInternationales Wiener Motorensymposium 4-5 mai 1995 19951
BP-496VerlagInternationales Wiener Motorensymposium 7-8 Mai 199819981
BP-497VerlagInternationales Wiener Motorensymposium 25 - 26 april 1991 Bd. 119912
BP-498VerlagInternationales Wiener Motorensymposium 25 - 26 april 1991 Bd. 219912
BP-499VerlagInternationales Wiener Motorensymposium 7 - 8 mai 1992 Band 119922
BP-500VerlagInternationales Wiener Motorensymposium 7 - 8 mai 1992 Band 219922
BP-501VerlagInternationales Wiener Motorensymposium 6 - 7 Mai 1993 Band 119931
BP-502VerlagInternationales Wiener Motorensymposium 6 - 7 Mai 1993 Band 219931
BP-503VerlagInternationales Wiener Motorensymposium 24 - 25 april 1997 Band 119971
BP-504VerlagInternationales Wiener Motorensymposium 24 - 25 april 1997 Band 219971
BP-505VerlagSymposium Allradantrieb Beim PKW Oktober 198619861
BP-506VerlagInternationales Weiner Motorensymposium 5-6 mai 198819871
BP-507VerlagInternationales Weiner Motorensymposium 7-8 mai 198819881
BP-508VerlagInternationales Weiner Motorensymposium 27 - 28 april 198919891
BP-509VerlagInternationales Weiner Motorensymposium 27 - 28 april 199019901
BP-510VerlagInternationales Weiner Motorensymposium 6 - 7 mai 1999 Band 119991
BP-511VerlagInternationales Weiner Motorensymposium 6 - 7 mai 1999 Band 219991
BP-512VerlagWiener Motoren-Symposium 9 Dezember 198019801
BP-513VerlagWiener Motoren-Symposium 14 Mai 198219821
BP-514Printech30 de ani de existenţă a institutului de motoare termice - Master S.A. Tendinţe actuale şi strategii de cercetare în domeniul motoarelor termice20061
BP-515Orizonturi Universitare TimişoaraThe 2nd International Conference on Motor Vehicles and Transportation MVT 201220122
BP-516OVKForschungsarbeiten aus dem Verkehrswesen Band 1319881
BP-517OVKForschungsarbeiten aus dem Verkehrswesen Band 1819891
BP-518BOSCHTechnische Unterrichtung Elektronische Batteriezundsysteme1
BP-519BOSCHBatteriezundung Technische Unterrichtung19871
BP-520TCSDie Wahrheit uber den Katalysator19881
BP-521Bericht der Vortragstagung Bericht Nr. 6919881
BP-522Bericht der Vortragstagung Bericht Nr. 6819871
BP-523SAEGemeinschafts Fachtagung SAE - CH/SATG19931
BP-524Vortraege Bericht Nr. 6719861
BP-525SAE AustralasiaBus and Coach Developments19891
BP-526SAE AustralasiaIndustrial Elastomers19891
BP-527SAE AustralasiaImproving Road Safety19901
BP-528SAE AustralasiaAutomotive Engines19891
BP-529SAE AustralasiaAutomotive Braking Systems19901
BP-530SIAElectronique Associee au Moteur L'Electronique Automobile situation Actuelle et Perspectives 19871
BP-531SIALa Dynamique du Vehicule Les Suspensions des Groupes Moto-Propulseurs19861
BP-532Utilizarea combustibililor neconvenţionali la motoare auto19921
BP-533A 4-a Conferinţă Europeană pentru Transporturi19901
BP-534R.A.R.Reciclarea vehiculelor rutiere1
BP-535SIACurrent and Future Challenges for the European Automotive Industry - 9th EAEC International Congree20031
BP-536SAE InternationalCummulative INDEX of SAE Technical Papers - 9th edition Vol.11956-
BP-537SAE InternationalCummulative INDEX of SAE Technical Papers - 9th edition Vol.21956-
BP-538SAE International1989 SAE Handbook - Materials Vol.119891
BP-539SAE International1989 SAE Handbook - Parts & Components Vol.219891
BP-540SAE International1989 SAE Handbook - Engines, Fuels, Lubricants, Emissions & Noise Vol.319891
BP-541SAE International1989 SAE Handbook - On Highway Vehicles & Off-Highway Machinery Vol.419891
BP-542SAE InternationalAnnual Index/Abstracts of SAE Technical Papers19912
BP-543SAE International1991 Transactions Vol.100 - Journal of Aerospace - Section 1, Part 119911
BP-544SAE International1991 Transactions Vol.100 - Journal of Aerospace - Section 1, Part 219911
BP-545SAE International1991 Transactions Vol.100 - Journal of Commercial Vehicles - Section 219911
BP-546SAE International1991 Transactions Vol.100 - Journal of Engines - Section 319911
BP-547SAE International1991 Transactions Vol.100 - Journal of Fuels & Lubricants - Section 419911
BP-548SAE International1991 Transactions Vol.100 - Journal of Materials and Manufacturing - Section 519911
BP-549SAE International1991 Transactions Vol.100 - Journal of Passenger Cars - Section 619911
BP-550SAE InternationalAnnual Index/Abstracts of SAE Technical Papers19922
BP-551SAE International1992 Transactions Vol.101 - Journal of Aerospace - Section 119921
BP-552SAE International1992 Transactions Vol.101 - Journal of Commercial Vehicles - Section 219921
BP-553SAE International1992 Transactions Vol.101 - Journal of Engines - Section 319921
BP-554SAE International1992 Transactions Vol.101 - Journal of Fuels & Lubricants - Section 419921
BP-555SAE International1992 Transactions Vol.101 - Journal of Materials and Manufacturing - Section 519921
BP-556SAE International1992 Transactions Vol.101 - Journal of Passenger Cars - Section 619921
BP-557SAE InternationalAnnual Index/Abstracts of SAE Technical Papers19932
BP-558SAE International1993 Transactions Vol.102 - Journal of Aerospace - Section 119931
BP-559SAE International1993 Transactions Vol.102 - Journal of Commercial Vehicles - Section 219931
BP-560SAE International1993 Transactions Vol.102 - Journal of Engines - Section 319931
BP-561SAE International1993 Transactions Vol.102 - Journal of Fuels & Lubricants - Section 419931
BP-562SAE International1993 Transactions Vol.102 - Journal of Materials and Manufacturing - Section 519931
BP-563SAE International1993 Transactions Vol.102 - Journal of Passenger Cars - Section 619931
BP-564SAE InternationalAnnual Index/Abstracts of SAE Technical Papers19942
BP-565SAE International1994 Transactions Vol.103 - Journal of Aerospace - Section 119941
BP-566SAE International1994 Transactions Vol.103 - Journal of Commercial Vehicles - Section 219941
BP-567SAE International1994 Transactions Vol.103 - Journal of Engines - Section 319941
BP-568SAE International1994 Transactions Vol.103 - Journal of Fuels & Lubricants - Section 419941
BP-569SAE International1994 Transactions Vol.103 - Journal of Materials and Manufacturing - Section 519941
BP-570SAE International1994 Transactions Vol.103 - Journal of Passenger Cars - Section 619941
BP-571SAE InternationalAnnual Index/Abstracts of SAE Technical Papers19952
BP-572SAE International1995 Transactions Vol.104 - Journal of Aerospace - Section 119951
BP-573SAE International1995 Transactions Vol.104 - Journal of Commercial Vehicles - Section 219952
BP-574SAE International1995 Transactions Vol.104 - Journal of Engines - Section 319952
BP-575SAE International1995 Transactions Vol.104 - Journal of Fuels & Lubricants - Section 419951
BP-576SAE International1995 Transactions Vol.104 - Journal of Materials and Manufacturing - Section 519951
BP-577SAE International1995 Transactions Vol.104 - Journal of Passenger Cars - Section 6 - Part 119952
BP-578SAE International1995 Transactions Vol.104 - Journal of Passenger Cars - Section 6 - Part 219951
BP-579SAE InternationalAnnual Index/Abstracts of SAE Technical Papers19961
BP-580SAE International1996 Transactions Vol.105 - Journal of Aerospace - Section 119961
BP-581SAE International1996 Transactions Vol.105 - Journal of Commercial Vehicles - Section 219961
BP-582SAE International1996 Transactions Vol.105 - Journal of Engines - Section 319961
BP-583SAE International1996 Transactions Vol.105 - Journal of Fuels & Lubricants - Section 419961
BP-584SAE International1996 Transactions Vol.105 - Journal of Materials and Manufacturing - Section 519961
BP-585SAE International1996 Transactions Vol.105 - Journal of Passenger Cars - Section 619961
1600-001Milan CejnekGlobal Vehicle Lighting SystemAutomotive Lighting System SAE19981
1600-002D. Kreysar, M. R. L. CoonDesign of Reflector Optics for Visually Aimable Lowbeam Head LampsAutomotive Lighting System SAE19981
1600-003C. M. KormanyosHID System with Adaptive Vertical Aim ControlAutomotive Lighting System SAE19981
1600-004U. HaackAdvanced Lightsource Model for Simulation of Optical DevicesAutomotive Lighting System SAE19981
1600-005Franz – Josef KalzeXenon Light for Main and Dipped BeamAutomotive Lighting System SAE19981
1600-006A. PrevostCompact Lighting SystemAutomotive Lighting System SAE19981
1600-007J. P. LowenauAdaptive Light Control- A New Light Concept Controlled by Vehicle Dynamics and NavigationAutomotive Lighting System SAE19981
1600-008A. L’HermineA New Concept of Headlight: Light Guide HeadlampAutomotive Lighting System SAE19981
1600-009L. HoinesDesign Considerations in Exterior Automotive Courtesy LightingAutomotive Lighting System SAE19981
1600-010G. Manassero, M. T. DamassoAdaptive Headlamp: A Contribution for Design and Development of Motorway LightAutomotive Lighting System SAE19981
1600-011A. RenskiThe Driver Model and Identification of Its ParametersHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-012M. A. ManaryDevelopment of an Improved Driver Eye Position ModelHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-013H. KosakaElectronic Sound in Automobile and Sound FeelingHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-014K. MoritaSituation for Occurrence of Traffic Accidents at Dusk as Seen from the Standpoint of the Viewing EnvironmentHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-015H. Hashimoto, T. KatayamaData Processing Method for Finger Blood Pulse for Estimating Human Internal StatesHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-016R. Majjad, H. KornerDesign of a Hybrid Driver ModelHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-017W. D. GrimesDocumenting Scientific Visualizations and Computer Animations Used in Collision Reconstruction PresentationsAccident ReconstructionSAE19981
1600-018R. J. FayUsing Imported Objects and Images in HVEAccident ReconstructionSAE19981
1600-019E. DeyerlCreation of Three – Dimensional Terrain for Use in Computer AnimationAccident ReconstructionSAE19981
1600-020D. J. KingSpeed Change Determination in Low Speed Impacts – A Comparison of TechniquesAccident ReconstructionSAE19981
1600-021J. A. NeptuneA method of Determining Crush Stiffness Coefficients from Offset Frontal and Side Crash TestsAccident ReconstructionSAE19981
1600-022R. M. BrachCrush Energy and Planar Impact Mechanics for Accident ReconstructionAccident ReconstructionSAE19981
1600-023B. F.ShmidtSystem – Based Energy and Momentum Analysis of CollisionsAccident ReconstructionSAE19981
1600-024D. P. WoodComparison of Modeled and Actual Car Dynamic Frontal CrushAccident ReconstructionSAE19981
1600-025A. GilbergDoor Latch Strength in a Car Body EnvironmentAccident ReconstructionSAE19981
1600-026J. A. NeptuneCrush Stiffness Coefficients, Restitution Constants and a Revision of CRASH3 & SMACAccident ReconstructionSAE19981
1600-027A. CogottiA Parametric Study of the Ground Effect of a Simplified Car ModelDevelopments in Vehicle Aerodynamics SAE19981
1600-028L. Axon, K. GarryAn Evaluation of CFD for Modeling the Flow Around Stationary and Rotating Isolated WheelDevelopments in Vehicle Aerodynamics SAE19981
1600-029N. AxelssonAccuracy in Computational Aerodynamics Part 1: Stagnation PressureDevelopments in Vehicle Aerodynamics SAE19981
1600-030S. PrezonAccuracy in Computational Aerodynamics Part 2: Base PressureDevelopments in Vehicle Aerodynamics SAE19981
1600-031D. C. ReedClosed – Loop Air- Fuel Ration Control Using Forced Air – Fuel Ratio ModulationGeneral Emissions SAE19981
1600-032P. D. Perry, J. P. GillesDevelopment and Benchmarking of Leak Detection Methods for Automobile Evaporation Control Systems to Meet OBDII Emission RequirementsGeneral Emissions SAE19981
1600-033C. SantanamDesign of a Dual Wall Air Gap Exhaust ManifoldGeneral Emissions SAE19981
1600-034K. AkashiUtilization of a Soft Ionization Mass Spectrometer for Ultra High Sensitivity and Fast Response Emission MeasurementsGeneral Emissions SAE19981
1600-035A. E. El - SharkawyTransient Fuel System Thermal Emissions AnalysisGeneral Emissions SAE19981
1600-036C. Meurer SAE19981
1600-037E. B. RattsA Numerical Simulation of Thermal Process in Controlled Atmosphere Brazing (CAB) of an Aluminum Heat Exchanger SAE19981
1600-038Y. L. MurpheyThermal Modeling of the Controlled Atmosphere Brazing Process Using Virtual Reality Technology SAE19981
1600-039K. NamaiFlow Visualization in the Louvered Fin Feat Exchanger SAE19981
1600-040R. KrishnakumarLaboratory Techniques and Tube Alloy Ranking to Improve Internal Corrosion Resistance of Automotive Radiators SAE19981
1600-041S. KamiyaDevelopment of High Performance Evaporator SAE19981
1600-042A. E. El – SharkawyPotential Automotive Applications of Heat Pipes SAE19981
1600-043X. TangOscillating Heat Transfer in Reversing Pipe Flow SAE19981
1600-044R. AtanHeat Recovery Equipment (Generator) in an Automobile for an Absorption Air – Conditioning System SAE19981
1600-045M. J. HersmanIntroduction of a Castable Thermoplastic Urethane Material or Instrument Panel CoverstockAdvances in Instrument Panel SAE19981
1600-046R. C. Elston, R. E. KottyanA Case Study of High Strain Effects in Glass Filled Thermoplastic MaterialsAdvances in Instrument Panel SAE19981
1600-047P. JuanEvolution of Instrument Panels Made of PolypropyleneAdvances in Instrument Panel SAE19981
1600-048C. Okayama, K. MoriDevelopment of CHISSO NEWCONTM for Automotive UsePolymer Composites and Polymeric Materials SAE19981
1600-049T. MukaidaDevelopment of Soft TPEE CVJ BootPolymer Composites and Polymeric Materials SAE19981
1600-050Z. T. ZhangStamping Part Surface Quality Improvement Through Process OptimizationDevelopments in Sheet Metal Stampings SAE19981
1600-051D. C. ZacconeA Study on Uniformity of Pre – Applied Lubricants fromDevelopments in Sheet Metal Stampings SAE19981
1600-052M. L. Bohn, S. U. Jurthe, K. J. WeinmannA New Multipoint Active Drawbead Forming Die: Model Development for Process OptimizationDevelopments in Sheet Metal Stampings SAE19981
1600-053K. Siegert, J. HihnhausCombination of Hydraulic Multipoint Cushion System and Segment – Elastic BlankholdersDevelopments in Sheet Metal Stampings SAE19981
1600-054K. SiegertPrototype Draw Dies for Sheet Metal PartsDevelopments in Sheet Metal Stampings SAE19981
1600-055M. Y.Demeriidation of Path – Dependent Forming Limit Diagrams VDIF SteelDevelopments in Sheet Metal Stampings SAE19981
1600-056X. H. Zhu, S. A. MajlessiPredicting the Forming Diagram (FLD) for Sheet Metals with Planar AnisotropyDevelopments in Sheet Metal Stampings SAE19981
1600-057U. Abdelsalam, M. RavachovOn a Fast Springback Program for Sheet Metal Stamping: Validation and ApplicationsDevelopments in Sheet Metal Stampings SAE19981
1600-058R. RuffiniUsing Neutral Network for Springback Minimization in a Channel Forming ProcessDevelopments in Sheet Metal Stampings SAE19981
1600-059S. K. Esche, G. L. KinzelThe Effect of Modeling Parameters and Bending on Two-Dimensional Sheet Metal Forming SimulationDevelopments in Sheet Metal Stampings SAE19981
1600-060R. PorroThe Innovative Use of Magnesium in Car Design and an Analysis of Cost vs. Weight SavingsInnovative Use of Magnesium in Car DesignSAE19981
1600-061T. Kr. AuneDesigning for the Fatigue Performance of Magnesium Die CastingsInnovative Use of Magnesium in Car DesignSAE19981
1600-062G. R. WinslowStudy of Plastic Material Recovery from Automotive Shredder ResidueDesign and Manufacture for the Environment SAE19981
1600-063C. M. DuranceauRecycling Automotive Seat Foam: Acoustics of Post Consumer Rebond Seat Foam for Carpet Underlayment ApplicationDesign and Manufacture for the Environment SAE19981
1600-064B. MartelReclamation of Urethane Foam from Automotive SeatsDesign and Manufacture for the Environment SAE19981
1600-065T. S. EllisRecyclability and Characterization of CO-Extruded Multilayer Fuel TanksDesign and Manufacture for the Environment SAE19981
1600-066S. KalhanPolymer Additives as Mist Suppressants in Metalworking Fluids Part IIa: Preliminary Laboratory and Plant Studies – Water-Soluble FluidsDesign and Manufacture for the Environment SAE19981
1600-067G. WhittenLead Free Solder Automotive ElectronicsDesign and Manufacture for the Environment SAE19981
1600-068A. BustaniAn Approach to Modeling the Vehicle End-of-Life ProcessDesign and Manufacture for the Environment SAE19981
1600-069N. AntheaumeThe External Cost Assessment of Dataset from a Life Cycle InventoryDesign and Manufacture for the Environment SAE19981
1600-070M. H. ProkopyshenUsing Life Cycle Management to Evaluate Chrome Free Sealing WashDesign and Manufacture for the Environment SAE19981
1600-071M. GosserNew Fascia Materials Technology for Europe and North AmericaFascia Material Technologies SAE19981
1600-072M. GoldhawkEmerging Technologies in RIM Fascia – A Focus on Light weighting and Down gaugingFascia Material Technologies SAE19981
1600-073B. GillardAbusive Testing of Thermoplastic vs. Steel Bumper SystemsPlastic and Thermoplastic Bumpers SAE19981
1600-074J. Rawson,J. StaargaardFirst One-Piece, Injection-Molded Thermoplastic Front Bumper System for a Light TruckPlastic and Thermoplastic Bumpers SAE19981
1600-075Y. SugimotoFEM Analysis of Heat Deformation of Plastic BumperPlastic and Thermoplastic Bumpers SAE19981
1600-076L. EvelsonOptimization of Elastometer Bumper Shape ParametersPlastic and Thermoplastic Bumpers SAE19981
1600-077M. Grosser, J. RawsonIntegrated Energy-Management Systems: Market Trends, OEM Needs & Business Opportunities for the Tier 1 Community SAE19981
1600-078S. KumarComparative Performance of a Compression-Molded I-Section Bumper Beam with Integrated Mounting Stays vs. Other Bumper Designs SAE19981
1600-079J. Rawson, M. GrosserPerformance Evaluations of Polyolefins vs. Engineering Thermoplastics for Blow-Molded Bumper Beams SAE19981
1600-080D. EvansConsistency of Thermoplastic Bumper Beam Impact Performance SAE19981
1600-081S.-H. KimDesign and Structural Analysis of Bumper for Automobiles SAE19981
1600-082J. M. ShiffletteHydrostatic Lock and Detonation: Spark Plugs as Pressure Relief DevicesAdvanced Powerplant Concepts SAE19981
1600-083R. P. GablerDevelopment of a Lubrication Model for the CMC Scotch Yoke MechanismAdvanced Powerplant Concepts SAE19981
1600-084M. BadamiDesign, Construction and Testing of Hypocycloid MachinesAdvanced Powerplant Concepts SAE19981
1600-085M. DitiuThe Improvement of Lean Mixture Combustion in the Spark Ignition Engine by Stratified Charge in Large PrechamberAdvanced Powerplant Concepts SAE19981
1600-086P. H. BurnsideThermal Modeling of an Axial Vane Rotary EngineAdvanced Powerplant Concepts SAE19981
1600-087G. M. BianchiThe Influence of Stroke-to-Bore Ratio and Combustion Chamber Design on Formula One Engines PerformanceAdvances in Multi-Dimensional Modeling SAE19981
1600-088S. ParkAn Experimental and Computational Study of Flow Characteristics in Exhaust Manifold and CCC (Close-Coupled Catalyst)Advances in Multi-Dimensional Modeling SAE19981
1600-089J. F. O’Connor, N. R. McKinleyCFD Simulations of Intake Port Flow Using Automatic Mesh Generation: Comparison with Laser Sheet, Swirl and LDA Measurements for Steady Flow ConditionsAdvances in Multi-Dimensional Modeling SAE19981
1600-090Y. IshiiPrediction of DI Diesel Engine Emissions by Multidimensional SimulationAdvances in Multi-Dimensional Modeling SAE19981
1600-091M. A. PattersonModeling the Effects of Fuel Spray Characteristics on Diesel Combustion and EmissionAdvances in Multi-Dimensional Modeling SAE19981
1600-092A. AgrawalMulti-Dimensional Modeling of Natural Gas Ignition under Compression Ignition Conditions using Detailed ChemestryAdvances in Multi-Dimensional Modeling SAE19981
1600-093N. SinhaNovel CFD Techniques for In-Cylinder Flows on Tetrahedral GridsAdvances in Multi-Dimensional Modeling SAE19981
1600-094T. ShiozakiThe Visualization and Its Analysis of Combustion Flame in a DI Diesel EngineAnalysis of Combustion and Flow Diagnosis SAE19981
1600-095R. E. Foglesong, P. J. RubasDual Pump Coherent Anti-Strokes Raman Scattering Measurements in a Direct Injection Natural Gas EngineAnalysis of Combustion and Flow Diagnosis SAE19981
1600-096J. E. DecPLIF Imaging of NO Formation in a DI Diesel EngineAnalysis of Combustion and Flow Diagnosis SAE19981
1600-097F. HildenbrandLaser Spectroscopic Investigation of Flow Fields and NO-Formation in a Realistic SI EngineAnalysis of Combustion and Flow Diagnosis SAE19981
1600-098J. LiPreliminary Investigation of a Diffusing Oriented Spray Stratified Combustion System for DI Gasoline EnginesDirect Injection SI Engine Technology SAE19981
1600-099R. Huston, G. CathcartCombustion and Emission Characteristics of Orbital’s Combustion Process Applied to Multi-Cylinder Automotive Direct Injected 4-Stroke EngineDirect Injection SI Engine Technology SAE19981
1600-100J.D. PlackmannThe Effects of Mixture Stratification on Combustion in a Constant-Volume Combustion VesselDirect Injection SI Engine Technology SAE19981
1600-101Raymond Reinmann, Andre Saitzkoff, Bengt Lassesson, Petter StrandhFuel and Addictive Influence on the Ion CurrentElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-102Morito Asano, Tetsuo Kuma, Mitsunobo Kajitani, Manabu TakeukiDevelopment of New Ion Current Combustion Control SystemElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-103D. E. Paulus, M. L. DunbarHigh Pressure Sensor for Use in Common Rail Diesel Fuel Injection SystemsElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-104Dinu Taraza, Naeim A. Henein, Walter BryzikDetermination of the Gas-Pressure Torque of a Multi-Cylinder Engine from Measurements of the Crankshaft’s Speed VariationElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-105S. P. Gladyshev, V. V. Sheshukov, P. S. MakarovTransformer Based Sensor of the High Pressure Fuel Pump Rod PositionElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-106E. N. Bales, E. A. VanDyne, A. M. Wahl, K. Ratton, Ming-Chia LaiIn-Cylinder Air/Fuel Ratio Approximation Using Spark Gap Ionization SensingElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-107B. J. Challen, R.K. StobartSome More Diesel Engine SensorsElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-108R. D. Stiles, J. E. SmithModeling the Radio Frequency Coaxial Cavity Plasma Ignitor as an Internal Combustion Engine Ignition SystemElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-109B. Lequesne, T. SchrodderMagnetic Crankshaft and Camshaft Position Sensors with a Complementary GeometryElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-110N. Kato, H. Kurachi, Y. HamadaThick Film ZrO2 Nox Sensor for the Measurements of Low Nox ConcentrationElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-111Y. Ohashi, W. Fukui, F. Tanabe, A. UedaThe Application of Ionic Current Detection System for the Combustion Limit ControlElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-112R. Frodl, D. SchoedlbauerModern Concepts for Low Cost, High Performance Position SensorsElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-113Y. Kakoi, Y. Tsutsui. N. Ono, K. Umezawa, N. KondoEmission Reduction Technologies Applied to High-Speed Direct Injection Diesel EngineElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-114D. W. Dickey, T. W. Ryan III,A. C. MatheausNOx Control in Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines- What is the Limit?In Cylinder Diesel Particulate and NOx Control SAE19981
1600-115R. B. Poola, K. C. Stork, R. Sekar, K. Callaghan, S. NemserVariable Air Composition with Polymer Membrane – A New Low Emissions ToolIn Cylinder Diesel Particulate and NOx Control SAE19981
1600-116J. A. Leet, A. Matheaus, D. DickeyEGR System Integration on a Pump-Line-Nozzle EngineIn Cylinder Diesel Particulate and NOx Control SAE19981
1600-117P. Hawker, G. Hunthwool, J. Henn, W. Koch, H. Luders, B. Luers, P. StommelEffect of a Continuously Regenerating Diesel Particulate Filter on Non-Regulated Emissions and Particle Size DistributionDiesel Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1600-118A. Blackwood, D. Tidmarsh, M. WillcockThe Effect of an Oxidation Catalyst on Cold Start Diesel Emissions in the First 120 Seconds of RunningDiesel Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1600-119V. O. Strots, G. A. Bunimovich, Y. Sh. Matros, M. Zheng, E. A. MoroshNovel Catalytic Converter for Natural Gas Powered Diesel EnginesDiesel Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1600-120H. Ueno, T. Furutani, T. Nagami, N. Aono, H. Goshima, K. KasaharaDevelopment of Catalyst for Diesel EngineDiesel Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1600-121H. Klein, E. Lox, T. Kreuzer, M. Kawanami, T. Reid, K. BachmannDiesel Particulate Emissions of Passenger Cars – New Insights Into Structural Changes During the Process of Exhaust Aftertreatment Using Diesel Oxidation CatalystsDiesel Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1600-122G. J. Sheid, G. SchmidSwitching Noise of Power Drivers in the 150 kHz to 10 mHz Range SAE19981
1600-123M. Fuchs, M. Eckrich, O. Muller, J. Philipps, P. ScholzAdvanced Design and Validation Techniques for Electronic Control Units SAE19981
1600-124M. Schmidt, R. IsermannNAGREMA – A Simulation Environment for Accessory Drive Optimization SAE19981
1600-125Yoji YamadaFloating-Point Number for Automotive Control Systems SAE19981
1600-126D. Upadhyay, G. RizzoniAFR Control on a Single Cylinder Engine Using the Ionization Current SAE19981
1600-127H. List, P. SchoegglObjective Evaluation of Vehicle Driveability SAE19981
1600-128Closed Loop Canister Purge Control SystemM. C. Sultan, M. D. Kushion, R. Wind, C. H. Flokerts, G. P. Matthews SAE19981
1600-129R. Eger, R. Majjad, Nasr NasrRollover Simulation Based on a Nonlinear ModelAdvances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-130B. Herbst, S. Forrest, S. E. MeyerStrength Improvements to Automotive Roof ComponentsAdvances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-131D. Friedman, J. FriedmanRoof Crush Versus Occupant Injury From 1988 to 1992 NASSAdvances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-132D. Friedman, B. HerbstThe Relationship Between Vertical Velocity and Roof Crush in Rollover CrashesAdvances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-133D. Friedman, D. ChngHuman Subject Experiments in Occupant Response to Rollover With Reduced HeadroomAdvances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-134M. W. ArndtTesting for Occupant Rollover ProtectionAdvances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-135R. W. Kent, C. E. StrotherWooden Pole Fracture Energy in Vehicle ImpactsAdvances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-136R. W. Kent, C. E. Strother, Y. WarnerEstimating Vehicle Deformation Energy for Vehicles Struck in the SideAdvances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-137N. K. Mango, E. A. GartheWhy People Die in Motor Vehicle Crashes: Linking Detailed Causes of Death with FARS DataAdvances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-138J. Robinson, M. Dallaway, P. WellicomeCrash Data Presentation Leveraging Existing Data StorageAdvances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-139M. C. Marine, S. M. WernerDelta-V Analysis from Crash Test Data for Vehicles with Post-Impact Yaw MotionAdvances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-140Zbignew LoziaVehicle Dynamics and Motion Simulation Versus ExperimentVehicle Dynamics and SimulationSAE19981
1600-141W. Blythe, T. D. Day, W. D. Grimes3-Dimensional Simulation of Vehicle Response to Tire Blow-outsVehicle Dynamics and SimulationSAE19981
1600-142R. W. Allen, B. L. Aponso, D. H. Klyde, Fritz G. Anderson, J. R. HogueA Low Cost PC Based Driving Simulator for Prototyping and Hardware-In-The-Loop ApplicationsVehicle Dynamics and SimulationSAE19981
1600-143J. Gruening, J Bernard, Chris Clover, K. HoffmeisterDriving SimulationVehicle Dynamics and SimulationSAE19981
1600-144D. D. GunterModeling and Simulation of a 6x6 Military Troop/Cargo Transport VehicleVehicle Dynamics and SimulationSAE19981
1600-145J. Bernard, J. Gruering, K. HoffmeisterEvaluation of Vehicle/Driver Performance Using Genetic AlgorithmsVehicle Dynamics and SimulationSAE19981
1600-146G. J. Heydinger, R. A. Bixel, N. J. DurisekEffects of Loading on Vehicle HandlingVehicle Dynamics and SimulationSAE19981
1600-147N. H. Sledge, Jr. and Kurt M. MarshekDevelopment and Validation of an Optimized Emergency Lane-Change TrajectoryVehicle Dynamics and SimulationSAE19981
1600-148Dick D. Hoffman, M. D. RizzoChevrolet C5 Corvette Vehicle Dynamic Control SystemVehicle Dynamics and SimulationSAE19981
1600-149H. Leffler, R. Auffhammer, R. HeykenNew Driving Stability Control System with Reduced Technical Effort for Compact and Medium Class Passenger CarsABS/Brake/VDC Technology SAE19981
1600-150A. T. van Zanten, R. Erhardt, Klaus Landesfeind, G. PfaffVDC Systems Development and PerspectiveABS/Brake/VDC Technology SAE19981
1600-151M. AsanoFurthering the Evolution of Function and Performance for ABS SystemsABS/Brake/VDC Technology SAE19981
1600-152K. Iwazaki, I. TanakaSmart Algorithm for a Tire Pneumatic Pressure Monitor Embedded in ABS ProgramABS/Brake/VDC Technology SAE19981
1600-153Huang-Tsang Chang, G. C. Fulks, J. A. HeinrichsControlled Brake Component Development ProcessABS/Brake/VDC Technology SAE19981
1600-154Daisuke Abe, Shigeji Yamauchi, Kazuyoshi UchiyamaThe Development of Toyota Fantasy Print SystemABS/Brake/VDC Technology SAE19981
1600-155F. SvaricekAutomatic Valuation and Verification of ABS Controllers by Using a Hardware-In-The-Loop SimulationABS/Brake/VDC Technology SAE19981
1600-156V. V. Vantsevich, M. S. Vysotski, S. V. KharytonchykControl of Wheel DynamicsABS/Brake/VDC Technology SAE19981
1600-157P. F. NoronhaA Robust Lumped-Parameter Tire Model Developed for Real-Time SimulationABS/Brake/VDC Technology SAE19981
1600-158M. W. Suh, C. S. Seok, Y.J. KimHardware-In-The-Loop Simulation for ABSABS/Brake/VDC Technology SAE19981
1600-159S. P Gladyshev, V. P. Sychev, M. V. YakovlevCalculation Experimental Tehnique On Choosing The Components And Algorithms of ABS Functioning in the Air Brake SystemABS/Brake/VDC Technology SAE19981
1600-160S. Taheri, M. Darvishi, M. BaheamiA New Control Strategy for ABS SystemsABS/Brake/VDC Technology SAE19981
1600-161S. Taheri, M. Bahrami, A. SafariAn Investigation of the Use of a New Non-Linear Control Strategy for Integration of Active Suspension and ABSABS/Brake/VDC Technology SAE19981
1600-162Jung-Hwan LeeEffect of Tire Characteristics on the Simulation of Vehicle Straight Ahead MotionDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-163Parmeet S. GroverModeling of Rolling Resistance Test DataDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-164G. Dihua, Wu Weidong, Zhang AiqianTire Modeling for Vertical Properties by Using Experimental Model ParametersDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-165Konghui Guo, Qing LiuA Model of Tire Enveloping Properties and Its Application on Modeling of Automobile Vibration SystemsDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-166Konghui Guo, Qing LiuSimulations of Tire Cornering Properties in Non-Steady State ConditionsDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-167Tae-Sok Song, Ju-Wan Lee, Nah-Jong YuRolling Resistance of Tires – An Analysis of Heat GenerationDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-168Oliver Le Maitre, Manfred Sussner, Cesar ZarakEvaluation of Tire Wear PerformanceDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-169W. Lee Willard Jr.Self-Supporting Tire Performance Criteria and TestingDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-170K. Sakiyama, K. Ishikawa, K. FuruichiTire Pressure Warning SystemDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-171Kevin CarstensenA Study of the Chrome Platability of Cast Aluminum WheelsDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-172E. M. Negrus, G. Anghelache, S. SorohanTire Radial Vibrations at High Speed RollingDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-173S. Hiraki, N. Mitsue, K. KozonoOptimum Strength Design of Hub Bearings for the Full Float Rear Wheel (Dual-Wheel)Developments in Tire, Wheel, Steering and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-174W. Weiblen, T. HofmannEvaluation of Different Designs of Wheel Force TransducersSensors and ActuatorsSAE19981
1600-175S. Ishikawa, Y. Noda, N. HayakawaA Fast Light Off Thimble-Type Oxygen SensorSensors and ActuatorsSAE19981
1600-176A. Mizutani, T. Okawa, H. MatsuzakiOxygen Sensor for CNG Application as ULEV or Tighter Emission VehicleSensors and ActuatorsSAE19981
1600-177T. Kowatari, N. Arai, C. KobayashiSignal Processing for Error Reduction in a Hot-Wire Air Flow SensorSensors and ActuatorsSAE19981
1600-178H. Inagaki, T. Oshima, S. Miyata, N. KondoNox Meter Utilizing ZrO2 Pumping CellSensors and ActuatorsSAE19981
1600-179M. Lutz, W. Golderer, J. Gerstenmeier, J. MarekA Precision Yaw Rate Sensor in Silicon MicromachiningSensors and ActuatorsSAE19981
1600-180T. Matsuura, K. Tsutsumi, M. Tahuchi, M. TaruyaSilicon Resonant Angular Rate Sensor for Vehicle Stability ControlSensors and ActuatorsSAE19981
1600-181J. Yukawa, T. Nozoe, H. Ohgoshi, M. Murakami,T. UemuraAngular Rate Sensor for Dynamic Chassis ControlSensors and ActuatorsSAE19981
1600-182R. Verma, I. Baskett, B. LogginsMicro Machined Electromechanical Sensors for Automotive ApplicationsSensors and ActuatorsSAE19981
1600-183G. P. SievewrightNoise Optimization of Plastic Air Intake ManifoldsNoise and Vibration Research SAE19981
1600-184E. Payer, J. L. PlatnickThe Use of CAE for the Optimization of Engine NVH Behavior, State-of-the-Art and Future TrendsNoise and Vibration Research SAE19981
1600-185S. Su, Gopal K. Chamarti, M. KumraTotal Vehicle Vibration Isolation (TVVI) for Automotive and Other ApplicationsNoise and Vibration Research SAE19981
1600-186S.-J. Hwang, J. L. Stout, C.-C. LingModeling and Analysis of Powertrain Torsion ResponseNoise and Vibration Research SAE19981
1600-187S. Ito, H. Nagayama, K. NemotoDevelopment of a High Performance Polyester Fiber Carpet PadNoise and Vibration Research SAE19981
1600-188J. S. Lin, J. KostunGlobal Acoustic Sensitivity Analysis Applied to the Reduction of Shell Noise Radiation of a Simulated Engine Air Induction System ComponentNoise and Vibration Research SAE19981
1600-189F. Payri, A. J. Torregrosa, A. Broatch, Jean-Paul BrunelPressure Loss Characteristics of Perforated DuctsNoise and Vibration Research SAE19981
1600-190Y. Takeuchi, H. Tsukahara, M. SatoPrediction of Excitation Forces and Powerplant Vibration in a Horizontally Opposed EngineNoise and Vibration Research SAE19981
1600-191H. Mizuno, K. Uchiyama, R. Sako, S. Sato, K. SakakibaraMultifunctional Surface Treatment for Car Air ConditionersAutomotive Climate ControlSAE19981
1600-192B. S. AbdulNourNumerical Simulation of Vehicle Flow FieldAutomotive Climate ControlSAE19981
1600-193E. Wandell, W. E. Dunn, N. Miller, T NewellConditions That Limit Oil Circulation in a Mobile Air-Conditioning SystemAutomotive Climate ControlSAE19981
1600-194E. Rodarte, N. R. Miller, P. HrnjakUse of Stereolithography as a Design Tool for Developing Quiet Plate Mobile Air Conditioning EvaporatorsAutomotive Climate ControlSAE19981
1600-195Y. Khamisi, C. Petitjean, V. PommeModeling of Automotive Passenger Compartment and Its Air Conditioning SystemAutomotive Climate ControlSAE19981
1600-196M. S. BhattiOpen Air Cycle Air Conditioning System for Motor VehiclesAutomotive Climate ControlSAE19981
1600-197K. Miyagawa, H. KayukawaDevelopment of the Swash Plate Type Continuously Variable Displacement CompressorAutomotive Climate ControlSAE19981
1600-198O.Gaveau, D. ClodicTest Bench for Measuring the Energy Consumption of an Automotive Air Conditioning SystemAutomotive Climate ControlSAE19981
1600-199S-J. Lee, J-H. Yoon, K-W KimSimultaneous Measurement of Temperature and Velocity Fields of Ventilation Flow in a Passenger Car CompartmentAutomotive Climate ControlSAE19981
1600-200K. J. Nasr, B. S. AbdulNour, G. C. WiklundState of Knowledge and Current Challenges in Defrosting Automotive WindshieldsAutomotive Climate ControlSAE19981
1600-201T. Allen, P. Afshari, K. Kabiri, G. HerrinRobust Engineering Using Numerical Methods: Application to the Design of D-Shaped ShaftsAutomotive Climate ControlSAE19981
1600-202M. B. Botros, T. NavaMinimizing the Fan Imbalance Excitation of an Automotive Blower SystemAutomotive Climate ControlSAE19981
1600-203S. H. Dropps, G. JurickReverse Engineering Using X-Ray Scan TechniqueDevelopments in CAD-CAM and CAE SAE19981
1600-204T. Torigaki, K. Fujitani, N. TomitaA Voxel-Based Approach to Structural Analysis that Includes Consideration of Contact ConditionsDevelopments in CAD-CAM and CAE SAE19981
1600-205D. D. Ward, A. R. RuddleDevelopments in Automotive Electromagnetic ModelingDevelopments in CAD-CAM and CAE SAE19981
1600-206O. Gurdogan, V. Rubek, O. Seluck, J. Haskett, H. U. Akay, F. CutlerMold Filling and Solidification Studies of a Gray Iron Engine BlockDevelopments in CAD-CAM and CAE SAE19981
1600-207M. Kanamori, Y. Isomura, K. SuzukiDynamic Finite Element Analysis of Window Regulator Linkage System Using LS-DYNADevelopments in CAD-CAM and CAE SAE19981
1600-208P. Caselitz, R. JuchemComputer Aided Design of Battery Management Systems for Automobiles – A Model for Lead Acid BatteriesDevelopments in CAD-CAM and CAE SAE19981
1600-209J. WulfCalculation of Temperature Loads in HeadlampsAutomotive Lighting Technology SAE19981
1600-210L. Hoines, J. JiaoEnvironment Leading to Condensation in Automotive LampsAutomotive Lighting Technology SAE19981
1600-211M. Sivak, M. J. Flannagan, S. Kojima, E. C. TarubeA Market – Weighted Description of Low – Beam Headlighting Patterns in the U.S.Automotive Lighting Technology SAE19981
1600-212H. Ishida, S. KobayashiDevelopment if Visual Measurement System Using Digital Still CameraAutomotive Lighting Technology SAE19981
1600-213J. Damasky, A. HosemannThe Influence of the Light Distribution of Headlamps on Drivers Fixation Behavior at NighttimeAutomotive Lighting Technology SAE19981
1600-214M. Lekson, J. JiaoStudy of Tubular Volume Light Source Intensity DistributionAutomotive Lighting Technology SAE19981
1600-215C. DuboscStyling Trends for Car Rear LampsAutomotive Lighting Technology SAE19981
1600-216T. Shimizu, H. Kato, M. KrulDevelopment of PWM DRL with Low RF Emissions and Low HeatAutomotive Lighting Technology SAE19981
1600-217I. Lewin, J. O’ FarrellPhotometric and Optical Methods of Lamp AnalysisAutomotive Lighting Technology SAE19981
1600-218M. Hamm, M. LampenLuminance Measurement, Contrast Sensitivity, Homogeneity: New Approaches of Defining the Quality of HeadlampsAutomotive Lighting Technology SAE19981
1600-219L. I. FraymanModified P/M Soft Magnetic Materials for Automotive ApplicationsAutomotive Lighting Technology SAE19981
1600-220J. Wilde, W. Staiger, M. Thoben, B. SchuhIntegration of Liquid Cooling Thermal and Thermomechanical Design for the Lifetime Prediction of Electrical Power ModulesElectronic Packaging SAE19981
1600-221R. M. Adams, A. GlovastkyPBGA Reliability Study for Automotive ApplicationsElectronic Packaging SAE19981
1600-222J. E. EhlertAdhesiveless Flexible Laminate in Automotive Under-the-Hood ElectronicsElectronic Packaging SAE19981
1600-223J. M. Hu, G. A. GarfinkelCorrelation of Thermal Cycles Tests to Field Usage Profile for Solder Joints in Automotive ElectronicsElectronic Packaging SAE19981
1600-224Q. Li, D. Dougherty, Y. L. XiIntegration of Simulation and Testing for Microelectronics Package Reliability ImprovementElectronic Packaging SAE19981
1600-225M. LuettgenTransient Thermal Analysis of Power ElectronicsElectronic Packaging SAE19981
1600-226M. HundtHigh Power Surface Mount PackagesElectronic Packaging SAE19981
1600-227Y. - H. Pao, X. SongThermal Fatigue Analysis of PBGA Packages in Automotive EnvironmentElectronic Packaging SAE19981
1600-228A. C. Malliaris, J. H. DeBloisOverstated Safety Belt Use Rates – Evidence, Consequences and RemediesMechanics of Protection SAE19981
1600-229S. Xunnan He, J. E. HowellTheoretical Design and Performance Improvement of the Torsion Bar in Constant Force RetractorsMechanics of Protection SAE19981
1600-230P. BuehringFault Tolerant Networking of Squibs and Sensors in Advanced Passenger Restraint SystemsMechanics of Protection SAE19981
1600-231G. S. Nusholtz, Y. ShiPhysical Reality in FE Head Models: Rotation and StrainMechanics of Protection SAE19981
1600-232E. M. Sieveka, J. A. Pallettiere, J. R. CrandallA New CVS/ATB Hybrid III Model for Lower Extremity Studies: Development and ValidationMechanics of Protection SAE19981
1600-233P. J. Atkinson, C. M. Mackenzie, R. C. HautPatellofemoral Joint Fracture Load Prediction Using Physical and Pathological ParametersMechanics of Protection SAE19981
1600-234I. U. Ojalvo, O. MasoryProposed Extensions to Federally Mandated Bumper TestingMechanics of Protection SAE19981
1600-235P. J. Schuster, B. StainesDetermination of Bumper Styling and Engineering Parameters to Reduce Pedestrian Leg InjuriesMechanics of Protection SAE19981
1600-236R. Piziali, R. Hopper, D. Girvan, R. MeralaInjury Causation in Rollover Accidents and the Biofidelity of Hybrid III Data in Rollover TestsMechanics of Protection SAE19981
1600-237J. A. Pallettiere, E. M. Sieveka, J. R. CrandallExperimental Testing of the Hybrid III Lower Extremity for Computational Model DevelopmentMechanics of Protection SAE19981
1600-238R. W. Rudd, E. M. Sieveka, J. R. Crandall, J. PallettiereLower Extremity and Brake Pedal Interaction in Frontal Collisions: Computer SimulationMechanics of Protection SAE19981
1600-239I. U. Ojalvo, B. E. Webber, D. A. EvensenLow Speed Car Impacts with Different Bumper Systems: Correlation of Analytical Model with testsMechanics of Protection SAE19981
1600-240W. D. Grimes, C. P. DickersonLow Speed Acceleration of the Kenworth T600 Tractor TruckAccident ReconstructionSAE19981
1600-241R. M. Brach, D. F. RudnyComparison of Tire Friction Test Methodologies Used in Accident ReconstructionAccident ReconstructionSAE19981
1600-242W. E. Cliff, J. J. BowlerThe Measured Rolling Resistance of Vehicles for Accident ReconstructionAccident ReconstructionSAE19981
1600-243F. P. D. Navin, T. T. HoVehicle Braking on Steep Down Grades: Field Experiment ResultsAccident ReconstructionSAE19981
1600-244J. E. Hunter, S. S. Cartier, D. J. Temple, R. C. MasonBrake Fluid Vaporization as a Contributing Factor in Motor Vehicle CollisionsAccident ReconstructionSAE19981
1600-245H. Steffan, A. MoserThe Trailer Simulation Model of PC-CRASHAccident ReconstructionSAE19981
1600-246A. Moser, H. SteffanAutomatic optimization of Pre-Impact Parameters Using Post Impact Trajectories and Rest PositionsAccident ReconstructionSAE19981
1600-247R. M. DownsProtocol for the Examination of School Bus Vehicles to Support Accident Investigation and ReconstructionAccident ReconstructionSAE19981
1600-248L. D. Metz, L. G. MetzSensitivity of Accident Reconstruction CalculationsAccident ReconstructionSAE19981
1600-249D. J. Massa, R. W.BaretteUsing Three-Dimensional Digitalization to Model a VehicleAccident ReconstructionSAE19981
1600-250S. Schmitz, C. RoserA New State-of-the-Art Keyless Entry SystemDevelopments in CAD-CAM and CAESAE19981
1600-251A. Yoshitake, K. Sato, Y. HosoyaA Study on Improving Crashworthiness of Automotive Parts by Using High Strength Steel SheetsDevelopments in CAD-CAM and CAESAE19981
1600-252M. Rakotovao, P. Vergine, D. CasarilContribution in EMIC Case of DC Motors: Influence of Brushes-Collector Contact in Conducted InterferenceDevelopments in CAD-CAM and CAESAE19981
1600-253J. Huang, J. G. Conley, P. CallauAlternative Methods for Porosity Prediction in Aluminum AlloysDevelopments in CAD-CAM and CAESAE19981
1600-254S. Pattanaik, J. Clark, J. SandulaRapid CAE Analysis for Parametric Solid Model Assemblies of Instrument Panel StructuresDevelopments in CAD-CAM and CAESAE19981
1600-255G. Roderer, K. WellerEDS Optimization and Validation ToolDevelopments in CAD-CAM and CAESAE19981
1600-256L. M. Hofmann, D. Bouzit, K. W. Murawski, K. D. HsuehArtificial Reduction of Wind Tunnel Background Noise in Vehicle Wind Noise TestingDevelopments in Vehicle Aerodynamics SAE19981
1600-257D. B. Sims-Williams, R. G. DominyExperimental Investigation into Unsteadiness and Instability in Passenger Car AerodynamicsDevelopments in Vehicle Aerodynamics SAE19981
1600-258A. Ryan, R. G. DominyDevelopments in Vehicle Aerodynamics SAE19981
1600-259D. G. FishApplication of the Composite Rating of Preference to Road and Wind NoiseDevelopments in Vehicle Aerodynamics SAE19981
1600-260G. M. Le Good, J. P. Howell, A. CogottiA Comparison of On-Road Aerodynamic Drag Measurements with Wind Tunnel Data from Pininfarina and MIRADevelopments in Vehicle Aerodynamics SAE19981
1600-261R. Andra, K. Kumar, E. HytopoulosThe Effect of Boundary and Geometry Simplification on the Numerical Simulation of Front-End CoolingDevelopments in CAD-CAM and CAE SAE19981
1600-262P.Hong, B. Marcu, F. Browand A. TuckerDrag Forces Experienced by Two, Full-Scale Vehicles at Close SpacingDevelopments in CAD-CAM and CAE SAE19981
1600-263D. E. Calkins, W. Su, W. T. ChanA Design Rule Based Tool for Automobile Systems DesignDevelopments in CAD-CAM and CAE SAE19981
1600-264D. E. Calkins, W. T. Chan“CDaero” – A Parametric Aerodynamic Drag Prediction ToolDevelopments in CAD-CAM and CAE SAE19981
1600-265M. Guenther, D. DeWaard, M. LaPan, T. JensenComparison of Vehicle Running Loss Evaporative Emissions Using Point Source and Enclosure Measurements TechniquesGeneral Emissions SAE19981
1600-266M. Guenther, T. Fronckowiak, C. StellaDynamometer Load Reduction for Low Power Vehicles Driving the US06 Supplemental Federal Test ProcedureGeneral Emissions SAE19981
1600-267J. Gee, G. Torgerson, W. G. MearsEddy Current Dynamometers – Suitable for I/M Transient SimulationGeneral Emissions SAE19981
1600-268D. L. McKain, N. N. Clark, T. I. McDanielChassis test Cycle Development for Heavy-Duty Engine Emissions Test ComplianceGeneral Emissions SAE19981
1600-269D. M. Swain, C. Jackson, C. E. LindhjemA Method for Comparing Transient NOx Emissions with Weighted Steady State Test ResultsGeneral Emissions SAE19981
1600-270D. A. OkrentGeneral Emissions SAE19981
1600-271J.-H. LuDiesel Engine Smoke Measurements in the Rapid Acceleration TestGeneral Emissions SAE19981
1600-272N. Kishi, S. Kikuchi, Y. Seki, A. KatoDevelopment of the High Performance L4 Engine ULEV SystemAdvanced Converter Concepts for Emission Control SAE19981
1600-273Dipl.-Ing. G. Faltermeier, Dipl.-Ing B. PfalzgrafDesign and Optimization of a Close-Coupled Catalyst Concept for Audi 4-Cylinder EnginesAdvanced Converter Concepts for Emission Control SAE19981
1600-274R. Bruck, R. Diewald, W. Maus, L. WieresNew Ultra Thin Wall Metal Catalyst for Close-Coupled ApplicationsAdvanced Converter Concepts for Emission Control SAE19981
1600-275J. Abthoff, R. Kemmler, H. KleinsApplication of In-Line Hydrocarbon Absorber SystemsAdvanced Converter Concepts for Emission Control SAE19981
1600-276F. Koch, F. Maassen, F. HaubnerCooling System Development and Optimization with the Computer Code COOLCooling System Development SAE19981
1600-277H. E. Beamer, D. Ghosh, K. D. Bellows, L. HuangApplied CFD and Experiment for Automotive Compact Heat Exchange DevelopmentCooling System Development SAE19981
1600-278E. Coggiola, B. Dessale, S. MoreauCFD Based Design for Automotive Engine Cooling Fan SystemsCooling System Development SAE19981
1600-279E. N. Arevalo, D. L. Fernandez MelconA Method for Preoptimising the Internal Combustion Engine Air Cooling SystemCooling System Development SAE19981
1600-280N. S. ApElectric Vehicle Cooling System Comparison of Ethylene Glycol-Water and Fluorinert FC72Cooling System Development SAE19981
1600-281Dong-Ryul Lee, C. S. YoonStudy of Viscous Heating Effects in Industrial FluidsCooling System Development SAE19981
1600-282L. Lorenzo, S. Burr, D. Chapman, M. HeckertEvolution of Plastics IP Technology Technical Feasibility of Integrated Modular IP SystemAdvances in Instrument Panel Design SAE19981
1600-283M. K. Marshall, L. R. Nichols W. KirkElectric Vehicle Cockpit and Lightweight Components DevelopmentAdvances in Instrument Panel Design SAE19981
1600-284R. A. Merrifield,S. M. PitrofPerformance Evaluation of an Injection Molded Plastic Composite Structural Cross-Car BeamAdvances in Instrument Panel Design SAE19981
1600-285T. McCollum, R. Schomer, K. Oster, A. NitschDesign and Development of the Oldsmobile Alero Instrument Panel and the Use of the Gas Assist ProcessAdvances in Instrument Panel Design SAE19981
1600-286P. DewhurstEvaluation of Instrument Panel Designs for Cost of Manufacture and Environmental ImpactAdvances in Instrument Panel Design SAE19981
1600-287B. K. Grosser, J. E. UhlFord Motor / Dow Automotive Design Team Solves Knee Bolster Problems on the 1997 F-Series Pickup and ExpeditionAdvances in Instrument Panel Design SAE19981
1600-288D. Luet, J. L. Duval, E. D. Pasquale, V. RigaudQuality Function Approach to Design and Optimization of Stamping Process: Application to an Industrial CaseDevelopments in Sheet Metal Stamping SAE19981
1600-289D. H. Ha, Y. S. KimDesign of Optimized Tool Geometry for the P. S. S. Test with Finite Element SimulationDevelopments in Sheet Metal Stamping SAE19981
1600-290J. M. Trogolo, J. R. DieffenbachEvaluation of Tailor Welded Blanks Through Technical Cost ModelingDevelopments in Sheet Metal Stamping SAE19981
1600-291H. Hayashi, S.- W. Pak, M. UsudaMetal Flow of a Tailored Blank in Square Cup Deep DrawingDevelopments in Sheet Metal Stamping SAE19981
1600-292T. A. Hannibal, J. R. DieffenbachHydroformed Structural Elements: An Economic Evaluation of the TechnologyDevelopments in Sheet Metal Stamping SAE19981
1600-293M. Hao, M. C. Thornton, D. R. BoomerAluminum Weldbonding: Development of a Robust Model for the Prediction of Weld Size Under Simulated Production ConditionsAluminum in Automotive Application SAE19981
1600-294H. Yamashita, M. HiranoResearch on the Application of Aluminum Door Beams for AutomobilesAluminum in Automotive Application SAE19981
1600-295J. G. Conley, B. Moran, J. GrayA New Paradigm for the Design of Safety Critical CastingsAluminum in Automotive Application SAE19981
1600-296K. Siegert, R. LeiberThixoforming of AluminumAluminum in Automotive Application SAE19981
1600-297J. NathThe Development of an Aluminum Differential CarrierAluminum in Automotive Application SAE19981
1600-298C. M. SpillardUltrAlloyâ6020 : A Lead – Free Aluminum Alloy Featuring “A” Rated MachinabilityAluminum in Automotive Application SAE19981
1600-299G. J. Courval, B. Chamberlain, D. Pattemore`Aluminum Wheel Alloy Variants Effects on Corrosion PerformanceAluminum in Automotive Application SAE19981
1600-300D. Symietz, B. WalterspielHigh Modulus/ Low Conductivity Windshield Adhesives for Better Body Stiffness, Comfort and DurabilityDesign and Manufacture for the Invironment SAE19981
1600-301R. V. Singh, M. PellnyLightweight, High – Performance, Constrained Layer Sound DampersDesign and Manufacture for the Invironment SAE19981
1600-302M. A. Raynolds, M. D. CheckelLife Cycle Value Assessment (LCVA) Comparison of Conventional Gasoline and Reformulated GasolineDesign and Manufacture for the Invironment SAE19981
1600-303P. Reppe,G. Keoleian, R. Messick, M. CosticLife Cycle Assessment of a Transmission Case: Magnesium vs. AluminumDesign and Manufacture for the Invironment SAE19981
1600-304C. J. Griffith, G. A. DavisInformation Needs for Life Cycle Management Results of EPA’s Common Sense Initiative for the Automotive SectorDesign and Manufacture for the Invironment SAE19981
1600-305S. Louis, A. WendelLife Cycle Assessment and Design – Experience form Volvo Car CorporationDesign and Manufacture for the Invironment SAE19981
1600-306M. Finkbeiner, M. Wiedemannm, K. SaurLife - Cycle – Assessment (ISO 14040) In the Context of Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001)Design and Manufacture for the Invironment SAE19981
1600-307B. Stier, M. M. KoochesfahaniWhole Field MTV Measurements in a Steady Flow Rig Model of an IC EngineAnalysis of Combustion and Flow DiagnosticsSAE19981
1600-308M. Auriemma, F. E. Corcione, R. Macchioni, G. ValentinoInterpretation of Air Motion in Reentrant Bowl in – Piston Engine by Estimating Reynolds StressesAnalysis of Combustion and Flow DiagnosticsSAE19981
1600-309F. Soderberg, B.Johansson, B. LindoffWavelet Analysis of In – Cylinder LDV Measurements and Correlation Against Heat-ReleaseAnalysis of Combustion and Flow DiagnosticsSAE19981
1600-310W. Church, P. V. FarrellEffects of Intake Port Geometry on Large Scale In – Cylinder FlowsAnalysis of Combustion and Flow DiagnosticsSAE19981
1600-311A. R. Denlinger, Y. G. Guezennec, W. – C. ChoiDynamic Evolution of the 3D Flow Field During the Latter Part of the Intake Stroke in an IC EngineAnalysis of Combustion and Flow DiagnosticsSAE19981
1600-312J. M. Corberan, R. PerezAn Alternative Technique for Swirl MeasurementAnalysis of Combustion and Flow DiagnosticsSAE19981
1600-313B. Johnston, T. McGoldrick, D. Fungston, A. BurkeThe Continued Design and Development of the University of California, Davis Future Car SAE19981
1600-314W. Taylor, W. Kellermeyer, B. Napier, M. Snoberger, C. M AtkinsonDevelopment and Testing of a Second Generation ULEV Series HEV at West Virginia University SAE19981
1600-315M. Pontoppidan, G. Gaviani, G. Bella, V. RoccoImprovements of GDI – Injector Optimization Tools for Enhanced SI Engine Combustion Chamber LayoutDirect Injection SI Engine Technology SAE19981
1600-316B. SendykaA Description of the Shape of an Air – Fuel Mixture and Determination of Injection Advance Angles Related to the Spark Discharges in a Gasoline Direct Injection EngineDirect Injection SI Engine Technology SAE19981
1600-317J. A. Hoffman, F. KhatriMass-Related Properties of Atomizers for Direct – Injection SI EnginesDirect Injection SI Engine Technology SAE19981
1600-318T. Kamimoto, M. Akiyoshi, H. KosakaA Numerical Simulation of Ignition Delay in Diesel EnginesCombustion Process in Diesel Engines SAE19981
1600-319F. E. Corcione, B. M. Vaglieco, G. ValentinoA Study and Chemical Delay in a High Swirl Diesel System via Multiwavelength Extinction MeasurementsCombustion Process in Diesel Engines SAE19981
1600-320P. Furmanski, J. Banaszek, T. S. WisniewskiRadiation Heat Transfer in a Combustion Chamber of a Diesel Engine with Partially Transparent Burnt Gas ZoneCombustion Process in Diesel Engines SAE19981
1600-321N. Miyamoto, H. Ogawa, N. Md. NurunSmokeless, Low NOx, High Thermal Efficiency and Low Noise Diesel Combustion with Oxygenated Agents as Main FuelCombustion Process in Diesel Engines SAE19981
1600-322S. Hori, K. NarusawaFuel Composition Effects of SOF and PAH Exhaust Emissions from DI Diesel EnginesCombustion Process in Diesel Engines SAE19981
1600-323T. R. Fuchs, C. J. RutlandIntake Flows Effects on Combustion and Emissions in a Diesel EngineCombustion Process in Diesel Engines SAE19981
1600-324K. Mischker, H. Hiller, J. SchiemannA New Object – Orientated Diagnostic System Management for Powertrain Control Units with OBDElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-325S. Ortmann, M. Rychetsky, M. GlesnerEngine Knock Estimation using Neutral Networks Based on a Real – World DatabaseElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-326M. Nyberg, A. PerkovicModel Based Diagnosis of Leaks in the Air- Intake System of an SI – EngineElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-327Z. James, A. LeeMisfire Detection Using a Dynamic Neutral Network with Output FeedbackElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-328C. M. Atkinson, T. W. Long, E. L. HanzevackVirtual Sensing : A Neutral Network – Based Intelligent Performance and Emissions Prediction System for On – Board Diagnostics and Engine ControlElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-329P. J. Maloney, P. M. OlinPneumatic and Thermal State Estimators for Production Engine Control and DiagnosticsElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-330M. Ceccarani, C. Rebottini, R. BettiniEngine Misfire Monitoring for a V12 Engine by Exhaust Pressure Analysis
1600-331A. Soliman, Y. – Y. Kim, G. RizzoniA Fuzzy Decision – Making System for Automotive ApplicationElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-332Y. W. Kim, G. RizzoniIntegrated Design of Control and Diagnostics for Air and Fuel Management Systems in SI EnginesElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-333D. Moro, O. Azzoni, G. MinelliMisfire Pattern Recognition in High Performance SI 12 Cylinder EngineElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-334J. Wagner, J, Keane, R. KoselukEngine Knock Detection : Products, Tools and Emerging ResearchElectronic Engine ControlsSAE19981
1600-335G. J. Hampson, R. D. ReitzTwo – Color Imaging of In – Cylinder Soot Concentration and Temperature in a Heavy – Duty DI Diesel Engine with Comparison to Multidimensional Modeling for Single and Split InjectionsIn-Cylinder Diesel Particulate and NOx Control SAE19981
1600-336M. Tamanouchi, H. Morishia, H. ArakiEffects of Fuel Properties and Oxidation Catalyst on Exhaust Emissions for Heavy Duty Diesel Engines and Diesel Passenger CarsIn-Cylinder Diesel Particulate and NOx Control SAE19981
1600-337T. Seko, E. Kuroda, Y. HamanoMethanol Lean Burn in an Auto – Ignition DI EngineIn-Cylinder Diesel Particulate and NOx Control SAE19981
1600-338A. Harada, N. Shimazaki, S. SasakiThe Effects of Mixture Formation on Premixed Lean Diesel CombustionIn-Cylinder Diesel Particulate and NOx Control SAE19981
1600-339K. Zaidi, G. E. Andrews, J. H. GreenhoughDiesel Fumigation Partial Premixing for Reducing Ignition Delay and Amplitude of Pressure FluctuationsIn-Cylinder Diesel Particulate and NOx Control SAE19981
1600-340C. A. Larsen, Y. A. LevendisOn the Effectiveness and Economy of Operation of ART - EGR Systems that Reduce Diesel EmissionsDiesel Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1600-341A. F. Romero, R. Pech, G. Arambula, G. HernandezHeavy Duty Diesel Engine Emissions Reduction Through Filtering and Catalytic CombustionDiesel Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1600-342E. Bach, G. Zikoridse, R. SandigCombination of Different Regeneration Methods for Diesel Particulate TrapsDiesel Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1600-343K. Pattas, N. Kyriakis, Z. SamarasThe Behavior of Metal DPFs at Low Temperatures in Conjunction with a Cerium Based AdditiveDiesel Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1600-344K. Pattas, N. Kyriakis, Z. SamarasEffect of DFP on Particulate Size Distribution Using an Electrical Low Pressure ImpactorDiesel Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1600-345C. N. Opris, J. H. JohnsonA 2 - D Computational Model Describing the Flow and Filtration Characteristics of a Ceramic Diesel Particulate TrapDiesel Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1600-346C. N. Opris, J. H. JohnsonA 2 - D Computational Model Describing the Heat Transfer, Reaction Kinetics and Regeneration Characteristics of a Ceramic Diesel Particulate TrapDiesel Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1600-347J. Dinesen, S. SondergaardElectrochemical Diesel Particulate FilterDiesel Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1600-348H. S. Kim, H. HuhCollapse Analysis of Space – Framed Vehicle Models by Finite Element Limit AnalysisAdvances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-349M. Shibata, M. Oonishi, K. MakinoMethod of Improving Side Impact Protection Performance by Induction Hardening of Body ReinforcementAdvances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-350M. Kaufman, D. Gaines, K. KundrickIntegration of Chassis Frame Forming Analysis into Performance Models to More Accurately Evaluate CrashworthinessAdvances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-351V. W. AntonettiEstimating the Coefficient of Restitution of Vehicle – to – Vehicle Bumper ImpactsAdvances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-352K. Mogami, K. FujiwaraFrontal Crash Characteristics of Compact Car at a High Speed CollisionAdvances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-353E. Dilger, T. Fuhrer, B. MullerThe X- by – Wire Concept: Time – Triggered Information Exchange and Fail Silence Support by New System ServicesAdvances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-354K. – F. ZiegahnDriving Factors and Future Developments of Airbag TechnologyAdvances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-355H. E. Muller, B. LinnSeat Belt PretensionersAdvances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-356H. E. Muller, B. LinnSmart Airbag SystemsAdvances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-357A. Nelson. D. GoorA Programmable Computer Chip – based Cruise – Control System (C3S) A Cruise – Control System with: Automatic Surge and Spin Reduction (AS2R) Features (C3S/AS2R)Advances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-358H. KasheftyDynamic Traffic Light, Vehicle Signaling DisplayAdvances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-359T. E. GreenAutomotive Fuel Line Siphoning: Causes, Consequences & CountermeasurementsAdvances in Safety Technology SAE19981
1600-360R. S. ParanjpeDevelopment of a Math-Based Piston Noise ModelEngine Component TechnologySAE19981
1600-361F. Koch, P. Decker, R. Gulpen, F. – J. QuadfliegCylinder Liner Deformation Analysis – Measurements and CalculationsEngine Component TechnologySAE19981
1600-362T. Tanaka, M. Sawamura, Y. TsuchiyaDevelopment of a Ductile Cast Iron Flywheel Integrated with Hot Form –Rolled GearEngine Component TechnologySAE19981
1600-363R. L. Norton, R. L. Stene, J. Westbrook IIIAnalyzing Vibrations in an IC Engine Valve TrainEngine Component TechnologySAE19981
1600-364T. Kanzaki, N. Hara, Akiyoshi Mori, K. OthsuboAdvantage of Lightweight Valve Train Component on EnginesEngine Component TechnologySAE19981
1600-365S. A. MimsTotal Sealing System Process for Automotive Engine ApplicationsSealing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-366G. Novak, M. Sadowski, E. Widder, R. CaprettaThe Role of the Stopper in the Mechanics of Combustion SealsSealing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-367C. MacqueenSealing Systems for Composite Intake ManifoldsSealing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-368H. Kodaira, K. Niizuma, T. Ishii, O. AizawaSome Observations Relative to the Micro Sealing Performance of Elastmetric Coated Steel Construction Cylinder Head GasketsSealing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-369E. Widder, D. BajnerSurface Waviness – Sealing’s Hidden EnemySealing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-370Z.-Q. Hu, G. Novak, T. Y. ChenFlange Bending Model and Its Application to Bolt Span SpecificationSealing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-371A. G. Fern, A. Mason – JonesFinite Element Analysis of a Valve Stem SealSealing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-372J. Netzer, K.- H. MausImprovements of Valve Stem Seals to Meet Future Emission RequirementsSealing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-373J. Gawlik, G. PichlerConsiderations for Using High Strength Low Alloy Steel in Bonded Transmission PistonsSealing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-374S. ObayashiAnalysis to Reduce the Sliding Friction of Power Steering Rod SealsSealing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-375R. Vogt, D. E. JohnstonThe Sealing Performance of Elastometer Rotary Lip Seals on Turned ShaftsSealing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-376M. van Auken, J. W. Zellner, D. T. KunkelCorrelation of Zwicker’s Loudness and Other Noise Metrics with Driver’s Over – the – Road Transient Noise DiscomfortNoise and Vibration Research SAE19981
1600-377S. Rinaudo, A. Sanon, P. DuputelThe Sound Quality of Cooling Fan SystemsNoise and Vibration Research SAE19981
1600-378S. Matsuyama, S. MaruyamaBooming Noise Analysis Method Based on Acoustic Excitation TestNoise and Vibration Research SAE19981
1600-379H. Uchida, K. UedaDetection of Transient Noise of Car Interior Using Non – Stationary Signal AnalysisNoise and Vibration Research SAE19981
1600-380R. J. Chang, K. DawesExpandable Foams with Programmed Expansion as Body Cavity FillerNoise and Vibration Research SAE19981
1600-381W. Weiblen, K. Kirstatter, A. SonsInnovative Methodology for Brake Torque and Residual Brake Torque MeasurementABS/Brake/VDC Technology SAE19981
1600-382M. Sasada, T. Fujii, N. KamedaStudy on Thermo – plastic Deformation for One – Piece Brake DisksABS/Brake/VDC Technology SAE19981
1600-383J. Brecht, A. Egner-WalterInfluence of Material Selection on Stresses in Ventilated Brake DiscsABS/Brake/VDC Technology SAE19981
1600-384A. R. Bhat, R. Ilankamban, P. R. PerumalswamiThe Effect of Contact Surface and Bolt Torque Variations on the Brake Rotor Run-OutABS/Brake/VDC Technology SAE19981
1600-385G. Dihua, J. DongyingA Study on Disc Brake Squeal using Finite Element MethodsABS/Brake/VDC Technology SAE19981
1600-386K. Lee, R. B. DinwiddieConditions of Frictional Contact in Disk Brakes and their Effects on Brake JudderABS/Brake/VDC Technology SAE19981
1600-387H. Yoshida, T. Sugitani, M. Ohta, J. KizakiDevelopment of the Brake Assist SystemABS/Brake/VDC Technology SAE19981
1600-388Y. Konishi, M. Hattori, M. SugisawaDevelopment of Hydraulic Booster Unit for Active Brake ControlABS/Brake/VDC Technology SAE19981
1600-389F. Blischke, B. HessingDynamic Route Guidance – Different Approaches to the System ConceptsITS: Advanced Controls and Vehicle Navigation Systems SAE19981
1600-390V. Narayanan, G. RizzoniFault Diagnosis of Steering System for Advanced Vehicle Control SystemsITS: Advanced Controls and Vehicle Navigation Systems SAE19981
1600-391Y. Endo, M. Okude, H. Hiroshige, T. SakikawaDevelopment of a Three-dimensional Bird’s-eye View Map Drawing Technique for Car Navigation SystemsITS: Advanced Controls and Vehicle Navigation Systems SAE19981
1600-392S. Kuragaki, H. Kuroda, T. Minowa, M. KayanoAn Adaptive Cruise Control Using Wheel Torque Management TechniqueITS: Advanced Controls and Vehicle Navigation Systems SAE19981
1600-393H. Olbrich, T. Beez, B. LucasA Small, Light Radar Sensor and Control Unit for Adaptive Cruise ControlITS: Advanced Controls and Vehicle Navigation Systems SAE19981
1600-394K. Ito, M. Ohara, Y. TakahashiDevelopment of Unmanned Autonomous Vehicle Control System Based on 1D Image SensorITS: Advanced Controls and Vehicle Navigation Systems SAE19981
1600-395T. Oikawa, K. AokiBlock Structured In-Vehicle Information Network SystemITS: Advanced Controls and Vehicle Navigation Systems SAE19981
1600-396S. Boverie, A. Giralt, J. M. LequellecIntelligent System for Video Monitoring of Vehicle CockpitITS: Advanced Controls and Vehicle Navigation Systems SAE19981
1600-397N. Honda, T. Ishiwaka, M. IshikawaInformation Services for Greater Driving EnjoymentITS: Advanced Controls and Vehicle Navigation Systems SAE19981
1600-398N. Furui, H. Miyakoshi, M. NodaDevelopment of a Scanning Laser Radar for ACCITS: Advanced Controls and Vehicle Navigation Systems SAE19981
1600-399Y. Seto, T. Murakami, H. InoueDevelopment of a Headway Distance Control SystemITS: Advanced Controls and Vehicle Navigation Systems SAE19981
1600-400G. MomThe Electric Truck in America: Why Did It Fail? SAE19981
1600-401M. Pozar, H. E. CookOn Determining the Relationship Between Vehicle Value and Interior Noise SAE19981
1600-402C. E. A. Finney, J. B. Green, Jr. C. S. DawSymbolic Time-Series Analysis of Engine Combustion MeasurementsModeling of SI and Diesel Engines SAE19981
1600-403M. Mirishita, T. KushiyamaAn Improved Method of Determining the TDC Position in a PV-DiagramModeling of SI and Diesel Engines SAE19981
1600-404P. Haluska, L. GuzzellaControl Oriented Modeling of Mixture Formation Phenomena in Multi-Port Injection SI Gasoline EnginesModeling of SI and Diesel Engines SAE19981
1600-405U. Kutsch, P. BeissDrilling of Stainless Sintered Steels SAE19981
1600-406F. Chagnon, M. GagneMachinability Characterization of P/M Materials SAE19981
1600-407I. Shareef, S. Rajagopalan, G. A. GegelMachinability of As-Compacted P/M Parts: Effect of Material Chemistry SAE19981
1600-408J. R. Crandall, C. R. Bass, S. M. DumaEvaluation of 5th Percentile Female Hybrid III Thoracic Biofidelity During Out-of-Position Tests with a Driver Air BagAirbag Technology SAE19981
1600-409K. Digges, A. Noureddine, A. EskandarianEffect of Occupant Position and Air Bag Inflation Parameters on Driver Injury MeasuresAirbag Technology SAE19981
1600-410R. A. Morris, S. M. Duma, C. R. BassAnalysis of Humerus Orientation in Upper Extremity Experiments with a Deploying AirbagAirbag Technology SAE19981
1600-411D. F. HuelkeDoes Stature Influence Driver Injuries in Airbag Deployment Crashes? – Analysis of UMTRI Crash InvestigationsAirbag Technology SAE19981
1600-412D. M. De Leonardis, S. A. FergusonSurvey of Driver Seating Positions in Relation to the Steering WheelAirbag Technology SAE19981
1600-413G. S. Nusholtz, L. Xu, G. KostyniukEstimation of Occupant Position from Probability Manifolds of Air Bag Fire-timesAirbag Technology SAE19981
1600-414A. R. StarnerAirborne Particulates in Automotive AirbagsAirbag Technology SAE19981
1600-415S. RyanAn Innovative Approach to Adaptive Airbag ModulesAirbag Technology SAE19981
1600-416E. Domb, J. KowalickApplying TRIZ to Develop New Designs for the Future of the AirbagAirbag Technology SAE19981
1600-417D. E. StrubleAirbag Technology: What it is and How it Came to BeAirbag Technology SAE19981
1600-418S. Lee Stucki, O. FessahaieComparison of Measured Velocity Change in Frontal Crash Tests to NASS Computed Velocity ChangeAirbag Technology SAE19981
1600-419J. E. StockeRecent Regulatory History of Air BagsAirbag Technology SAE19981
1600-420C. A. Flannaganm, M. A. Manary, L. W. SchneiderAn Improved Accommodation Model with Application to Different User PopulationsHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-421Se-Jin Park, Y.-S. Lee, Y.-E. NahmSeating Physical Characteristics and Subjective Comfort: Design ConsiderationsHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-422Y.-S. Hur, S.-J. ParkEvaluation of Comfort Properties with Covering Textiles of Car SeatsHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-423Yi GuA Comparison Test of Transmissibility Response from Human Occupant and Anthropodynamic DummyHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-424G. R. Blair, R. So, J. D. van HeumenAutomotive Seating Comfort: Investigating the Polyurethane Foam Contribution-Phase 1Human Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-425M. R. Kinkelaar, B. L. Neal, G. CroccoThe Influence of Polyurethane Foam Dynamics on the Vibration Isolation Character of Full Foam SeatsHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-426E. C. Hughes, W. Shen, A. VertizThe Effects of Regional Compliance and Instantaneous Stiffness on Seat Back ComfortHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-427P. Chen, G. EbbittNoise Absorption of Automotive SeatsHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-428Se-Jin Park, Wan-Sup Cheung, Yon-San YoonDynamic Ride Quality Investigation for Passenger CarHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-429S. FeherStirling Air Conditioned Variable Temperature Seat (SVTS) & Comparison with Temperature Air Conditioned Variable Temperature Seat (VTS)Human Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-430M. A. JohnsonEngineers for the Next Century: Mobility Industry Verification of ABET’s Criteria 2000 SAE19981
1600-431M. Yamamoto, H. TanakaInfluence of Support Materials on Durability of Palladium in Three-Way CatalystEmission Control and Lean NOx TechnologySAE19981
1600-432J. S. Rieck, N. R. Collins, J. S. MooreOBD-II Performance of Three-Way CatalystsEmission Control and Lean NOx TechnologySAE19981
1600-433Y. Song, J. Jang, G. YeoDevelopment of Single Coated Pd/Rh Three-Way Catalysts for CCC ApplicationEmission Control and Lean NOx TechnologySAE19981
1600-434S. Taniguchi, T. Yoshikawa, M. HoriuchiNew Low Cost and High Performance Catalyst-Single Layer Pd/Rh Catalyst DevelopmentEmission Control and Lean NOx TechnologySAE19981
1600-435Jean-Pierre Cuif, S. Deutsch, M. Marczi, G. W. GrahamHigh Temperature Stability of Ceria-Zirconia Supported Pd Model CatalystsEmission Control and Lean NOx TechnologySAE19981
1600-436S. T. Gulati, Kelly Andersen, J. M. BestFatigue and Performance Data for Advanced Thin Wall Ceramic CatalystsEmission Control and Lean NOx TechnologySAE19981
1600-437M. Okada, N. Koike, H. SuzukiDeterioration Effect of Three-Way Catalyst on Nitrous Oxide EmissionsEmission Control and Lean NOx TechnologySAE19981
1600-438Se H. Oh, R. M. Sinkevitch, J. A. BakerUse of Catalytic Monoliths for On-Road Ozone DestructionEmission Control and Lean NOx TechnologySAE19981
1600-439Y. Yamamoto, S. Hatcho, T. Hayashi, T. C. MyersStudy on Roadway NMHC Concentrations around Clean Air VehiclesGeneral Emissions SAE19981
1600-440R. R. Wimmer, J. Fletcher, N. N. ClarkEmissions Testing of a Hybrid Fuel Cell BusGeneral Emissions SAE19981
1600-441W. GisEmissions of Polluting Substances and Fuel Consumption by Automotive Vehicles and Mopeds in Poland, Examined for “Approval of a Type”General Emissions SAE19981
1600-442R. B. Gundlach, M. Semchyshen, E. P. WhelanNotch Sensitivity and Fatigue in Austempered Ductile IronAdvancements in Fatigue Research and Applications SAE19981
1600-443T. Takahashi, A. Koike, K. SasakiInelastic Behavior and Low Cycle Fatigue of Aluminum Alloy Subjected to Thermo-Mechanical LoadingAdvancements in Fatigue Research and Applications SAE19981
1600-444J. H. Morrill II, T. Achatz, A. KhosrovanehAn Application for Fatigue Damage Analysis Using Power Spectral Density from Road Durability EventsAdvancements in Fatigue Research and Applications SAE19981
1600-445B. Grunder, M. Speckert, M. PompetzkiDesign of Durability Sequences Based on Rainflow Matrix OptimizationAdvancements in Fatigue Research and Applications SAE19981
1600-446J. A. Harris, R. H. MartinDevelopment of a Life Assessment Method for Bonded and Weld-Bonded Automotive StructuresAdvancements in Fatigue Research and Applications SAE19981
1600-447D. G. Saathoff, P. K. MallickStatic and Fatigue Strength Evaluation of Clinched Joints in an Aluminum AlloyAdvancements in Fatigue Research and Applications SAE19981
1600-448L. Huang, H. Agrawal, P. KurudiyaraDynamic Durability Analysis of Automotive StructuresAdvancements in Fatigue Research and Applications SAE19981
1600-449C. Leser, L. Juneja, N. E. DowlingOn Multi-axial Random Fatigue Load ModelingAdvancements in Fatigue Research and Applications SAE19981
1600-450D. H. Anderson, D. R. Bisaro, D. M. HaanA Thermoviscoplastic FE Model for the Strain Prediction in High Temperature, Thermal Cycling Applications for Silicon Molybdenum Nodular Cast IronAdvancements in Fatigue Research and Applications SAE19981
1600-451Y. Itou, S. Hotta, K. SarukiFretting Fatigue Analysis in Rapidly Solidified Powder Aluminum AlloyAdvancements in Fatigue Research and Applications SAE19981
1600-452T. F. Stephenson, A. E. M. Warner, R. S. ForresterHot Chamber Die Casting Experience with a Creep Resistant Zn-Al-Ni Alloy SAE19981
1600-453M. L. Seleznev, A. S. Argon, I. L. SeleznevEffect of Composition, Particle Size and Heat Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of AI-4.5WT. % CU Based Alumina Particulate Reinforced Composites SAE19981
1600-454K. Sato, T. Saka, K. Sato, M. OkabeDevelopment of Low-Nickel Superalloys for Exhaust Valves SAE19981
1600-455S.- I. Umino, A. Hamada, Y. NishizawaNew Fe-Based Exhaust Valve Material for Higher Heat Resistance SAE19981
1600-456K. M. McNealLow Viscosity Functionalized Polymer -- A New Approach for Adhesion to Non-Polar SubstratesOlefinic Paint Technology SAE19981
1600-457D. J. St. ClairPolyolefin Diol in Coatings for Thermoplastic PolyolefinsOlefinic Paint Technology SAE19981
1600-458C. A. Kondos, C. F. Kahle IIBasecoats with Direct Adhesion to TPOOlefinic Paint Technology SAE19981
1600-459J. H. Helms, E. J. BlaisConductive TPOOlefinic Paint Technology SAE19981
1600-460T. C. YuEvaluation of Polar Conventional and Non-Polar Olefinic Paint Technologies in Thermoplastic OlefinsOlefinic Paint Technology SAE19981
1600-461A. C. Ramamurthy, E. Szeczepaniak, D. J. MihoraFriction Induced Paint Damage: An Objective Assessment of Three Coating SystemsOlefinic Paint Technology SAE19981
1600-462D. J. Mihora, A. C. Ramamurthy, V. A. Venditto2D/3D Painted TPO Fascia Testing to Mimic Real World Friction Induced Damage by Cohesive and Delamination FailuresOlefinic Paint Technology SAE19981
1600-463J. McGinnessPrediction of Coating Durability by Chemical/Instrument MeansOlefinic Paint Technology SAE19981
1600-464S. P. Bermes, B. Isaac, E. BrownSolving Wear, Friction, and Squeaking Problems with UHMWPE ComponentsPlastics: Components, Processes and Technology SAE19981
1600-465I. Griffiths, D. Kemmish, M. MorganWear Performance of High Performance Polymeric Bearing MaterialsPlastics: Components, Processes and Technology SAE19981
1600-466R. Luxgrant, D. VeseyExterior Polymer Surface Degradation via Accelerated WeatheringPlastics: Components, Processes and Technology SAE19981
1600-467T. Ferris, M. Finken, T. BishopAccelerated Glass Reveal Molding TestPlastics: Components, Processes and Technology SAE19981
1600-468K. Sumi, T. Kato, N. KatayamaDevelopment of Plastic Distinction Device Base on Dielectric Constant and Light Reflection of PlasticsPlastics: Components, Processes and Technology SAE19981
1600-469G. Benoit-CervantesAspect of High Shear Rheology Applied to a Technical PartPlastics: Components, Processes and Technology SAE19981
1600-470P. Naughton, J. McCallumUse of Simulation as an Aid to Design and Optimization for the Low Pressure Moulding ProcessPlastics: Components, Processes and Technology SAE19981
1600-471H. – J. Sue, J. Lu, K. Sehanobish, J. ChuImpact Fracture Mechanisms in TPO BlendsPlastics: Components, Processes and Technology SAE19981
1600-472T. A. Rompala, W. M. WormsInnovative Methods to Reduce Weight in the Production of Molded Polyurethane PartsPlastics: Components, Processes and Technology SAE19981
1600-473S. R. GottgetreuInjection Compression Molding of Long Glass Fiber Reinforced PolypropylenePlastics: Components, Processes and Technology SAE19981
1600-474M. W. Jary, C. H. ViscontiLow Pressure Insert Molding Processes – Options for Automotive ApplicationPlastics: Components, Processes and Technology SAE19981
1600-475C. S. EgglefieldInnovations in Foam-In-Place Gasketing Transfer MoldingPlastics: Components, Processes and Technology SAE19981
1600-476D. Lepsch, J. W. HoralDevelopment of an Integrated Modular Plastic Electrical Carrier and Flax/Polypropylene Shelf Panel for a Vehicle Rear Shelf SystemPlastics: Components, Processes and Technology SAE19981
1600-477Ki-Ho LeeA Study on the Influence of Plastic Intake Manifold on the Performance and NVH of In-line 4 Cylinder Gasoline EnginePlastics: Components, Processes and Technology SAE19981
1600-478J. Caskey, P. DalyEffects of Rapid Strain Rates in Plastic Intake ManifoldsPlastics: Components, Processes and Technology SAE19981
1600-479C. S. Lee, V. Kagan, N. Knowlden, K. W. Kim, Hee-Deog KimOptimization of Vibration Weld Joint Strength for Plastic Air Intake ManifoldPlastics: Components, Processes and Technology SAE19981
1600-480S. Glaser, T. Hohenstein, S. TousiAcoustical Optimization of Underhood Plastic ComponentsPlastics: Components, Processes and Technology SAE19981
1600-481M. E. SchuchardtOil Management Module for Lower EnginePlastics: Components, Processes and Technology SAE19981
1600-482S. A. Crawford, T. A. McMahan, R. G. Van RyperImproving Automatic Transmission Quality with High Performance Polyimide Rotary Seal RingsPlastics: Components, Processes and Technology SAE19981
1600-483H. F. Maurer, M. Renaud, P. DeaneUse of Blow Molding to Improve Weight, Cost, Assembly and Performance Characteristics of UnderHood ComponentsPlastics: Components, Processes and Technology SAE19981
1600-484Yong-Choo Tho, Tae-Won Lim, WoongDeveloping the Thermoplastic Water Pump and Power Steering Pulley for a Passenger CarPlastics: Components, Processes and Technology SAE19981
1600-485F. Yoshizumi, A. Funatsu, H. YazawaDevelopment of Plastic Pulley by Injection MoldingPlastics: Components, Processes and Technology SAE19981
1600-486K. AbendFully Automated Dye-Penetrant Inspection of Automotive PartsProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-487P. DaneshgariTechnological & Economic Trends in Automotive Related Product Development and ManufacturingProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-488B. Whittle, B. JawadRedesign of an Assembly Line Stop Mechanism for an Automated Palletized Transport SystemProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-489L. Patberg, M. Philipps, H. AdamApplication of Fibre-Reinforced Composites in the Car Side StructureProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-490D. D. ArdayfioProactive Design for Quality in Minivan Body & Interior SystemsProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-491D. Ardayfio, G. Dembsey, J. SchmittApplication Case Studies in Design for Manufacture for Convertible Top Vehicle SystemsProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-492M. A. DhariaInserted Tool Design Using Finite Element AnalysisProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-493V. R. Landi, D. D. Shepard, K. R. SmithIn-Mold Cure Monitoring of Phenolic Molding MaterialsProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-494C. Stan, H. Eichert, A. FrancoFluid Dynamic Modeling of Gasoline Direct Injection for Compact Combustion ChambersTwo-Stroke Engines and Emissions SAE19981
1600-495D. E. Johnson, Hoi-Ching WongElectronic Direct Fuel Injection System Applied to an 1100cc Two-Stroke Personal Watercraft EngineTwo-Stroke Engines and Emissions SAE19981
1600-496Y. Ishibashi, M. AsaiA Low Pressure Pneumatic Direct Injection Two-Stroke Engine by Activated Radical Combustion ConceptTwo-Stroke Engines and Emissions SAE19981
1600-497T. D. Fansler, D. T. French, M. C. DrakeIndividual-Cycle Measurements of Exhaust-Hydrocarbon Mass from a Direct-Injection Two-Stroke EngineTwo-Stroke Engines and Emissions SAE19981
1600-498Jau-Huai Lu, Y.-W. Sheu, Der-Jen LiuCycle-Resolved Flow Measurements in the Exhaust Pipe of Single Cylinder Two Stroke EnginesTwo-Stroke Engines and Emissions SAE19981
1600-499Marco Nuti, R. PardiniTwenty Years of Piaggio Direct Injection Research to Mass Produced Solution for Small 2T SI EnginesTwo-Stroke Engines and Emissions SAE19981
1600-500A. Franco, L. MartoranoEvaluation on the Heat Transfer in Small Two-Stroke EnginesTwo-Stroke Engines and Emissions SAE19981
1600-501M. C. Opris, R. R. Jason, C. L. AndersonA Comparison of Time-Averaged Piston Temperature and Surface Heat Flux Between a Direct-Fuel Injected and Carbureted Two-Stroke EngineTwo-Stroke Engines and Emissions SAE19981
1600-502G. P. Blair, D. McBurney, P. McDonald, R. FleckSome Fundamental Aspects of the Discharge Coefficients of Cylinder Porting and Ducting Restrictions Vehicle EnginesTwo-Stroke Engines and Emissions SAE19981
1600-503P. Kreutzer, P. HauserThe Meta VVH System – A Continuously Variable Valve Timing SystemProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-504C. Brustle, D. SchwarzenthalThe “Two-in-One” Engine – Porsche’s Variable Valve System (VVS)Product and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-505R. Steinberg, T. SaupeA Fully Continuous Variable Cam Timing Concept for Intake and Exhaust PhasingProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-506I. JarviVariable Valve Timing Mechanism with Control RampProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-507W. HannibalVAST: A New Variable Valve Timing System for Vehicle EnginesProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-508J. – A. Kessel, M. SchmidtModeling and Real-Time Simulation of a Turbocharger with Variable Turbine Geometry (VTG)Product and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-509S. Ibaraki, H. HigashimoriFlow Investigation of a Centrifugal Compressor for Automotive TurbochargesProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-510P. A. Eynon, A. WhitfieldPerformance of a Turbocharger Compressor with A Range of Low Solidity Vaned DiffusersProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-511P. A. Eynon, A. WhitfieldApplication of Low Solidity Vaned Diffusers Close Coupled to the Volute of a Turbocharger CompressorProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-512S. TakabeSecond Generation Lysholm CompressorProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-513T. Yamada, N. IkeyaNew EGR System for Heavy Duty Diesel EnginesProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-514R. Royo, F. ThomasMaximizing The Torque Potential At Full Load Of A 1.8 L Multivalve SI EngineModeling of SI and Diesel EnginesSAE19981
1600-515I. Arsie, G.RizzoModels for the Prediction of Performance and Emissions in a Spark Ignition Engine – A Sequentially Structured ApproachModeling of SI and Diesel EnginesSAE19981
1600-516A. K. OppenheimLife of Fuel in Engine CylinderModeling of SI and Diesel EnginesSAE19981
1600-517R. Miller, G. DavisA Super-Extended Zel’dovich Mechanism for NOx Modeling and Engine CalibrationModeling of SI and Diesel EnginesSAE19981
1600-518A. Onorati, G. FerrariModeling of 1-D Unsteady Flows in I.C. Engine Pipe Systems: Numerical Methods and Transport of Chemical SpeciesModeling of SI and Diesel EnginesSAE19981
1600-519J. Benajes, E. ReyesPre-design Criteria for Exhaust Manifolds in I.C. Automotive EnginesModeling of SI and Diesel EnginesSAE19981
1600-520M. Muller, E. HendricksMean Value Modeling of Turbocharged Spark Ignition EnginesModeling of SI and Diesel EnginesSAE19981
1600-521R. Aneja, J. AbrahamComparisons of Computed and Measured Results of Combustion in a Diesel EngineCombustion Processes in Diesel Engines SAE19981
1600-522S. Schurov, N. CollingsFast Response NO/HC Measurements in the Cylinder and Exhaust Port of a DI Diesel EngineCombustion Processes in Diesel Engines SAE19981
1600-523M. Ayeb, D. Lichtenthaler, T. Winsel and H.J. TheuerkaufSI Engine Modeling Using Neural NetworksDiagnostics and Controls SAE19981
1600-524Martin Hart and Michael Ziegler Otmar LoffeldAdaptive Estimation of Cylinder Air Mass Using the Combustion PressureDiagnostics and Controls SAE19981
1600-525Christopher H. Onder, Christian A. Roduner, Michael R. Simons and Hans GeeringWall-Wetting Parameters Over the Operating Region of a Sequential Fuel-Injected SI EngineDiagnostics and Controls SAE19981
1600-526Michael R. Simons Esfandiar Shafai and Hans P. GeeringOn-line Identification Scheme for Various Wall-Wetting ModelsDiagnostics and Controls SAE19981
1600-527Richard K. Stobart, Andrew May and Bernard J. Challen Thomas MorelModeling for Diesel Engine Control: The Cpower EnvironmentDiagnostics and Controls SAE19981
1600-528Piero Azzoni, Davide Moro, Fabrizio Ponti Giorgio RizzoniEngine and Load Torque Estimation with Application to Electronic Throttler ControlDiagnostics and Controls SAE19981
1600-529Rolf Isermann, Stefan Sinsel and Jochen SchaffnitModeling and Real-Time Simulation of Diesel Engines for Control DesignDiagnostics and Controls SAE19981
1600-530P. Bortolet, S. Boveriec, A TitliaFuzzy Modeling and Control of an Automotive Engine Air InletDiagnostics and Controls SAE19981
1600-531Xiaoguo Tang, Joseph R. Asik, Garth M. Meyer and Rogelio G. SamsonOptimal A/F Ratio Estimation Model for SI Engine Cold Transient AFR Feedback ControlDiagnostics and Controls SAE19981
1600-532Scott Furry Jeff KainzRapid Algorithm Development Tools Applied to Engine Management SystemsDiagnostics and Controls SAE19981
1600-533Koichi Shigematsu, Toyoharu Kamiya, Yoshiaki Nakamaya, Yasushi Higuchi and Makio IidaDevelopment of Lateral DMOS using Process and Device Simulation Diagnostics and Controls SAE19981
1600-534Jurgen Gerhardt, H. Honninger, Hurbert BischofNew Approach of Functional and Software StructureDiagnostics and Controls SAE19981
1600-535N. Guerrassi, P. DuprazA Common Rail Injection System For High Speed Direct Injection Diesel EnginesDiesel Fuel Injection and SpraysSAE19981
1600-536T. Hasegawa, Y. MatsumotoInjection Characteristics and Spray Features of the Variable Orifice Nozzle (VON) for Direct Injection Diesel EnginesDiesel Fuel Injection and SpraysSAE19981
1600-537D. L. SiebersLiquid-Phase Fuel Penetration in Diesel SpraysDiesel Fuel Injection and SpraysSAE19981
1600-538P. J. Tennison, T. L. GeorjonAn Experimental and Numerical Study of Sprays from a Common Rail System for Use in an HSDI Diesel EngineDiesel Fuel Injection and SpraysSAE19981
1600-539C. Arcoumanis, M. GavaisesAnalysis of the Flow in the Nozzle of a Vertical Multi Hole Diesel Engine InjectorDiesel Fuel Injection and SpraysSAE19981
1600-540K. Furuta, S. SasakiStudy of the In-Line Pump System for Diesel Engines to Meet Future Emission RegulationsDiesel Fuel Injection and SpraysSAE19981
1600-541M. Yang, Q. LuStudy of the Injection Control Valve in a New Electronic Diesel Fuel SystemDiesel Fuel Injection and SpraysSAE19981
1600-542S. S. Mohtasebi, H. HongNew Concept of a Low Cost, Fast Acting Electronically Controlled Fuel Metering System With Back-Up CapabilityNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-543T. Ohashi, T. R. NobleHonda’s 4 Speed All Clutch to Clutch Automatic TransmissionNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-544P. Thompson, J. MaranoGeneral Motors 4T65-E Electronic Four-Speed Automatic TransaxleNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-545K. Abo, K. and M. Kurosawa nDevelopment of a Metal Belt-Drive CVT Incorporating a Torque Converter for Use with 2-Liter Class EnginesNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-546S. Kuwabara, S. KaneharaPower Transmitting Mechanisms of CVT Using a Metal V-Belt and Load Distribution in the Steel RingNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-547M. El-Sayed, D. SongAutomotive Performance OptimizationNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-548K. Ohya, H. SuzukiDevelopment of CVT Pulley Piston Featuring Variable Thickness and Work-Hardening TechnologiesNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-549K. Liu, E. BambaDynamic Analysis of an Overrunning Clutch for the Pulse-Continuously-Variable-Speed TransmissionNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-550T. J. Filkins, J. G. MuellerThe New Venture Gear Model 271 and 273 Transfer Cases – A New Robust Family of Transfer CasesNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-551G. W. DavisThe Development of an Electro-Hydraulically Controlled, Five-Speed Transmission for a Hybrid Electric VehicleNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-552M. NorledgeKinematic Modelling of a Constant Velocity Joint Using a Minimum Energy MethodNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-553R. JohnsonParametric Investigation of Factors Affecting Radiative Heating of Drive ShaftsNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-554R. JohnsonHigh Speed Fixed Constant Velocity Joint for Automotive Driveshaft ApplicationsNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-555R. J. MeckstrothAccessory Drive Belt/Pulley Friction TestEngine Component TechnologySAE19981
1600-556K. Hyun, B. JipDevelopment of A Continuously Variable Speed Viscous Fan Clutch for Engine Cooling SystemEngine Component TechnologySAE19981
1600-557J. Zhao, J. EdsonExperimental Testing and Modelling of Automotive Automatic Belt TensionersEngine Component TechnologySAE19981
1600-558C. Weber, W. HerrmannExperimental Investigation into the Dynamic Engine Timing Chain BehaviourEngine Component TechnologySAE19981
1600-559Y. Watanabe, K. NishinoThermal Fatigue Life Prediction for Stainless Steel Exhaust ManifoldEngine Component TechnologySAE19981
1600-560K. Yamaguchi, K. NakataDevelopment of A New Metal Cylinder Head GasketEngine Component TechnologySAE19981
1600-561S. Obayashi, S. SakaiThe Propriety of Quadratic Mooney – Rivlin Model for FEM AnalysisSealing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-562K. Miyake, Wen-Chen DuhLeakage Characteristics of Brush Mounted Labyrinth Seal wih Rotating SpeedSealing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-563E. H. JocoyThreat Detection System for Intersection Collision AvoidanceITS: Advanced Controls and Vehicle Navigation SystemsSAE19981
1600-564P. Fancher, R. ErvinA Field Operational Test of Adaptive Cruise Control: System Operability in Naturalistic UseITS: Advanced Controls and Vehicle Navigation SystemsSAE19981
1600-565P. Seiler, B. SongDevelopment of a Collision Avoidance SystemITS: Advanced Controls and Vehicle Navigation SystemsSAE19981
1600-566L. TijerinaSensitivity Analysis of a Reliability Model of the Potential Effectiveness of a Crash Avoidance System to Support Lane Change DecisionsITS: Advanced Controls and Vehicle Navigation SystemsSAE19981
1600-567K. A. RedmillThe Ohio State University Automated Highway System Demonstration VehicleITS: Advanced Controls and Vehicle Navigation SystemsSAE19981
1600-568W. N. Hardy, L. W. SchneiderComparison of Airbag-Aggressivity Predictors in Relation to Forearm FracturesSafety and Material Test Methodologies SAE19981
1600-569C. R. Bass, C. ChouOpen-Loop Chestbands for Dynamic Deformation MeasurementsSafety and Material Test Methodologies SAE19981
1600-570Dr. Henrik Adam, R. DittmannTesting of New Composite Side Door ConceptsSafety and Material Test Methodologies SAE19981
1600-571P. Michael Miller II, A. AliTesting Techniques for Developing Input Data for Crash Simulation ModelsSafety and Material Test Methodologies SAE19981
1600-572P. Michael Miller II, J. ChengRole of the Body Mount on the Passenger Compartment Response of a Frame/Body Structured Vehicle in Frontal CrashSafety and Material Test Methodologies SAE19981
1600-573L. R. Dharani, F. S. JIDynamic Analysis of Normal Impact of Occupant Head on Laminated GlassSafety and Material Test Methodologies SAE19981
1600-574P. M. Miller II, M. SykesSafety Related Testing and Results of Polycarbonate and Tempered Glass Non-Windshield Glazing ApplicationsSafety and Material Test Methodologies SAE19981
1600-575G. S. NusholtzAn Evaluation of Airbag Tank-Test ResultsSafety and Material Test Methodologies SAE19981
1600-576S. G. Liter, J. T. Wang, J. KangTransient Heating of Air Bag Fabrics: Experiment and ModelingSafety and Material Test Methodologies SAE19981
1600-577W. ZemaitisStacked Panel Filter for Engine Air Intake SystemsNew Engine Design and Automotive Filtration SAE19981
1600-578Michael C. StorrieMeasuring Aqueous Humor Glucose Across Physilogical LevelsNew Engine Design and Automotive Filtration SAE19981
1600-579A. L. Samways, I. M. CoxA Method for Meaningfully Evaluating the Performance of By-Pass Centrifugal Oil CleanerNew Engine Design and Automotive Filtration SAE19981
1600-580N. Ostojic, M. Zinbo, C. ObiohaLaboratory Testing of Cabin Air Filters for the Removal of Reduced-Sulfur OdorsNew Engine Design and Automotive Filtration SAE19981
1600-581D. J. Lamb, J. F. Van DerlofskeThe Use of Aspheric Surfaces in Waveguide Illumination Systems for Automotive DisplaysAutomotive Lighting Technology SAE19981
1600-582D. BiswasCharacterization of Plastic Optical FiberAutomotive Lighting Technology SAE19981
1600-583G. R. Hulse, T. W. MullicanHID Driven Focus-less Optics System for Complete Automotive Distributed Lighting SystemsAutomotive Lighting Technology SAE19981
1600-584H. Lambert, T. HandsThe Fast FID as a Velocimeter for Flow Measurements in an Automotive CatalystAdvanced Converter Concepts for Emission Control SAE19981
1600-585M. Beck, K. HinterhoferDirect High Dynamic Flow Measurement in The Exhaust of Combustion EnginesAdvanced Converter Concepts for Emission Control SAE19981
1600-586Soo-Jin Jeong, Woo-Seung KimA Numerical Approach to Investigate Transient Thermal and Conversion Characteristics of Automotive Catalytic ConverterAdvanced Converter Concepts for Emission Control SAE19981
1600-587B. RepgenOptimized Connecting Rods to Enable Higher Engine Performance and Cost ReductionSteel Sheet and Steel Bar Products and Processing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-588S. Nakamura, K. InoueDevelopment of High Toughness Bainitic Microalloyed Forging SteelSteel Sheet and Steel Bar Products and Processing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-589R. J. Glodowski, S. K. BanerjiPhysical Metallurgy Applications and Enhanced Machinability of Microalloyed V-Ti-N Forging SteelSteel Sheet and Steel Bar Products and Processing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-590R. Kamo, M. ReidImproving the Fuel Economy of Insulated Engine by Matching the Fuel SystemTechnology for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles SAE19981
1600-591A. L. Boehman, J. M. PerezUse of Vegetable Oil Lubricant in a Low Heat Rejection Engine to Reduce Particulate EmissionsTechnology for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles SAE19981
1600-592R. Kamo, L. Kamo, M. ReidEmissions Comparisons of an Insulated Turbocharged Multi-Cylinder Miller Cycle Diesel EngineTechnology for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles SAE19981
1600-593Y. OhyamaAn Algorithm of Optimum Torque Control for Hybrid VehicleTechnology for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles SAE19981
1600-594M. Odaka, T. MiyajimaEnergy Regeneration of Heavy Duty Diesel Powered VehiclesTechnology for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles SAE19981
1600-595D. Scholl, C. Davis, S. RussThe Volume Acoustic Modes of Spark-Ignited Internal Combustion ChambersSI Engine Combustion SAE19981
1600-596P. Holdmann, R. WillemsSuspension Kinematics and Compliance – Measuring and SimulationDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering, and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-597H. – S. SohnThe Improvement of Handling Performances Through the Sensitivity Analysis Validated by the K&C TestDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering, and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-598X. Chen, Y. LinResearch on the Dynamics of Flexible Multibody System of Passenger Car SuspensionDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering, and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-599Y. Zhang, P. XiaoVehicle Chassis/Suspension Dynamics Analysis – Finite Element Model vs. Rigid Body ModelDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering, and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-600Cheon-Soo Jang, Eun-Wha JungDesign of A Light Weight Suspension Component Using CAEDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering, and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-601W. Loh, D. LiThe Application of Experimental Design Methods to Brake Induced Vehicle VibrationsDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering, and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-602W. Loh, D. LiChassis System Integration Approach for Vehicle High Mileage NVH RobustnessDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering, and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-603Suk-jae Hahm, Dong-seok KimAirbag Depowering for a Compact Vehicle through Madymo Simulation and Sled TestDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering, and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-604P. Frame, R. MacPhersonAirbags – Legion of Fable – Consumer Perceptions and ConcernsAirbag Technology SAE19981
1600-605N. Kodama, E. UchioNumerical Prediction of Airbag Caused Injuries on Eyeballs After Radical KeratotomyAirbag Technology SAE19981
1600-606N. Kitada, K. WatanabeAccurate Predictive Algorithm for Airbag Expansion by Fusing the Conventional Predictive Algorithm and Proximity SensorAirbag Technology SAE19981
1600-607H. C. Gabler, W. T. HollowellThe Aggressivity of Light Trucks and Vans in Traffic CrashesAirbag Technology SAE19981
1600-608H. Chan, C. LowrieFrontal Airbag Deployment in Side CrashesAirbag Technology SAE19981
1600-609B. Allan-StubbsThe Effect of Changes in Seating Position and Door Velocity Time History on Side Impact Dummy ResponseAirbag Technology SAE19981
1600-610M. Gopal, V. AnnePerformance Evaluation of Door & Seat Side-Impact Airbags for Passenger Van and Sport-Utility VehiclesAirbag Technology SAE19981
1600-611Y-Charng DengDevelopment of A BIOSID Model for Side Airbag Design Study of A Large Size CarAirbag Technology SAE19981
1600-612C. Lee, J. Xu, A. NayefState-of-the-Art Side Airbag Modeling and Its Application in Occupant Safety in Lateral CollisionsAirbag Technology SAE19981
1600-613M. J. Flannagan, M. SivakA Field Study of Distance Perception with Large-Radius Convex Rearview MirrorsHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating, and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-614D. J. HelderMeasuring Curvature of Mirrors Using Image AnalysisHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating, and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-615S. M. O’DayBinocular Disparity in Aspherical MirrorsHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating, and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-616C. A. C. Flannagan, M. J. FlannaganAcceptance of Nonplanar Rearview Mirrors by U.S. DriversHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating, and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-617P. J. Milner, R. E. BergThe ‘Double Objective’ Milner Prismatic Exterior Rearview MirrorHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating, and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-618S. Li, S. FukSangAn Advanced Optic Rear Vision Device for Motor VehiclesHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating, and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-619N. R. LyamAdded Feature Automotive MirrorsHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating, and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-620P. Lemay, A. VincentSchool Bus Visibility: Driver’s Field of View and Performance of Mirror Systems on a Conventional Long-nosed School BusHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating, and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-621K. T. Schuetze, J. H. BenoA Comparison of Controller Designs for an Active, Electromagnetic, Off-Road Vehicle Suspension System Travelling at High SpeedHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating, and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-622M. D. Letherwood, D. D. GunterHigh Resolution, Computer-Based Modelling Simulation, and Validation of a Truck/Trailer Combination ModelHuman Factors in Driving, Vehicle Seating, and Rear Vision SAE19981
1600-623T. Nakatsuji, M. NiwaHighly Durable Nox Reduction System and Catalysts for Nox Storage Reduction SystemCatalysts: Emission Control and Lean Nox Technologies SAE19981
1600-624M. S. Brogan, A. D. ClarkRecent Progress in NOx Trap TechnologyCatalysts: Emission Control and Lean Nox Technologies SAE19981
1600-625J. M. Kisenyi, R. StarkCorrelation Between Dynamometer – and Vehicle – Aged Catalysts for Automotive Lean-Burn ApplicationsCatalysts: Emission Control and Lean Nox Technologies SAE19981
1600-626P. Nag, R. K. DasNOx Reduction in SI Engine Exhaust Using Selective Catalytic Reduction TechniqueCatalysts: Emission Control and Lean Nox Technologies SAE19981
1600-627H.-C. Wu, H.-C. KaoEmission Control Technologies for 50 and 125 cc Motorcycles in TaiwanAdvanced Converter Concepts for Emission Control - SAE19981
1600-628J.-R. Linna, P. J. LotusUsing On-Board Fuel Reforming by Partial Oxidation to Improve SI Engine Cold-Start Performance and EmissionsAdvanced Converter Concepts for Emission Control - SAE19981
1600-629P. J. SauveCase Study of Manufacturing and Installation Problems and Resolutions – 1993 LH Headliner ModuleAdvanced Converter Concepts for Emission Control - SAE19981
1600-630M. K. Marshall, S. SoudersComparison of New Headliner MaterialsAdvanced Converter Concepts for Emission Control - SAE19981
1600-631A. Aggarwal, H. CrepeauNew Headliner Composites with Improved Acoustical and PerformanceAdvanced Converter Concepts for Emission Control - SAE19981
1600-632J. P. CoyetteVIOLINS – A Modelling Tool for Layered MaterialsAdvanced Converter Concepts for Emission Control - SAE19981
1600-633H. Wolf, K. C. FrischUtilization of Isocyanate-based Binders in Recycling of Automotive Composite HeadlinersAdvanced Converter Concepts for Emission Control - SAE19981
1600-634B. A. DaviesCurrent and Past Technologies for Headliners Including Acoustics, Recycling and SafetyAdvanced Converter Concepts for Emission Control - SAE19981
1600-635K. Miura, S. TanimuraHigh Strain Rate Deformation of High Strength Sheet Steels for Automotive PartsSteel Sheet and Steel Bar Products and Processing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-636E. Nakanishi, H. TatenoNew Materials Technology for Achieving Both Crashworthiness and Weight Reduction Using Energy – Absorbing Steel with Higher Strain – Rate SensitivitySteel Sheet and Steel Bar Products and Processing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-637Y. Ojima, K. Katoo Body Parts of High – Strength Steel Sheet Containing Large Volume Fraction of Retained AusteniteSteel Sheet and Steel Bar Products and Processing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-638J. R. Glennon, J. G. SpeerInfluence of Coating Microstructure on the Fatigue Properties of Zinc Coated Sheet SteelsSteel Sheet and Steel Bar Products and Processing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-639V. RangarajanEffects of Oil Type, Weight and Storage Time on Formability of Galvannealed Sheet SteelsSteel Sheet and Steel Bar Products and Processing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-640K. W. Blumel, J. GerlachBiaxial Experimental Approach to Characterize Formability of Steel Sheet MetalsSteel Sheet and Steel Bar Products and Processing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-641J. S. Lally, H. A. HollaDeveloping High-Strength in a Deep Drawing Steel by a Post-Cold Rolling Nitriding TreatmentSteel Sheet and Steel Bar Products and Processing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-642J. R. Fekete, D. J. MeulemanEffect of Steel Strengthening Mechanisms on Dent Resistance of Automotive Body PanelsSteel Sheet and Steel Bar Products and Processing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-643M. Hua, C. I. GarciaNew Understanding of Stabilization and the Properties of Ultra-Low Carbon SteelsSteel Sheet and Steel Bar Products and Processing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-644R. MaruthayppanA Comparison of Thermoplastic Composite vs. Conventional-Steel Instrument Panel Systems for Side-Impact Energy ManagementSteel Sheet and Steel Bar Products and Processing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-645G. Kachin, K. MartinDesign & Development of a Prototype Gas-Assist-Molded Glovebox DoorSteel Sheet and Steel Bar Products and Processing for Automotive Applications SAE19981
1600-646L. Castejon, J. CuarteroEnergy Absorption Capability of Composite Materials Applied to Automotive Crash Absorbers DesignPolymer Composites and Polymeric Materials SAE19981
1600-647J. H. Hong, J. KimPorous Elastic Behaviour of Open-Cell FoamPolymer Composites and Polymeric Materials SAE19981
1600-648M. J. Perry, Don R. SchomerPolyurethane Safety Foam Performance Map for Material Selection and Design in Vehicle and Occupant Impact ProtectionPolymer Composites and Polymeric Materials SAE19981
1600-649C. C. Chou, G. S. SongA Constitutive Model for Polyurethane Foams with Strain-Rate and Temperature EffectsPolymer Composites and Polymeric Materials SAE19981
1600-650T. Traugott, M. MaurerNew Ductile, Heat Resistant ABS Resin for Energy Management ApplicationsPolymer Composites and Polymeric Materials SAE19981
1600-651E. A. Laabs, P. J. Burke, S. J. Rogers, H. A. RychlewskiThe Fast Path System: Simplifying the Task of Identifying Successful Material/Design Combinations for Efficient Energy Management for Automotive Head Impact RequirementsPolymer Composites and Polymeric Materials SAE19981
1600-652T. A. Potter, T. EngbertScratching of Automotive OEM Clearcoats-Method and Media EffectsPlastics: Components, Processes, and Technology SAE19981
1600-653A. C. Ramamurthy, G. WhitingDesign and Implementation of Key-Life Tests for Painted Automotive Exteriors Subject to Tribological Loading: A Systems ApproachPlastics: Components, Processes, and Technology SAE19981
1600-654M. J. Pickles, J. W. FreeseNovel Methods for Characterizing the Mechanical Durability of Automotive Paint SystemsPlastics: Components, Processes, and Technology SAE19981
1600-655J. W. Jenkins, K. M. KaneEvaluation of Finesse/Polish of Automotive ClearcoatsPlastics: Components, Processes, and Technology SAE19981
1600-656R. C. Miller III, G. F. BrooksEffects of Atomization on the Particle Size, Appearance, and Composition of Automotive OEM BasecoatsPlastics: Components, Processes, and Technology SAE19981
1600-657D. Engel, H KonzmannFingerprint Analysis System: A New Method to Evaluate the Application Robustness of Automotive CoatingsPlastics: Components, Processes, and Technology SAE19981
1600-658H. C. Kim, Ph.D.Toughening Mechanisms of Long-Fiber-Reinforced ThermoplasticsPlastics: Components, Processes, and Technology SAE19981
1600-659L. D. Larson, R. D. AndersonSMC Glass Microspheres as a Low-Density Alternative to Traditional FillersPlastics: Components, Processes, and Technology SAE19981
1600-660J. Scobbo, T. LemmenConductive Thermoplastic Resin for Electrostatically Painted ApplicationsPlastics: Components, Processes, and Technology SAE19981
1600-661T. M. DerengowskiConductive TPO For Optimum Electrostatic Painting EfficiencyPlastics: Components, Processes, and Technology SAE19981
1600-662A. Burgess, K. FengNew Options in Laser Marking Automotive ComponentsPlastics: Components, Processes, and Technology SAE19981
1600-663P. Naughton, D. HertemaCharacterization of Talc-Filled Impact-Modified Polypropylene for Use in Engineering AnalysesPlastics: Components, Processes, and Technology SAE19981
1600-664C. Bambrick, J. McLarenELPO-Capable Polyurea RRIM Advancements for Automotive Body PanelsPlastics: Components, Processes, and Technology SAE19981
1600-665A. James, J. McLarenInfrared Post-Cure of RIM Body Panels: A Significant Cost SavingsPlastics: Components, Processes, and Technology SAE19981
1600-666F. S. Burkus II, Ed JeramAdvanced Liquid Injection Molded Silicone Technology for the Automotive IndustryPlastics: Components, Processes, and Technology SAE19981
1600-667N. Tanaka, T. AoyamaDevelopment of Non-Adhesive Acrylic Rubber for Engine Oil FilterPlastics: Components, Processes, and Technology SAE19981
1600-668R. LaflammeAdvances in Joining Technology to Vibration Welding of Carpet and Fabric to Interior Door Panels and Other Interior ComponentsPlastics: Components, Processes, and Technology SAE19981
1600-669S. A. MoyEnhancing the Performance of the PVC/Foam Composite by Choosing the Right PlasticizerPlastics: Components, Processes, and Technology SAE19981
1600-670A. H. Rothacker, G. A. PeltsHigh Productivity/Low Cost Manufacturing Approach to SRIM MoldingPlastics: Components, Processes, and Technology SAE19981
1600-671T. Hoff, A. Ludvik, B. CicalaDesign and Development of a Generic Door Hardware Module ConceptPlastics: Components, Processes, and Technology SAE19981
1600-672A. Patel, L. LamarcaOlefin Foam Laminates: Applications & Performance Benefits in the Manufacture of Automotive Interior TrimPlastics: Components, Processes, and Technology SAE19981
1600-673S. L. WorthingtonFORMCAST™ - High Pressure Forming of Complex GeometriesProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-674J. R. DieffenbachThe Steel Unibody: The Application of Cost Analysis to Determine Cost Reduction StrategiesProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-675A. Ferrero, W. WhitedNew Binder for Casting Cores: An Industrial Application to Safety Suspension PartsProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-676J. Bottema, P. DeSmetRecent Developments in AA 6016-T4 Aluminum Type Body Sheet ProductProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-677D. Thomas, E. DayOneStep™ LiftgateProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-678D. Van Tiem, T. R. DoyleDesign for People – Improving the WorkplaceProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-679W. J. Kang, D. T. ChungIdentification of Dynamic Behavior of Sheet Metals for an Auto-Body with Tension Split Hopkinson BarProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-680M. M. R. KrishnaChassis Cross-Member Design Using Shape Optimization – A Case StudyProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-681K. Friedman, M. MobrenVehicle Structural Design Utilizing Optimized Finite Element ModelingProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-682M. Fuchs, D. DanielAn Object-Oriented Method for ASCETProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-683J. Slaven, M. MarksA Stressed Skin Sandwich Construction for the Automotive IndustryProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-684W. WeiblenHow to Generate Load Profiles Out of Road Profiles?Product and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-685W. WeiblenIntegrated Vehicle Weight Optimization and Endurance Validation Process Based on Wheel ForcesProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-686J. MeldrumConvergence of Laboratory Simulation Test SystemsProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-687S. I. Farooq, T. DahmDesign and Development of 25% Post-Industrial Recycled SMC Hood Assembly for the 1998 Lincoln Continental ProgramProduct and Process Integration: Advanced Technology SAE19981
1600-688A. Chen, S. WallaceIntake Flow Predictions of a Transparent DI Diesel EngineModeling of SI and Diesel EnginesSAE19981
1600-689C. D. RakopoulosDevelopment and Validation of a 3-D Multi-Zone Combustion Model for the Prediction of DI Diesel Engines Performance and Pollutants EmissionsModeling of SI and Diesel EnginesSAE19981
1600-690A. Karlsson, F. MaussSimulation of Scoot Formation Under Diesel Engine Conditions Using a Detailed Kinetic Soot ModelModeling of SI and Diesel EnginesSAE19981
1600-691M. ShimadaNumerical Study of the Cloud Cavitation in a Fuel Injection PumpModeling of SI and Diesel EnginesSAE19981
1600-692C. D. RakopoulosModeling the Structural Thermal Response of an Air-Cooled Diesel Engine Under Transient Operation Including a Detailed Thermodynamic Description of Boundary ConditionsModeling of SI and Diesel EnginesSAE19981
1600-693W. Taylor IIIIC Engine Intake Region Design Modifications for Loss Reduction Based on CFD MethodsModeling of SI and Diesel EnginesSAE19981
1600-694V. W. WongIncreased Power Density via Variable Compression/Displacement and Turbocharging Using the Alvar-Cycle EngineVariable Valve Actuation and Power Boost SAE19981
1600-695D. B. RothIntake Valve Opening OptimizationVariable Valve Actuation and Power Boost SAE19981
1600-696T. R. StoverThe Cummins Signature 600 Heavy-Duty Diesel EngineVariable Valve Actuation and Power Boost SAE19981
1600-697T. R. MeyerThe Effects of Cylinder Head Deformation and Asymmetry on Exhaust Valve Thermo-Mechanical StressesVariable Valve Actuation and Power Boost SAE19981
1600-698T. TomikawaThe New Conceptual Copper Alloy Bearings Without Lead for Diesel Engines to Achieve Longer Life Under Higher LoadVariable Valve Actuation and Power Boost SAE19981
1600-699T. S. WisniewskiExperimental Study of Heat Transfer on Exhaust Valves of 4C90 Diesel EngineVariable Valve Actuation and Power Boost SAE19981
1600-700V. A. SoloiuActive Torsional Vibration Control for Large Two Stroke Marine Diesel EnginesVariable Valve Actuation and Power Boost SAE19981
1600-701F. MignanoDevelopment of a Diesel-Engine Piston by Incorporating Heat Pipe Technology-Experimental Simulation of Piston CrownVariable Valve Actuation and Power Boost SAE19981
1600-702R. WangDevelopment of a Diesel Engine Piston by Incorporating Heat-Pipe Technology A FEM Modeling of the Simulated Piston CrownVariable Valve Actuation and Power Boost SAE19981
1600-703C. E. RowleyCombustion System Optimization for a New SOHC V8 EngineSI Engine Combustion SAE19981
1600-704R. M. WagnerPrior-Cycle Effects in Lean Spark Ignition Combustion – Fuel/Air Charge ConsiderationsSI Engine Combustion SAE19981
1600-705C. – H. JeonEffects of Intake Ports on In-Cylinder Flow and Lean Combustion in a 4-Valve EngineSI Engine Combustion SAE19981
1600-706R. MillerUp-Front Prediction of the Effects of Cylinder Head Design on Combustion Rates in SI EnginesSI Engine Combustion SAE19981
1600-707J. KlingmannMeasurements of Turbulent Flame Speed and Integral Length Scales in a Lean Stationary Premixed FlameSI Engine Combustion SAE19981
1600-708M. F. J. BruntThe Calculation of Heat Release Energy from Engine Cylinder Pressure DataSI Engine Combustion SAE19981
1600-709M. H. KoenigCycle-Resolved Measurements of Pre-Combustion Fuel Concentration Near the Spark Plug in a Gasoline SI EngineSI Engine Combustion SAE19981
1600-710Young-Ho SeoDevelopment of Air-Assisted Injection System for MPI Gasoline EngineSI Engine Combustion SAE19981
1600-711R. MullerNeutral Adaptive Ignition ControlSensors, Actuators, and Development Tools SAE19981
1600-712M. SansGlobal Predictive and Optimal Control Applied to Automotive Engine ManagementSensors, Actuators, and Development Tools SAE19981
1600-713M. Han, D. StanderOptimal Idle Speed Control of an Automotive EngineSensors, Actuators, and Development Tools SAE19981
1600-714U. LenzAir-Fuel Ratio Control for Direct Injecting Combustion Engines Using Neural NetworksSensors, Actuators, and Development Tools SAE19981
1600-715B. Baumann, G. RizzoniIntelligent Control of Hybrid Vehicles Using Neural Networks and Fuzzy LogicSensors, Actuators, and Development Tools SAE19981
1600-716S. H. BaikA Study on the Transient Knock Control in a Spark-Ignition EngineSensors, Actuators, and Development Tools SAE19981
1600-717J. JeremiassonBalancing of Individual Cylinders in a V8 Diesel Engine Based on Crankshaft Torque MeasurementsSensors, Actuators, and Development Tools SAE19981
1600-718P. B. JensenWideband SI Engine Lambda ControlSensors, Actuators, and Development Tools SAE19981
1600-719T. Boedec, E. JondeauExperimental Investigation on the Fluctuation Intensities in a Stationary SprayDiesel Fuel Injection and Sprays SAE19981
1600-720B. Kegl, E. MullerAn Efficient Cam Design Procedure for a Prescribed Diesel Fuel Injection Rate Profile Using a Bezier CurveDiesel Fuel Injection and Sprays SAE19981
1600-721D. VerhoevenMacroscopic and Ignition Characteristics of High-Pressure Sprays of Single-Component FuelsDiesel Fuel Injection and Sprays SAE19981
1600-722B.-S. ShinThe Effects of Injection Parameters on a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine with TICS SystemDiesel Fuel Injection and Sprays SAE19981
1600-723V. Iyer, J. AbrahamThe Computed Structure of a Combusting Transient Jet Under Diesel ConditionsDiesel Fuel Injection and Sprays SAE19981
1600-724Y. Lu, B. HamiltonA Fuzzy System for Automotive Fault DiagnosisIssues in Testing and Instrumentation SAE19981
1600-725W. J. BagariaVehicle Center of Gravity Height Measurements ErrorsIssues in Testing and Instrumentation SAE19981
1600-726W. A. JanitorThe Advantage of Using Standard Vehicle Dynamics Procedures and Analysis ProgramsIssues in Testing and Instrumentation SAE19981
1600-727M. FrenchAlternative Accuracy Measurements for Road SimulationIssues in Testing and Instrumentation SAE19981
1600-728M. DuobaInvestigation of Practical HEV Test Procedures with Prototypes from the 1997 Future Car ChallengeIssues in Testing and Instrumentation SAE19981
1600-729H. W. EbnerThe Importance of Blow-By Measurements, Measuring Equipment Required and ImplementationIssues in Testing and Instrumentation SAE19981
1600-730H. Tanaka, A. BannoDevelopment of Hardening Penetration Depth Evaluation Using Ultrasonic WaveIssues in Testing and Instrumentation SAE19981
1600-731C. Harrison, A. StevensonAccelerated Life Testing of Push Fit Couplings for Climate Control and Fuel Line ApplicationsIssues in Testing and Instrumentation SAE19981
1600-732D. Meek, M. RobertsBalance Shaft Conversion of a Four Cylinder Engine – The Challenges of Packing and Mechanical IntegrationNew Engine Design and Automotive Filtration SAE19981
1600-733S. AdachiDevelopment of Toyota 1ZZ-FE EngineNew Engine Design and Automotive Filtration SAE19981
1600-734Y. UzielElimination Prototype Tooling in Blocks and Cylinder Heads Yields a Complete New Engine Design in 90 Days – A Case StudyNew Engine Design and Automotive Filtration SAE19981
1600-735S. H. NasserComputer Simulation of Vehicle’s Performance and Fuel Consumption Under Steady and Dynamic Driving ConditionsNew Engine Design and Automotive Filtration SAE19981
1600-736B. A. Shannon, A. MikulecCritical Engine Geometry Generation for Rapid Powertrain Concept Design AssessmentNew Engine Design and Automotive Filtration SAE19981
1600-737D. R. ChesneyGeneralized Equations for Sprag One-Way Clutch Analysis and DesignNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-738J. M. KremerRoller One-Way Clutch System ResonanceNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-739Q. ZhengDynamic Modeling and Characterization of Transmission Response for Controller DesignNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-740T. M. JohnsApplication Guide for Tapered Roller Bearings in Aluminum Differential HousingsNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-741G. Michael FitzpatrickBlood Component Support Requaired for Life Support in Isolated StationsNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-742Y. YangPrediction of Torque Response During the Engagement of Wet Friction ClutchNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-743M. KuboA Loss Analysis Design Approach to Improving Torque Converter PerformanceNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-744S. Lee, J. H. KimPerformance Evaluation of Multiplexing ProtocolsNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-745H. Kopetz, T. ThurnerTTP – A New Approach to Solving the Interoperability Problem of Independently Developed ECUsNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-746B. H. DoerstilingThermal-Electrical Modeling of Electrical SubsystemsNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-747J. SamuelDeveloping Diagnostics on KWP 2000 and CANNew Developments and Advanced Concepts in Systems and Components SAE19981
1600-748A. Taneda, T. YamanakaDesign of Actuator for Active-Rear-Steer SystemDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering, and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-749K. FujitaDevelopment of Active-Rear-Steer System Applying H∞-µ synthesisDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering, and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-750S. M. El-DemerdashPerformance of Limited Bandwidth Active Suspension Based on a Half Car ModelDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering, and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-751N. L. SaxonSemiactive Suspension: A Field Testing Case StudyDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering, and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-752F. Yu, D. A. CrollaAnalysis on Benefits of an Adaptive Kalman Filter Active Vehicle SuspensionDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering, and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-753Y. ParkPreview Control of Active Vehicle Suspension Based on a State and Input EstimatorDevelopments in Tire, Wheel, Steering, and Suspension Technology SAE19981
1600-754A. NagasakaDevelopment of the Hybrid/Battery ECU for the Toyota Hybrid SystemTechnology for Electric and Hybrid SAE19981
1600-755P. AntonyThe Mercedes-Benz C-Class Series HybridTechnology for Electric and Hybrid SAE19981
1600-756A. Caraceni, R. BarbieroHybrid Power Unit Development for FIAT MULTIPLA VehicleTechnology for Electric and Hybrid SAE19981
1600-757J. SwannThe Development of a Simulation Software Tool for Evaluating Advanced Powertrain Solutions and New Technology VehiclesTechnology for Electric and Hybrid SAE19981
1600-758T. G. ChondrosStyling for a Small Electric City CarTechnology for Electric and Hybrid SAE19981
1600-759R. AdamsPatents and Alternatively Powered VehiclesTechnology for Electric and Hybrid SAE19981
1600-760E. HeilAn Electric Vehicle with Racing SpeedsTechnology for Electric and Hybrid SAE19981
1600-761H. L. N. WiegmanBattery State Control Techniques for Charge Sustaining ApplicationsTechnology for Electric and Hybrid SAE19981
1600-762P. B. KoenemanLoad Leveling Device Selection for Hybrid Electric VehiclesTechnology for Electric and Hybrid SAE19981
1600-763E. L. BiscarriSimulation of Hybrid Electric Vehicles with Emphasis on Fuel Economy EstimationTechnology for Electric and Hybrid SAE19981
1600-764R. D. SengerValidation of ADVISOR as a Simulation Tool for a Series Hybrid Electric VehicleTechnology for Electric and Hybrid SAE19981
1600-765E. LarrodeThe Electric AutomobileTechnology for Electric and Hybrid SAE19981
1600-766S. I. HillPractical Considerations in Determining High Strain Rate Material PropertiesSafety and Material Test Methodologies SAE19981
1600-767O. SawasDynamic Characterization of Compliant Materials Using an All Polymeric Split Hopkinson BarSafety and Material Test Methodologies SAE19981
1600-768M. PhilippsStructural Analysis and Testing of Composites in Automotive Crashworthiness ApplicationSafety and Material Test Methodologies SAE19981
1600-769G. W. HallMeasurement of Elbow Flexion and Pronation with Angular Rate SensorsSafety and Material Test Methodologies SAE19981
1600-770R. S. StroudMore: The Selling of AudioAudio/Video Devices SAE19981
1600-771S. MiyaharaDAB Multiband Glass AntennaAudio/Video Devices SAE19981
1600-772T. YoshidaLow-Profile VHF/UHF Antenna for VehicleAudio/Video Devices SAE19981
1600-773H. K. LindenmeierDiversity-Effectiveness and Programmable Device for Self-Testing of Operating Functions in Complex OEM-AM/FM/TV-Car-Antenna SystemsAudio/Video Devices SAE19981
1600-774N. HijaouyDevelopment of a CD/Cassette Mechanism Bracket for a Dual Media (3 in 1) RadioAudio/Video Devices SAE19981
1600-775R. M. HerringWireless Technologies: Overview for Automatic Vehicle Location ApplicationsAudio/Video Devices SAE19981
1600-776M. L. NorgFeed Forward Control to Enhance CD Skip PerformanceAudio/Video Devices SAE19981
1600-777S. C. SorensonDimethyl Ether in Diesel Fuel Injection SystemsInjection Systems SAE19981
1600-778B. DouvillePerformance and Emissions of a Two-Stroke Engine Fueled Using High-Pressure Direct Injection of Natural GasInjection Systems SAE19981
1600-779S. KshonzeRemanufacturing Process of Gasoline and Diesel Engines to OEM RequirementsInjection Systems SAE19981
1600-780N. YashuiWhite Road Line Recognition Using Lane Region Extraction and Line Edge DetectionAdvanced Controls and Vehicle Navigation Systems SAE19981
1600-781Y. ZhangNew Approach for Vehicle System NVH Analysis – Part I: Concept and Vibration AnalysisAdvanced Controls and Vehicle Navigation Systems SAE19981
1600-782K. P. JankowskiAnalytical Investigation of Light Truck Low Frequency Vibration IssuesAdvanced Controls and Vehicle Navigation Systems SAE19981
1600-783I. I. NeyachenkoMethod of A/F Control During SI Engine Cold StartAdvanced Controls and Vehicle Navigation Systems SAE19981
1600-784S. KobayashiIntelligent Lighting Systems: Their History, Function & General Direction DevelopmentAutomotive Lighting Technology SAE19981
1600-785T. ChibaNew Development of Plate and Fin EvaporatorAutomotive Climate ControlSAE19981
1600-786R. L. HarrisAccelerate Technical & Commercial Advancement Using Computer-Aided Innovation (CAI) and Value Engineering (VE)Automotive Climate ControlSAE19981
1600-787M. K. BrandonIntegrating SAE with 21st Century Technology and the Value MethodologyAutomotive Climate ControlSAE19981
1600-788S. WatkinsA Review of the Wind Conditions Experienced by a Moving VehicleDevelopments in Vehicle Aerodynamics SAE19981
1600-789S. C. AmicoEvaluation of Compression Moulded Composites of Oxidised Polyacrylonitrile Fibres as a Friction Material for Automotive Brake PadsPolymer Composites and Polymeric Materials SAE19981
1600-790C. Arcoumanis, M. R. GoldDroplet Velocity/Size in a Single-Cylinder Four-Valve Spark-Ignition EngineAnalysis of Combustion and Flow DiagnosticsSAE19981
1600-791H. LongeeThe Capstone MicroTurbine™ as a Hybrid Vehicle Energy SourceTechnology for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles SAE19981
1600-792D. T. GerkenSqueeze Cast Permanent Mold (SCPM) Processes for Automotive Aluminum CastingsDevelopments in CAD-CAM and CAE SAE19981
1600-793G. R. HulseAnalysis of Waveguide Geometries at Bends and Branches for the Directing of LightAutomotive Lighting Technology SAE19981
1600-794M. K. SalaaniPowertrain and Brake Modeling of the 1994 Ford Taurus for the National Advanced Driving SimulatorVehicle Dynamics and SimulationSAE19981
1600-795Wenku Shi and Yi LinIsolation Characteristics Analysis and Dynamic Model for Engine and Sub-frame Mounts System of CarNoise and Vibration Research SAE19981
1600-796S. J. HollisterReverse Engineering of Geometrically Complex Automotive Structures Using X-Ray Computed Tomography and Digital Image Finite Element MethodsDevelopments in CAD-CAM and CAE SAE19981
1601-101M. A. WilkToward Improved Fuel Economy in Passenger Car Motor Oils: An Investigation into the Influence of Detergent System and Friction Modifier as Measured by the EPA Federal Test Procedure and Highway Fuel Economy Test CyclesFuel Economy and Wear Performance on Engine OilsSAE19981
1601-102K. HoshinoFuel Efficiency of SAE 5W-20 Friction Modified Gasoline Engine OilFuel Economy and Wear Performance on Engine OilsSAE19981
1601-103M. T. DevlinMolecular Changes to Polymeric Additives Occurring During Fuel Economy Aging TestsFuel Economy and Wear Performance on Engine OilsSAE19981
1601-104B. M. PenetrantePlasma-Assisted Catalytic Reduction of NOxPlasma Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-105L. G. KrishtopaNOx Destruction in Air and Nitrogen by Dielectric Barrier Corona DischargePlasma Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-106M. Lou BalmerDiesel NOx Reduction on Surfaces in PlasmaPlasma Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-107E. D. WachsmanElectrocatalytic Reduction and Selective Absorption of NOxPlasma Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-108M.-C. ParkMulti-Stage Pulsed Corona Discharge System for reduction of NOx Emission from Diesel Engine VehiclePlasma Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-109S. N. BittensonDirect Chemical Reduction of NOx in Diesel ExhaustPlasma Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-110V. PuchkarevPlasma Processing of Diesel Exhaust by Pulsed Corona DischargePlasma Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-111I. I. NeyachenkoMethod of A/F Control During SI Engine Cold StartPlasma Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-112C. AquinoThe Occurrence of Flash Boiling in a Port Injected Gasoline EnginePlasma Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-113F. MedaertsIn-Cylinder Fuel/Air Mixture and Flame Front Visualization in a Transparent Engine Using PLIF: A Comparison Between Natural Gas and Gasoline Used as a FuelPlasma Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-114M. WendekerExperimental Results of the Investigation of the Mixture Preparation in Spark Ignition EnginePlasma Exhaust Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-115D. Y. ChangDetermination of Particulate and Unburned Hydrocarbon Emissions from Diesel Engines Fueled with BiodieselAlternative Fuels SAE19981
1601-116S. A. NiemiResults from a Durability Test of a Mustard Seed Oil Driven Tractor EngineAlternative Fuels SAE19981
1601-117S. FrigoFeasibility of Using Wood Flash-Pyrolysis Oil in Diesel EnginesAlternative Fuels SAE19981
1601-118S. GjirjaConsiderations on Engine Design and Fuelling Technique Effects on Qualitative Combustion in Alcohol Diesel EnginesAlternative Fuels SAE19981
1601-119K. ChandlerFinal Results from the State of Ohio Ethanol-Fueled Light-Duty Fleet Deployment ProjectAlternative Fuels SAE19981
1601-120A. StodartFuel System Development to Improve Cold Start Performance of a Flexible Fuel VehicleAlternative Fuels SAE19981
1601-121M. S. GraboskiMicroenvironmental Exposure Analysis Evaluation of the Toxicity of Conventional and Oxygenated Motor FuelsAlternative Fuels SAE19981
1601-122S. KajitaniDirect Injection Diesel Engine Operated with Propane – DME Blended FuelAlternative Fuels SAE19981
1601-123S. F. WangInvestigation of the Helical Inlet PortAlternative Fuels SAE19981
1601-124D. TarazaDiesel Engine Diagnosis Based on Analysis of the Crankshaft’s Speed VariationAlternative Fuels SAE19981
1601-125A. HribernikStatistical Determination of Correlation Between Pressure and Crankshaft Angle During Indication of Combustion EnginesAlternative Fuels SAE19981
1601-126A. LeipertzDroplet Size and Velocity Measurements for the Characterization of a DI-Diesel Spray Impinging on a Flat WallAlternative Fuels SAE19981
1601-127David HaugenUse of Powdred Metal for a Value Bridge in a 4-Value Heavy Duty Disel EngineTaking Gasoline Vehicles Beyond ULEV: Catalyst System ApproachesSAE19981
1601-128W. O. SieglA Comparison of Conversion Efficiencies of Individual Hydrocarbon Species Across Pd- and Pt-Based Catalysts as a Function of Fuel-Air RatioTaking Gasoline Vehicles Beyond ULEV: Catalyst System ApproachesSAE19981
1601-129S. ParkThe OBD-II System in the Hyundai AccentTaking Gasoline Vehicles Beyond ULEV: Catalyst System ApproachesSAE19981
1601-130M. HanFlow Distribution in a Close-Coupled Catalytic ConverterTaking Gasoline Vehicles Beyond ULEV: Catalyst System ApproachesSAE19981
1601-131S. SungA 45% Engine Size Catalyst System for MDV2 ULEV ApplicationsTaking Gasoline Vehicles Beyond ULEV: Catalyst System ApproachesSAE19981
1601-132A. TayamaA Study of a Gasoline-Fueled Near-Zero-Emission Vehicle Using an Improved Emission Measurement SystemTaking Gasoline Vehicles Beyond ULEV: Catalyst System ApproachesSAE19981
1601-133T. ItoNumerical Prediction of Transient Conversion Characteristics in a Three-Way Catalytic ConverterTaking Gasoline Vehicles Beyond ULEV: Catalyst System ApproachesSAE19981
1601-134J.A. EngThe Effect of Fuel Composition on Hydrocarbon Emissions from a Spark Ignition Engine: Iso-Octane/Toluene and n-Octane/Toluene Fuel MixturesSI Engines: Combustion and Emission Formation SAE19981
1601-135X. BianTime Resolved Exhaust Port Sampling Studies Related to Hydrocarbon Emissions from SI EnginesSI Engines: Combustion and Emission Formation SAE19981
1601-136X. BIanTracer Fuel Injection Studies on Exhaust Port Hydrocarbon OxidationSI Engines: Combustion and Emission Formation SAE19981
1601-137E. BignionInvestigation of the Influence of Top Land Crevice Geometry on Hydrocarbon Emissions from SI EnginesSI Engines: Combustion and Emission Formation SAE19981
1601-138S. NasserA Novel Fuel Efficient and Emission Abatement Technique for Internal Combustion EnginesSI Engines: Combustion and Emission Formation SAE19981
1601-139R. MillerComparison of Analytically and Experimentally Obtained Residual Fractions and NOx Emissions in Spark-Ignited EnginesSI Engines: Combustion and Emission Formation SAE19981
1601-140J. ZhouFlame Propagation Characteristics in a Heterogeneous Concentration Distribution of a Fuel-Air MixtureSI Engines: Combustion and Emission Formation SAE19981
1601-141K. TanakaRelationship Between Plasma Jet and Newly Developed Plasma Jet IgniterSI Engines: Combustion and Emission Formation SAE19981
1601-142H. NakaiFlame Propagation Variation Due to Insufficient HC ConcentrationSI Engines: Combustion and Emission Formation SAE19981
1601-143J. ShakalFlame Front Speed of a Decane Cloud Under Microgravity ConditionsSI Engines: Combustion and Emission Formation SAE19981
1601-144P. I. LaceyFuel Lubricity ReviewedPassenger Car and Diesel Engine Lubricants SAE19981
1601-145B. D. ShaverEffects of Water on Distillate Fuel LubricityPassenger Car and Diesel Engine Lubricants SAE19981
1601-146E. C. MozdzenThe No-Harm Performance of Lubricity Additives for Low Sulfur Diesel FuelsPassenger Car and Diesel Engine Lubricants SAE19981
1601-147K. NakayamaEffect of Oil Ring Geometry on Oil Film Thickness in the Circumferential Direction of the CylinderPassenger Car and Diesel Engine Lubricants SAE19981
1601-148S. GunselBehavior of Viscosity Index Improver-Containing Oils in Non-Steady State ContactsPassenger Car and Diesel Engine Lubricants SAE19981
1601-149E. W. SchneiderThe Contribution of Lubricating Oil to Exhaust Deposits and Exhaust Particulates from Gasoline Engines – A Radiotracer MethodPassenger Car and Diesel Engine Lubricants SAE19981
1601-150B. KhorramianOxidation Stability of Some Phosphorus – Free Fully Formulated Crankcase OilsPassenger Car and Diesel Engine Lubricants SAE19981
1601-151H. E. HendersonHigher Quality Base Oils for Tomorrow’s Engine Oil Performance CategoriesPassenger Car and Diesel Engine Lubricants SAE19981
1601-152M. KomachiyaA Method of Misfire Detection by Superposing Outputs of Combustion Pressure SensorsPassenger Car and Diesel Engine Lubricants SAE19981
1601-153M. A. DearthSulfur Interaction with Lean NOx Traps: Laboratory and Engine Dynamometer StudiesPassenger Car and Diesel Engine Lubricants SAE19981
1601-154D. KayesInvestigation of the Dilution Process for Measurement of Particulate Matter from Spark-Ignition EnginesDirect Injection: Engines, Emissions, and Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-155D. E. HallA Review of Recent Literature Investigating the Measurement of Automotive Particulate; The Relationship with Environmental Aerosol, Air Quality and Health EffectsDirect Injection: Engines, Emissions, and Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-156Y. KitaharaPassive and Active Performance Characteristics of NOx Catalysts for Direct-Injection Diesel Engines for Passenger CarsDirect Injection: Engines, Emissions, and Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-157M. GuyonImpact of Sulfur on NOx Trap Catalyst Activity – Study of the Regeneration ConditionsDirect Injection: Engines, Emissions, and Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-158F. DucroqDevelopment of a Spray Model for Low Weber Gasoline Jets in SI EngineDirect Injection: Engines, Emissions, and Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-159W. DaiRegimes of Premixed Turbulent Combustion and Misfire Modeling in SI EnginesDirect Injection: Engines, Emissions, and Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-160Y. LiaoAtomization of a Liquid Jet Under Swirling Air StreamDirect Injection: Engines, Emissions, and Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-161J. WallestenTurbulent Flame Speed Closure Model: Further Development and Implementation for 3-D Simulation of Combustion in SI EngineDirect Injection: Engines, Emissions, and Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-162K. ChenAn Examination of the Effects of Charge Inhomogeneity on the Compression Ignition of Fuel-Air MixturesDirect Injection: Engines, Emissions, and Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-163H. IshikawaInvestigation on the Combustion Mechanism of a Fuel Droplet Cloud by Numerical SimulationDirect Injection: Engines, Emissions, and Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-164J. PanEnd Gas Inhomogeneity, Autoignition and KnockDirect Injection: Engines, Emissions, and Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-165A. N. LipatnikovRandomness of Flame Kernel Development in Turbulent Gas MixtureDirect Injection: Engines, Emissions, and Aftertreatment SAE19981
1601-166Y. TakagiEffects of In-Cylinder Fuel Spray Formation on Emissions and Cyclic Variability in a Lean-Burn Engine Part 1: Background and MethodologySI Engines: Combustion and Emission Formation SAE19981
1601-167C. RobinetImprovement of SI Engine Operating Range by Residual Gas Sweeping from the Spark Plug VicinitySI Engines: Combustion and Emission Formation SAE19981
1601-168S. M. SkipponEffects of In-Cylinder Fuel Spray Formation on Emissions and Cyclic Variability in a Lean-Burn Engine Part 2: ResultsSI Engines: Combustion and Emission Formation SAE19981
1601-169B. StierApplication of LIPA to the Water Analog Model of a Four-Stroke IC EngineSI Engines: Combustion and Emission Formation SAE19941
1601-170P. ButtiniRelevance of Adding Deuterated Hydrocarbons to Fuels in the Autovehicular Emissions StudiesSI Engines: Combustion and Emission Formation SAE19981
1601-171J. W. SprysShear Stability of Automatic Transmission Fluids – Methods and Analysis A Study by the International Lubricants Standardization and Approval Committee (ILSAC) ATF SubcommitteeAutomatic Transmission Fluids SAE19981
1601-172M. D. JohnsonSequence VIB Engine Test for Evaluation of Fuel Efficiency of Engine Oils – Part I: Aging Procedure for Determination of Fuel Efficiency RetentionFuel Economy and Wear Performance on Engine Oils SAE19981
1601-173J. SorabSequence VIB Engine Test for Evaluation of Fuel Efficiency of Engine Oils – Part II: Stage Selection and Time Factor DeterminationFuel Economy and Wear Performance on Engine Oils SAE19981
1601-174M. E. HannaThe KA24E Engine Test for ILSAC GF-3 Part 1: Engine Design Operating Conditions and Wear MechanismsFuel Economy and Wear Performance on Engine Oils SAE19981
1601-175M. E. HannaThe KA24E Engine Test for ILSAC GF-3 Part 2: Valve Train Wear Response to Formulation VariablesFuel Economy and Wear Performance on Engine Oils SAE19981
1601-176R. J. SornekEffect of Turbulent Fuel-Air Mixing on Spray Flame CharacteristicsFuel Economy and Wear Performance on Engine Oils SAE19981
1601-177L. S. Socha Jr.Performance of Different Cell Structure Converters A Total Systems PerspectiveTaking Gasoline Vehicles Beyond ULEV: Catalyst System Approaches SAE19981
1601-178S. T. GulatiPhysical Durability of Thin Wall Ceramic SubstratesTaking Gasoline Vehicles Beyond ULEV: Catalyst System Approaches SAE19981
1601-179A. FlambergAssessment of Shear Degradation SimulatorsAdvances in Powertrain TribologySAE19981
1601-180M. J. CovitchHow Polymer Architecture Affects Permanent Viscosity Loss of Multigrade LubricantsAdvances in Powertrain TribologySAE19981
1601-181T. N. PhillipsThe Effect of Viscoelasticity on the Performance of Dynamically Loaded Journal BearingsAdvances in Powertrain TribologySAE19981
1601-182J. SorabFriction Reduction in Lubricated Components Through Engine Oil FormulationAdvances in Powertrain TribologySAE19981
1601-183P. K. S. LaiA Study of Gel Index and MRV Effects on SAE 5W-30 PumpabilityAdvances in Powertrain TribologySAE19981
1601-184W. ThielInvestigations on Robot Drivers for Vehicle Exhaust Emission Measurements in Comparison to the Driving Strategies of Human DriversSI Emissions SAE19981
1601-185G. A. LavoieA Fuel Vapor Model (FVSMOD) for Evaporative Emissions System Design and AnalysisSI Emissions SAE19981
1601-186Y. LuanContribution of Cold and Hot Start Transients in Engine-Out HC EmissionsSI Emissions SAE19981
1601-187J. G. BuglassInteractions Between Exhaust Gas Composition and Oxygen Sensor PerformanceSI Emissions SAE19981
1601-188M. CarrieroPoisoning of Lambda Sensor: An Experimental Method to Measure the Lambda Sensor Switch Velocity and Its Effect on Air-Fuel Ratio ExcursionSI Emissions SAE19981
1601-189N. N. ClarkModels for Predicting Transient Heavy Duty Vehicle EmissionsDiesel Emissions SAE19981
1601-190L. B. A. RyanComparison of Chassis Dynamometer In-Use Emissions with Engine Dynamometer FTP Emissions for Three Heavy-Duty Diesel VehiclesDiesel Emissions SAE19981
1601-191M. W. VincentParticulates Reduction in Diesel Engines Through the Combination of a Particulate Filter and Fuel AdditiveDiesel Emissions SAE19981
1601-192T. TianModeling the Dynamics and Lubrication of Three Piece Oil Control Rings in Internal Combustion EnginesAdvances in Powertrain Tribology SAE19981
1601-193T. TianInvestigation of Oil Transport Mechanisms in the Piston Ring Pack of a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine, Using Two Dimensional Laser Induced FluorescenceAdvances in Powertrain Tribology SAE19981
1601-194J. GlidewellPiston Ring / Cylinder Bore Friction Under Flooded and Starved Lubrication Using Fresh and Aged Engine OilsAdvances in Powertrain Tribology SAE19981
1601-195M. UrabeVariation of Piston Friction Force and Ring Lubricating Condition in a Diesel Engine with EGRAdvances in Powertrain Tribology SAE19981
1601-196M. B. ViolaDetermination of Bearing Oil Film Thickness (BOFT) for Various Engine Oils in an Automotive Gasoline Engine Using Capacitance Measurements and Analytical PredictionsAdvances in Powertrain Tribology SAE19981
1601-197A. ItoA Study on Cam Wear Mechanism with a Newly Developed Friction Measurement ApparatusAdvances in Powertrain Tribology SAE19981
1601-198R. RausaSynthesis of Diesel-Like Soots. Influence of the Operative Parameters on the Chemico-Physical and Morphological CharacteristicsAdvances in Powertrain Tribology SAE19981
1601-199R. E. KornbrekkeUnderstanding Soot Mediated Oil Thickening Part 6: Base Oil EffectsAdvances in Powertrain Tribology SAE19981
1601-200B. SwinneyHigh Quality Base Oils for Next Generation Automatic Transmission FluidsAutomatic Transmission Fluids SAE19981
1601-201C. JonesDevelopment of a Vehicle Test for Determining ATF Performance in an Electronically Controlled Capacity ClutchAutomatic Transmission Fluids SAE19981
1601-202G. K. GuptaATF Bulk Oxidative Degradation and Its Effects on LVFA Friction and the Performance of a Modulated Torque Converter ClutchAutomatic Transmission Fluids SAE19981
1601-203P. J. ColbyDetermination of the Air Entrainment Characteristics of Automatic Transmission Fluids Using a Dynamic Flow ApparatusAutomatic Transmission Fluids SAE19981
1601-204C. D. TiptonFundamental Studies on ATF Friction, Part IIAutomatic Transmission Fluids SAE19981
1601-205J. L. LindenA Comparison of Methods for Evaluating Automatic Transmission Fluid Effects on Friction Torque Capacity – A Study by the International Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee (ILSAC) ATF SubcommitteeAutomatic Transmission Fluids SAE19981
1601-206T. E. KingDevelopment and Introduction of Chrysler’s New Automatic Transmission FluidAutomatic Transmission Fluids SAE19981
1601-207K. NakazawaPerformance of a CVT Fluid for High Torque Transmitting Belt-CVTsAutomatic Transmission Fluids SAE19981
1601-208C. BornReduction of Soot Emission at a DI Diesel Engine by Additional Injection of Hydrogen Peroxide During CombustionAutomatic Transmission Fluids SAE19981
1601-209O. ThorinThe Rotating Injector, A New System for Diesel CombustionAutomatic Transmission Fluids SAE19981
1601-210N. UchidaCombustion Optimization by Means of Common Rail System for Heavy-Duty Diesel EnginesAutomatic Transmission Fluids SAE19981
1601-211J. E. DecChemiluminescence Imaging of Autoignition in a DI Diesel EngineAutomatic Transmission Fluids SAE19981
1601-212V. ShapovalovThe Two-Stroke Rotary EngineAutomatic Transmission Fluids SAE19981
1601-213Y. YacoubModularity in Spark Ignition Engines: A Review of its Benefits, Implementation and LimitationsAutomatic Transmission Fluids SAE19981
1601-214S. MancoGerotor Lubricating Oil Pump for IC EnginesAutomatic Transmission Fluids SAE19981
1601-215G. HongExperimental Investigation on the Predictability of Exhaust Noise for Feedforward Active Control on a Two-Cylinder Diesel EngineAutomatic Transmission Fluids SAE19981
1601-216N. N. ClarkFundamental Analysis of a Linear Two-Cylinder Internal Combustion EngineAutomatic Transmission Fluids SAE19981
1601-217M. A. EjakovModeling of Ring Twist for an IC EngineAutomatic Transmission Fluids SAE19981
1601-218O. Le CorreOne Zone Thermodynamic Model Simulation of a Stationary Spark Ignition Gas Engine: Static and Dynamic PerformancesAutomatic Transmission Fluids SAE19981
1601-219V. MahieuEGR Interfaces: Modeling to Experimental Data Comparison
1601-220T. OzasaSchlieren Observations of In-Cylinder Phenomena Concerning a Direct-Injection Gasoline EngineDirect Injection: Engines, Emissions, and AftertreatmentSAE19981
1601-221M. V. CasarellaEmission Formation Mechanisms in a Two-Stroke Direct-Injection EngineDirect Injection: Engines, Emissions, and AftertreatmentSAE19981
1601-222M. KondoAn Attempt at Lean Burn of a 4 Stroke Gasoline Engine by the Aid of Low Pressure Air Assisted In-Cylinder InjectionDirect Injection: Engines, Emissions, and AftertreatmentSAE19981
1601-223M. H. DavyEffects of Injection Timing on Liquid-Phase Fuel Distributions in a Centrally-Injected Four-Valve Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition EngineDirect Injection: Engines, Emissions, and AftertreatmentSAE19981
1601-224P. A. WilliamsEffects of Injection Timing on the Exhaust Emissions of a Centrally-Injected Four-Valve Direct-Injection Spark-Ignition EngineDirect Injection: Engines, Emissions, and AftertreatmentSAE19981
1601-225H. SandquistInfluence of Fuel Volatility on Emissions and Combustion in a Direct Injection Spark Ignition EngineDirect Injection: Engines, Emissions, and AftertreatmentSAE19981
1601-226J.-H. YooVisualization of Direct-Injection Gasoline Spray and Wall-Impingement Inside a Motoring EngineDirect Injection: Engines, Emissions, and AftertreatmentSAE19981
1601-227T. NogiStability Improvement of Direct Fuel Injection Engine Under Lean Combustion OperationDirect Injection: Engines, Emissions, and AftertreatmentSAE19981
1601-228D. D. BrehobStratified-Change Engine Fuel Economy and Emission CharacteristicsDirect Injection: Engines, Emissions, and AftertreatmentSAE19981
1601-229M. A. FaureApplication of Lda and Piv Techniques to the Validation of a Cfd Model of a Direct Injection Gasoline EngineDirect Injection: Engines, Emissions, and AftertreatmentSAE19981
1601-230K. YokotaThermal Deterioration Mechanism of Pt/Rh Three-Way CatalystsSI Emissions SAE19981
1601-231C. I. ArapatsakosCatalyst Regeneration Via Chemical Treatment and Emission Test at Idle SpeedSI Emissions SAE19981
1601-232M. RaponeThe Effect of Different Traffic Conditions on Catalyst Performance and Exhaust Emissions of a 2-Liter Gasoline CarSI Emissions SAE19981
1601-233G. BickleEmission Control Systems for Two Stroke Engines – A Challenge for CatalysisSI Emissions SAE19981
1601-234G. HohnField Test Study of Two-Stroke Catalytic Converter in ThailandSI Emissions SAE19981
1601-235R. L. FausnightA Survey of Gasoline Fuel Deposit Control Additives in the Retail Aftermarket: Performance Claims vs. ChemistryGasoline Performance and Additives SAE19981
1601-236M. A. WhiteheadThe Port Fuel Injector Deposit Test – A Statistical ReviewGasoline Performance and Additives SAE19981
1601-237D. C. ArtersUsing Intake Valve Deposit Cleanup Testing as a Combustion Chamber Deposit DiscriminatorGasoline Performance and Additives SAE19981
1601-238S. R. KelemenFuel, Lubricant and Additive Effects on Combustion Chamber DepositsGasoline Performance and Additives SAE19981
1601-239S. R. KelemenCombustion Chamber Deposits from Base Fuel and Commercial IVD Detergent PackagesGasoline Performance and Additives SAE19981
1601-240G. J. DemyenExtended-Drain Field Testing of Borate-Based Group II Lubricants in Heavy-Duty Axles and Manual TransmissionsPassenger Car and Diesel Engine Lubricants SAE19981
1601-241S. M. JetterExtended Oil Drain Performance Capabilities of Diesel Engine OilsPassenger Car and Diesel Engine Lubricants SAE19981
1601-242S. TakamuraDevelopment of New Generation Low Ash Type Diesel Oils for Heavy Duty VehiclesPassenger Car and Diesel Engine Lubricants SAE19981
1601-243P. BezotEffect of Ashless Dispersants on Aggregation of Carbon Viscosity Improver PolymersPassenger Car and Diesel Engine Lubricants SAE19981
1601-244T. StephensonEvaluating the Performance of Driveability Indices: A Correlation with the Enthalpy of Vapor Formation for GasolinePassenger Car and Diesel Engine Lubricants SAE19981
1601-245J. M. ColucciAn Analysis of 1996 Gasoline Quality in the United StatesGasoline Performance and Additives SAE19981
1601-246M. L. GreenfieldMacroscopic Model of the D86 Fuel Volatility ProcedureGasoline Performance and Additives SAE19981
1601-247B. A. JawadCold Temperature Effects on Spark Plug PerformanceGasoline Performance and Additives SAE19981
1601-248A. R. CollierSampling and Analysis of Vapor-Phase and Particulate-Bound PAH From Vehicle ExhaustSI Emissions SAE19981
1601-249L. GregerSI Emissions SAE19981
1601-250W. Scott WayneNumerical Prediction of Knock in a Bi-Fuel EngineAlternative FuelsSAE19981
1602-001M. G. PottingerForce and Moment Properties of a Small Sample of Tire Specifications: Drive, Steer, and Trailer with Evolution from New to Naturally Worn-Out Retreaded ConsideredTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-002W. LawrenzCAN Conformance Testing – The Developing ISO Standard and Necessary ExtensionTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-003J. P. CotnamLanding Forces Resulting From Exiting Tractors and TrailersTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-004J. R. L. MariolaniImpact Project: Searching for Solution to the Underride ProblemTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-005C. CiocanEvolution vs. Revolution in Multi-Media Networking for Automotive ApplicationsTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-006R. DannenbergMultiplex Consumer Electronic Products in Truck ApplicationsTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-007C. P. DayPractical Perspectives on Physical Layers for Truck MultiplexingTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-008J. PeriatCritical Speed Failure Mode of a Steel DriveshaftTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-009S. KaruppanaRecent Developments in Alternators & Starters in Truck, Bus and Emergency Vehicle ApplicationsTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-010B. BuschFire Apparatus Power Management: A Multiplexed SolutionTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-012N. RandellDynamic Simulation in the Safety Research, Development and Type Approval of Minibuses and CoachesTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-013M. HaatajaOn the Correlation of Road Retardation and Dynamometer Measurements for Lorries and Trailer CombinationsTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-014H. WimmerModern Front Axle Systems for Low Floor Buses and CoachesTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-015S.-K. ShinDevelopment of an Automatic Climate Control (ACC) Algorithm and the Roof Mounted System for BusesTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-016M. HolzNight Vision Enhancement System Using Diode Laser HeadlightsTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-017R. BishelLane Departure Warning for CVO in the USATruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-018C. BeyerElectronic Braking System EBS – Status and Advanced FunctionsTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-019E. PetersenVehicle Stability Control for Trucks and BusesTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-020V. L. NealeLong-Haul Drivers’ Perspective on Sleeper Berth Usage and Fatigue in the Trucking IndustryTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-021R. J. HanowskiDrivers’ Perspective on Fatigue in Local/Short Haul TruckingTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-022B. TabarrokHandling Performance and Lateral Stability of Articulated Logging TrucksTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-023A. DiniComparison of Procedures for Experimental and Theoretical Durability Approval of a Truck AxleTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-024A. KawamuraPrediction for Truck Endurance from the Basis of Road Profile MeasurementsTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-025V. V. VantsevichBasis for Logical Control of Circumferential Wheel Forces of Highway Trucks for Improved Traction and Fuel EfficiencyTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-026J. R. MillerTruck Starting Using Electrochemical CapacitorsTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-027M. NaghshinehEnclosed Brushless AlternatorTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-028W. HardtleNew Automated Mechanical Transmission Customer Considerations, Concept Comparisons and ExperiencesTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-029B. L. BullockThe Allison MD3066 TransmissionTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-030T. L. JohnsonIntroducing TRANSYND™, a New Severe Duty Extended Drain Interval Fluid for Allison Heavy Duty Automatic TransmissionsTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-031M. M. R. KrishnaFailure Analysis of Center Plate of a Clutch and Brake Combination Using Finite ElementsTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-032M. DohiAirflow Simulation in Engine Compartment by CFD AnalysisTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-033H. XuConcept and Concurrent Analysis and Optimization in a Product Design and Development ProcessComputers and Simulation in Truck Design SAE19981
1602-034J. KozlowskiVehicle Design Using High-Fidelity Virtual PrototypingComputers and Simulation in Truck Design SAE19981
1602-035H. XuAn Introduction of a Modal Scaling Technique: An Alternative and Supplement to Quasi-Static G Loading Technique with Application in Structural AnalysisComputers and Simulation in Truck Design SAE19981
1602-036D. BaronComputer-Aided Systematicity in the Development of Heavy Trucks: From Design to ProductionComputers and Simulation in Truck Design SAE19981
1602-037C. SiegelAutomotive Circuit Fault Analysis Using the Saber SimulatorComputers and Simulation in Truck Design SAE19981
1602-038M. T. JuranSimulation GraphicsComputers and Simulation in Truck Design SAE19981
1602-039M. EllimsLessons Learnt in Testing High-Reliability Automotive SoftwareComputers and Simulation in Truck Design SAE19981
1602-040K. H. PriesFailure Mode & Effects Analysis in Software DevelopmentComputers and Simulation in Truck Design SAE19981
1602-041R. McElroyUpdate on the Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight StudyTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-042R. M. ClarkeSafety Considerations Associated with Truck Size and Weight Policy DeliberationsTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-043P. W. BlowVehicle Stability and Control Research for U. S. Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight (TS&W) StudyTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-044P. F. SweatmanTruck Size and Weight Systems and Outcomes: An International PerspectiveTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-045J. HF WoodroofleTruck Size and Weight Practice in Canada – The Engineering ApproachTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-046J. MontufarTruck Size and Weight Policy Issues in the Texas – Mexico Border RegionTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-047J. S. YorkThe Potential for Performance-Based Standards as the Basis for Truck Size and Weight Regulations in the United StatesTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-048S. ShihHeavy and Medium Duty Vehicle Powertrain Virtual PrototypingComputers and Simulation in Truck Design SAE19981
1602-049T. SakaiThe Optimum Design of Engine MountingComputers and Simulation in Truck Design SAE19981
1602-050V. V. DunaevskyFriction Temperature Generated by a Piston Ring in a Reciprocating Oil-Less Air Brake CompressorComputers and Simulation in Truck Design SAE19981
1602-051B. YuStatic and Dynamic Analysis of Bearings for Truck Brake CompressorComputers and Simulation in Truck Design SAE19981
1602-052S. J. ShafterUnderstanding the Portable Roller Brake DynamometerComputers and Simulation in Truck Design SAE19981
1602-053S. J. ShafterJudging the Stopping Capability of Commercial Vehicles Using The Results of a Performance-Based Brake Force MeasurementsComputers and Simulation in Truck Design SAE19981
1602-054Y. ZhaoLight Truck Stabilizer Bar Attachment Non-Linear Fatigue AnalysisComputers and Simulation in Truck Design SAE19981
1602-055S. RafaiComputers and Simulation in Truck Design SAE19981
1602-056L. P. LachmannTrends in Truck Instrumentation in North AmericaComputers and Simulation in Truck Design SAE19981
1602-057G. FischerDurability Approval of Leaf Springs Under Operational LoadingComputers and Simulation in Truck Design SAE19981
1602-058S. ButkewitschShape Optimization in Vehicle Design with Experimental ValidationComputers and Simulation in Truck Design SAE19981
1602-059R. BrambergerInvestigations on Independent Suspension on TrucksComputers and Simulation in Truck Design SAE19981
1602-060R. GraceThe Carnegie Mellon Truck Simulator, A Tool to Improve Driving SafetyTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-061C. C. BostwickSelf-Excited Vibrations During Engagements of Dry Friction ClutchesTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-062H.-J. DrexlClutch Wear Analyzing Technology: A Tool for Longer Clutch LifeTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-063B. JohanssonInstrumentation in Europe, Status and TrendsTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1602-064J. H. VinesEnhancing Trailer Safety with LED LightingTruck and Bus Safety Issues SAE19981
1603-001H. OnusicParameters Used for Automotive Vehicles Concerning Acoustic Qualification / QuantificationSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-002G. SantosThe Importance of EMC EvaluationsSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-003S. P. GladyshevThe Car Generator with External Excitation of the RotorSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-004J. R. P. NegraoIn-Flight Thrust DeterminationSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-005L. FernandoCorrelation Between the Brazilian Procedure for Engine Oils – PROBOL IB – and ASTM VE SequenceSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-006K. L. CavalcaReliability Applied on Frequency Tests of Turbocharger BladesSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-007D. M. BarqueteDiamond Chemical Vapor Deposition on Cutting ToolsSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-008A. C. RosatiFiber Optics and the High Speed Data Communication in VehiclesSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-009A. BadawyModeling and Analysis of an Electric Power Steering SystemSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-010J. R. L. MariolaniFirst Crash Test of the New Conceptual Pliers Underride GuardSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-011L. F. TeixeiraDevelopment of a Software Applied to Reliability Analysis of ComponentsSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-012C. C. ConconiStudy of Influence of the Trace (Marker) Organometallic in the Property of Wear and Extreme Pressure of Oils for Differential Used Equipment of Four BallSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-013M. BeckerVehicular Dirigibility Study Applied to Human Power Tricycles – HPTSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-014D. V. TendulkarGlobal Trends in Advanced Automotive SystemsSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-015S. L. S. P. da Silva RosaDimensioning of Fixations in Vehicle Shock Absorbers Static of EyesSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-016R. de O. ChavesActive Noise Control Applied in Automotive VehiclesSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-017P. C. de F. GomesAnalysis of the Influence of Injection Timing on Diesel Combustion by the Two-Color MethodSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-018A. A. OganeInternational Product and Process Management Supported by Advanced Information TechnologySAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-019S. L. VieiraDynamic Viscoelasticity of an ER Fluid in Oscillatory Slit Flow and its ER Micro-Structural MechanismSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-020M. T. de SouzaStudy of an Engine Operating with Exhaust Gas Recirculation at Different Compression RatiosSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-021M. SunwooA Driving Pattern Survey in City of Seoul for Vehicle Emissions ControlSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-022J. KallenbachDurability of a Thinwall Converter System in Close Coupled ApplicationSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-023W. Toresan Jr.Computation of Critical Speeds of Elastics Shafts Considering the Gyroscopic EffectSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-024R. Lind“The Network Vehicle – A Glimpse into the Future of Mobile Multi-MediaSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-025R. J. BrisleyDevelopment of Thermally Durable Three-Way Catalysts for use in South AmericaSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-026H. M. CabralSimplifying the Operational Planning in Regional Airline CompaniesSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-027M. de S. G. TuzukiDevelopment of a Dependency Data Manipulation System Using an ATMS to Support Cad SystemsSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-028O. CameriniThe Difficulties in the Implementation of QS 9000 in the View of a Certification BodySAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-029D. L. G. FernandesPerformance Charts: A Complete Analysis of Heavy Vehicle Braking PerformanceSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-030C. M. L. UgayaLife Cycle Energy Consumption in Different Lifetimes of the AutomobileSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-031S. H. S. da NobregaHierarchical Modeling of a Vehicular StructureSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-032J. R. SodreA Parametric Model for Spark Ignition Engine Turbulent Flame SpeedSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-033E. J. SoaresDevelopment of a Test Bench for Dynamic Tests of Part of the Cooling Assembly of Commercial VehiclesSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-034C. M. L. UgayaDifficulties on Establishing Boundaries in the Environmental Life Cycle Assessment: Considerations on the Primary and Secondary Aluminum Used in Automotive ApplicationsSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-035L. A. Oricchio Jr.The Use of FEA and DOE for PTFE Oil Seals OptimizationSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-036Salgado N. K.An Interactive Object-Orientated System for Damage Tolerance Design of Stiffened PanelsSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-037T. F. CashCeramic Catalyst Supports and Particulate Filters for Diesel Engine Exhaust AftertreatmentSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-038M. HaatajaOn an Improved Dynamometer Measuring Techniques and OLS-MethodSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-039M. S. BhattiGlobal Warming Impact of Automotive Air Conditioning SystemsSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-040L. LorenzoDoe Structural Optimization of Plastic Crushable Rib AbsorbersSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-041L. LorenzoInstrument Panel Weight Reduction via Structural OptimizationSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-042Msc. M. PradoVirtual Prototype: A New Concept in the Development of Mechanical ProjectsSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-043P. A. G. ZavalaVibro – Acoustic Modeling of Vehicle Interiors and Exteriors Using Finite Element MethodSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-044J. C. de LucaPiston Slap Assessment ModelSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-045M. M. MaruWear Bench Test of Materials Used for Piston Rings and Cylinder Liners of Internal Combustion EnginesSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-046B. G. KinkerThe Scanning Brookfield Technique: Background and Evaluation of the Low Temperature Performance of Engine LubricantsSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-047E.-C. von GlasnerElectronic Systems Designed to Improve the Active Safety of Commercial VehiclesSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-048A. J. J. WilkinsAdvances in Catalyst Technology for Light Duty Diesels for South American and European Emission LevelsSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-049L. JaskulskiNon Linear Finite Element Analysis of Driveshaft Joint BootsSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-050W. T. MantovaniClosed Loop, Full Authority Lean Burn Control SystemsSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-051M. J. KulpaThe Importance of Cam Phaser Control to Obtain Emission and Fuel Economy BenefitsSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-052H.-P. DohmenDynamic and Transient Engine Testing Application, System Requirements and Modular StructuresSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-053L. C. AndreottiShock Absorber Mathematical ModelingSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-054T. H. LichtiDesign of a Continuously Variable Cam Phasing (CVCP) System for Emissions, Fuel Economy, and Power ImprovementSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1603-055J. S. ShafferResults Through Quality – The Ultimate Objective of PerformanceSAE BRASIL SAE19981
1604-001R. PonnappanRotating Heat Pipe for High Speed Motor/Generator Cooling SAE19981
1604-002D. L. VrableA Thermal Management for More Electric Aircraft Power System Applications SAE19981
1604-003J. J. WhitestoneFabrication of Total Contact Burn Masks Using Non-Contact Surface Scanning: A New Standard of Care SAE19981
1604-004M. M. AyoubA Model to Predict Human Motion During Lifting SAE19981
1604-005R. HubbardSimulation of Torso Posture and Motion in Seating SAE19981
1604-006U. RaschkeControl Strategies for Simulating Human Movement SAE19981
1604-007D. B. ChaffinPrediction of Population Strengths SAE19981
1604-008R. CarrierVirtualMan: A High Precision, Fully Articulated Human Model SAE19981
1604-009H. GeussOptimizing the Product Design Process by Computer Aided Ergonomics SAE19981
1604-010K. M. AlbersVirtual Human Modeling for Manufacturing and Maintenance SAE19981
1604-011C. Y. LiuDevelopment of Gaseous Injector for Propane and CNG, Part 1State of Alternative Fuel Technologies SAE19981
1604-012X. SunA Dual-Fuel System for Motor VehiclesState of Alternative Fuel Technologies SAE19981
1604-013J. W. HodgsonImproving the Cold Start Performance of Alcohol Fueled Engines Using a Rich Combustor DeviceState of Alternative Fuel Technologies SAE19981
1604-014F. CameronLubricity of California Diesel FuelState of Alternative Fuel Technologies SAE19981
1604-015K. MitchellContinued Evaluation of Diesel Fuel Lubricity by Pump Rig TestsState of Alternative Fuel Technologies SAE19981
1604-016J. PentikainenGasoline: Influence of Fuel-Oxygen on NOx-EmissionsState of Alternative Fuel Technologies SAE19981
1604-017S. GouliAntiknock Performance of Gasoline Substitutes and Their Effects on Gasoline PropertiesState of Alternative Fuel Technologies SAE19981
1604-018K. SelbyRheology of Soot Thickened Diesel Engine OilsState of Alternative Fuel Technologies SAE19981
1604-019J. A. Mc GeehanNew Diesel Engine Oil Category for 1998: API CH-4State of Alternative Fuel Technologies SAE19981
1604-020S. K. HoekmanRVP Reduction for Control of Wintertime COState of Alternative Fuel Technologies SAE19981
1604-021R. A. Middleton`Open Systems Based Emissions Test Benches Come to the Automotive IndustryGeneral EmissionsSAE19981
1604-022N. SinhaComputational Simulation of Fuel Shut-Off During RefuelingGeneral EmissionsSAE19981
1604-023A. SekarMonitoring of In-Use Vehicle Emissions in IndiaGeneral EmissionsSAE19981
1604-024J. VattulainenExperimental Determination of Spontaneous Diesel Flame Emission Spectra in a Large Diesel Engine Operated with Different Diesel Fuel QualitiesSI and Diesel Engine Diagnostics SAE19981
1604-025V. AustIn-Cylinder Diagnosis by Laser TomographySI and Diesel Engine Diagnostics SAE19981
1604-026A. E. HassaneenA Study of the Flame Development and Rapid Burn Duration in a Lean-Burn Fuel Injected Natural Gas SI EngineCombustion Processes in Engines Utilizing Gaseous FuelsSAE19981
1604-027C. ZuoA Study on the Combustion System of a Spark Ignition Natural Gas EngineCombustion Processes in Engines Utilizing Gaseous FuelsSAE19981
1604-028J. M. BraultAn Investigation of Mixture Formation Processes During Start-Up of a Natural Gas Powered SI EngineCombustion Processes in Engines Utilizing Gaseous FuelsSAE19981
1604-029L. G. DodgeModeling NOx Emissions from Lean-Burn Natural Gas EnginesCombustion Processes in Engines Utilizing Gaseous FuelsSAE19981
1604-030M. FuruyamaMixing Flow Phenomena of Natural Gas and Air in the Mixer of a CNG VehicleCombustion Processes in Engines Utilizing Gaseous FuelsSAE19981
1604-031K. ChandlerAlternative Fuel Truck Evaluation Project-Design and Preliminary ResultsState of Alternative Fuel TechnologiesSAE19981
1604-032N. N. ClaekEmissions from Trucks and Buses Powered by Cummins L-10 Natural Gas EnginesState of Alternative Fuel TechnologiesSAE19981
1604-033J. T. KubeshUltra Low Emissions and High Efficiency from an On-Highway Natural Gas EngineState of Alternative Fuel TechnologiesSAE19981
1604-034Z. XinA Study of Natural Gas Fueling of Locomotive EnginesState of Alternative Fuel TechnologiesSAE19981
1604-035D. D. DigginsCNG Fuel Cylinder Storage Efficiency and Economy in Fast Fill OperationsState of Alternative Fuel TechnologiesSAE19981
1604-036M. BrekkenAn Analysis of the True Efficiency of Alternative Vehicle Powerplants and Alternative FuelsState of Alternative Fuel TechnologiesSAE19981
1604-037P. OuelletteNumerical Simulations of Directly Injected Natural Gas and Pilot Diesel Fuel in a Two-Stroke Compression Ignition EngineState of Alternative Fuel TechnologiesSAE19981
1604-038S. SoyluFuel Effects on the Knocking Limit of a Heavy-Duty Natural Gas EngineState of Alternative Fuel TechnologiesSAE19981
1604-039Y. TasakiPrediction of Crank Pin Journal Temperature Based on the Oil Flow RatePowertrain Tribology SAE19981
1604-040T. YoshidaThe Impact of Basic Nitrogen Compounds on the Oxidative and Thermal Stability of Base Oils in Automotive and Industrial ApplicationsPowertrain Tribology SAE19981
1604-041M. GautamContribution of Soot Contaminated Oils to WearPowertrain Tribology SAE19981
1604-042T. WenzelCharacterization of Recent-Model High-Emitting AutomobilesGeneral EmissionsSAE19981
1604-043J. D. DukeAn Investigation of Radiated Noise Characteristics of Catalytic ConvertersGeneral EmissionsSAE19981
1604-044J.-L. ChenPressure Pulsation and Fuel Injection Noise of a Fuel Delivery System – Applications of Fuel NetGeneral EmissionsSAE19981
1604-045S. C. BrettEvaluation of Catalyzed Hydrocarbon Traps in the EGI System: Potential for Hydrocarbon Emissions ReductionGeneral EmissionsSAE19981
1604-046J. R. GriffinGeneral EmissionsSAE19981
1604-047A. M. KresoA Study of the Effects of Exhaust Gas Recirculation on Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine EmissionsGeneral EmissionsSAE19981
1604-048A. M. KresoA Study of the Vapor – and Particle – Phase Sulfur Species in the Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine EGR CoolerGeneral EmissionsSAE19981
1604-049L. K.-L. ShihStudy of the Relationship Between Diesel Engine Emissions and the Formation and Contents of DepositGeneral EmissionsSAE19981
1604-050C. YixiEffect of Intake Charge and Uniform Distribution on Combustion Process and Saving Energy in Vehicle EnginesGeneral EmissionsSAE19981
1604-051J. R. AultEvaluation and Optimization of Measurements of Flame Kernel Growth and Motion Using a Fiber-Optic Spark Plug ProbeSI and Diesel Engine Diagnostics SAE19981
1604-052P. C. MilesCharacterization of the Mixing of Fresh Charge with Combustion Residuals Using Laser Raman Scattering with Broadband DetectionSI and Diesel Engine Diagnostics SAE19981
1604-053K. AkihamaLaser-Induced Fluorescence Imaging of NO in a Port-Fuel-Injected Stratified-Charge SI Engine-Correlations Between NO Formation Region and Stratified Fuel DistributionSI and Diesel Engine Diagnostics SAE19981
1604-054H.-S. ChoMeasurements of HC Concentration Near Spark Plug and Its Effects on CombustionSI and Diesel Engine Diagnostics SAE19981
1604-055C-S. BaeHigh-Frequency Ignition Characteristics in a 4-Valve SI Engine with Tumble-Swirl FlowsCombustion and Emission Formation in SI and Diesel EnginesSAE19981
1604-056C. RobinetCrossed Study of Residual Gas Rate – Firing Device for a Better Understanding of SI Engines Cycle-to-Cycle VariationsCombustion and Emission Formation in SI and Diesel EnginesSAE19981
1604-057J.-H. LeeA New Knock-Detection Method Using Cylinder Pressure, Block Vibration and Sound Pressure Signals from a SI EngineCombustion and Emission Formation in SI and Diesel EnginesSAE19981
1604-058A. J. KotwickiVacuum EGR Valve Actuator ModelNew Techniques in SI and Diesel Engine Modeling SAE19981
1604-059J. LiA Numerical Simulation of AFR Switch of SI EnginesNew Techniques in SI and Diesel Engine Modeling SAE19981
1604-060K. NaitohNumerical Optimization of the Mixing Process in a Direct-Injection Gasoline EngineNew Techniques in SI and Diesel Engine Modeling SAE19981
1604-061R. J. BergstraAdvanced Synthetic Passenger Vehicle Engine Oils for Extended Oil Drain PerformanceLubricants for Passenger Cars and Diesel Engines SAE19981
1604-062S. AshidaThe Development of Fluid for Small-Sized and Light Weight Viscous CouplingLubricants for Passenger Cars and Diesel Engines SAE19981
1604-063S.-W. ChengAn Experimental Investigation of Lubricant/Main Shaft Interaction and Dryout in an Automatic Transmission ModelLubricants for Passenger Cars and Diesel Engines SAE19981
1604-064P. TaskinenSimulation of Combustion, Soot and NOx-Emissions in a Large Medium Speed Diesel EngineNew Techniques in SI and Diesel Engine Modeling SAE19981
1604-065A. M. MellorSkeletal Mechanism for NOx Chemistry in Diesel EnginesNew Techniques in SI and Diesel Engine Modeling SAE19981
1604-066G. WeisserModeling of Ignition and Early Flame Development with Respect to Large Diesel Engine SimulationNew Techniques in SI and Diesel Engine Modeling SAE19981
1604-067W. QiongComparison of a Radiation Model with Experiment in a Diesel EngineNew Techniques in SI and Diesel Engine Modeling SAE19981
1604-068S. E. GriffinA Study of Engine Sensitivity to Spark Plug Rim-FireCombustion and Emission Formation in SI and Diesel EnginesSAE19981
1604-069C. M. RobeckSimulation of Stratified Charge CombustionCombustion and Emission Formation in SI and Diesel EnginesSAE19981
1604-070D. L. EcclesA Spark Ignited Engine and Flow Reactor Study of the Effect of an Organic Fuel Additive on Hydrocarbon and NOx EmissionsCombustion and Emission Formation in SI and Diesel EnginesSAE19981
1604-071S. K. PrabhuPost Combustion Hydrocarbon Oxidation and Exhaust Emissions – Neat Fuel and Fuel Blend StudiesCombustion and Emission Formation in SI and Diesel EnginesSAE19981
1604-072R. J. LygoeFitting Automotive Microprocessor Control Look-Up Tables to a Response Surface Model Using Optimization MethodsCombustion and Emission Formation in SI and Diesel EnginesSAE19981
1604-073A. AlizadehAn Analytical Approach for the Optimization of a SI Engine Performance Including the Consideration of KnockNew Techniques in SI and Diesel Engine Modeling SAE19981
1604-074R. TatschlPDF Modeling of Stratified Charge SI Engine CombustionNew Techniques in SI and Diesel Engine Modeling SAE19981
1605-001H. P. NixonPerformance Evaluation of a Potential New Engineering Surface for Enhanced Concentrated Tribological Contacts SAE19981
1605-002L. FelDevelopment of the Ball Toroidal Continuously Variable Transmission SAE19981
1605-003Z. RenInvestigation on a Computer Controlled Sequential Turbocharging System for Medium Speed Diesel Engines SAE19981
1605-004S. AnwarSliding Mode Control of Large Wheel Loader Powertrain for Full Throttle Directional Shifts SAE19981
1605-005S. A. LukowskiThe Influence of Steered Axles on the Stability and Followability of Articulated Vehicle System SAE19981
1605-006G. R. LueckeAdaptive Control for Heavy Earthmoving Equipment SAE19981
1605-007J. D. RubensCylinder Piston Velocity Feedback Applied to a Hydraulic Pump SAE19981
1605-008M. P. GassmanElectrohydraulic Valve with Cylinder Piston Velocity Feedback SAE19981
1605-009Z. YongStructure Design and Finite Elements Analysis of LHR Cylinder Head for Vehicle Engines SAE19981
1605-010Z. YouStructure Design and FEA of LHR Piston for Vehicle Engines SAE19981
1605-011T. F. BunemannEnvironmentally Acceptable Hydraulic Fluids Based on Natural Synthetic Esters SAE19981
1605-012R. NavetteThe Development of Hydraulic Fluids for Earthmoving Machines Complying with Ecolabel Requirements SAE19981
1605-013J. OmeisThe Development of a New Generation of High Performance Biofluids SAE19981
1605-014P. LammlePanolin HLP SYNTH – More Than a Decade of Experience SAE19981
1605-015C. HeryDevelopment and Applications of Environmentally Acceptable Hydraulic Fluids SAE19981
1605-016S. C. LowellGlobal Standards for the Global Marketplace SAE19981
1605-017S. BurdetteThe Changing Dynamics of Standards SAE19981
1605-018L. HornibrookPreparing for ISO/QS 9000 – Help for the Small/Medium Manufacturer SAE19981
1605-019C. KempermannReduction of Water Content in Biodegradable and Other Hydraulic Fluids SAE19981
1605-020Mircea DitiuTriple Stratification in a Spark Ignition Engine SAE19991
1605-021M. B. TumbrinkFluid Care as a Tool to Improve the Life Time of Biodegradable Fluids in Mobile Hydraulic Vehicles SAE19981
1605-022Y. KagamiContamination Control Earthmoving Machines – Hybrid Filter Elements Versus By-Pass Filters – Influence of Biodegradable Oil on Filter Life SAE19981
1605-023V. R. SmithProcess Control Standards for Technology Development SAE19981
1605-024B. St. JohnInformation Age Standards Delivery Schemes: The NSSN SAE19981
1605-025F. V. LawrenceTotal Fatigue Life Prediction Methods SAE19981
1605-026J. K. HongEffect of Welding Induced Residual Stresses on the Fatigue Behavior of “T-Joints” SAE19981
1605-027D. BreiSmart Structures: Sensing Technologies for Structural Health Monitoring SAE19981
1605-028W. MohrImproving Fillet Weld Fatigue Performance by Improving Weld Shape SAE19981
1605-029F. W. BrustWeld Process Modeling and Its Importance in a Manufacturing Environment SAE19981
1605-030W. DangelmaierDevelopment of Optimal Production Control Strategies Using Experiment Planning – A Study Case in the Earthmoving Industry SAE19981
1605-031W. GuoExperimental Studies and Software Development for Vehicle HVAC Heat Exchangers SAE19981
1605-032A. RemmelmannEnvironmentally Acceptable Hydraulic Pressure Media – New Changes for Mobile Hydraulics SAE19981
1605-033B. KrauseThe “Linde-Test” – A Screening Method for Biodegradable Oils with Respect to Copper-Alloy-Corrosion SAE19981
1605-034P. M. AholaBiodegradable Hydraulic Fluids in the Forest SAE19981
1605-035K. D. ErdmanHigh Performance Biodegradable Fluid Requirements for Mobile Hydraulic Systems SAE19981
1605-036S. T. RichesLaser Welding Technology for Off-Road Vehicle Manufacture SAE19981
1605-037D. J. BartonThe Effect of GMA Process Variables on Weld Quality SAE19981
1605-038J. J. Abou-HannaDeterministic and Probabilistic Analysis of Springback in Air Bending of Plate Structure SAE19981
1605-039C. BirkettOptimization Applications for Cast Structures SAE19981
1607-001D. NeunzigAssessment of Advanced Vehicle Control Systems with the Vehicle Oriented Traffic Simulation Tool PELOPSIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-002H. BaumMethodological and Empirical Approach for Cost-Benefit Analyses of Automated Vehicle Control SystemsIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-003Y. YimThe Benefits of Advanced Traveler Information SystemsIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-004M. A. MillerThe Operation of a Traveler Information Center: The Foundation for Benefits to Travelers The Case of the TravInfo Field Operational TestIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-005V. P. ShahCorridor Impacts of an Existing ATMIS System: Detroit Case StudyIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-006G. WilsonElectronic Monitoring of Commercial Vehicle Outboard Brakes to Determine Out-of-Service ConditionsIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-007D. V. MooreImplementing Class A Multiplexing Functions with Industry Standard ComponentsIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-008C. KnowlenHigh Efficiency Energy Conversion Systems for Liquid Nitrogen AutomobilesIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-009S. K. HaOptimization of Hybrid Composite Rotor in Flywheel BatteryIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-010T. F. PodlesakMatrix Converters for Hybrid Vehicle ApplicationsIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-011B. DickinsonPerformance, Management and Testing Requirements for Hybrid Electric Vehicle BatteriesIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-012S. P. PrinceDrive by Wire Engine Control Using Air ModulationIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-013D. J. PodnarCharacteristics of a Small Engine Equipped with an Electromagnetic Valve Actuation SystemNew Engines and Power SystemsSAE19981
1607-014R. L. EvansExperimental Validation of an Engine Simulation Code with Lean-Burn Natural Gas Engine DataNew Engines and Power SystemsSAE19981
1607-015Y. UzielRapid Development of Cylinder Heads by DSPCNew Engines and Power SystemsSAE19981
1607-016H. HeitlandCan the Best Fuel Economy of Today’s Engines Still be Improved?New Engines and Power SystemsSAE19981
1607-017M. T. WlodarczykIn-Cylinder Fiber-Optic Pressure Sensors for Monitoring and Control of Diesel EnginesNew Engines and Power SystemsSAE19981
1607-018D. L. PageA Systems-Level Optimization Strategy for Diesel EnginesNew Engines and Power SystemsSAE19981
1607-019J. E. ChottinerCranktrain Design for Ford’s HEV DI Diesel EngineNew Engines and Power SystemsSAE19981
1607-020S. KeppelerThe Technical Ramifications of Downsizing HSDI Diesel Technology to the 300 cc Displacement ClassNew Engines and Power SystemsSAE19981
1607-021J. E. WegrzynDOE/BNL Liquid Natural Gas Heavy Vehicle ProgramNew Engines and Power SystemsSAE19981
1607-022A. RabinovichOnboard Plasmatron Reforming of Biofuels, Gasoline and Diesel FuelNew Engines and Power SystemsSAE19981
1607-023B. JensenThe Design and Developments of a Dedicated Propane Fuel System for the General Motors Medium Duty TruckNew Engines and Power SystemsSAE19981
1607-024J. W. HeffelTurbocharged Hydrogen Fueled Vehicle Using Constant Volume Injection (CVI)New Engines and Power SystemsSAE19981
1607-025W. D. JacobsOperation of a Hydrogen-Powered Hybrid Electric BusNew Engines and Power SystemsSAE19981
1607-026J. W. HeffelElectronic Fuel Injection for Hydrogen Fueled Internal Combustion EnginesNew Engines and Power SystemsSAE19981
1607-027M. A. GanserCommon Rail Injector with Injection Rate ControlElectronic Diesel and Gasoline Fuel Injection Technology SAE19981
1607-028J. HlousekElectronically Controlled Fuel Injection Systems for Medium Speed Diesel EnginesElectronic Diesel and Gasoline Fuel Injection Technology SAE19981
1607-029T. NishimuraEffects of Fuel Injection Rate on Combustion and Emission in a DI Diesel EngineElectronic Diesel and Gasoline Fuel Injection Technology SAE19981
1607-030K. GebertAn Evaluation of Common Rail, Hydraulically Intensified Diesel Fuel Injection System Concepts and Rate ShapesElectronic Diesel and Gasoline Fuel Injection Technology SAE19981
1607-031K. BoulouchosCombustion Features and Emissions of a DI-Diesel Engine with Air Path Optimization and Common Rail Fuel InjectionElectronic Diesel and Gasoline Fuel Injection Technology SAE19981
1607-032H. YokotaA New Concept for Low Emission Diesel Combustion (2nd rep. : Reduction of HC and Co Emission, and Improvement of Fuel Consumption by EGR and MTBE Blended Fuel)Electronic Diesel and Gasoline Fuel Injection Technology SAE19981
1607-033J. AbrahamEntrainment Characteristics of Sprays for Diesel and DISI ApplicationsElectronic Diesel and Gasoline Fuel Injection Technology SAE19981
1607-034S. C. LiSpray Characterization of High Pressure Gasoline Fuel Injectors with Swirl and Non-Swirl NozzlesElectronic Diesel and Gasoline Fuel Injection Technology SAE19981
1607-035C. M. BartoliniExperimental Analysis of a New Water Hammer Gasoline Direct Injection Systems (WH-GDIS)Electronic Diesel and Gasoline Fuel Injection Technology SAE19981
1607-036M. McDonaldDeployment of Inter-Urban ATT Test Scenarios (DIATS) – A European Progress ReportIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-037K. WunderlichModeling Impacts of ITS Deployment on a Congested Corridor: Seattle Case StudyIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-038M. ParentAutomated Vehicles in Cities: A First Step Towards the Automated HighwayIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-039F. MelchertsCOMBI-ROAD, An Innovation in Large Scale Container TransportIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-040F. BrowandThe Influence of Close-Following Upon the Cooling Module Air FlowIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-041A. BastianAutonomous Cruise Control: A First Step Towards Automated DrivingIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-042A. BoseIssues and Analysis of Mixed Semi-Automated/Manual TrafficIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-043V. BachmannFuture Car-Tires as Provider of Information for Vehicle Systems to Enhance Primary SafetyIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-044R. BannatyneAdvanced Semiconductor Developments for Automotive SystemsIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-045H. GehueLow Power GPS Platform for ITS ApplicationsIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-046S. L. BenningMulti-Lane Traffic Monitoring System (MTMS)IV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-047J. D. Woll60 GHz Vehicle Radar for JapanIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-048B. KamentserThe Ultimate Interface Between Man and MachineIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-049D. BoschThe New Diesel Engine in the New BeetleIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1607-050P. E. JacobsCalifornia’s Revised Heavy-Duty Vehicle Smoke and Tampering Inspection ProgramIV and ITS Research SAE19981
1609-001D. SuttonContamination Control for Biodegradable Fluids in Mobile EquipmentFluid Power for Off-Highway Applications SAE19981
1609-002LeRoy G. HagenbuchDevelopment of a Roll-Off Container Handl9ing and Dumping System (Ground Level or into a Railroad Car) for Off-Highway Articulated TrucksFluid Power for Off-Highway Applications SAE19981
1609-003J. R. HarrisonNew Laser Technology Enables Lasershot Peening to be a Commercially Affordable ProcessFluid Power for Off-Highway Applications SAE19981
1609-004K. BrekkestranOptimizing the Control Signal Applied to a Hydraulic Proportional ValveFluid Power for Off-Highway Applications SAE19981
1609-005H. SumaliA Distributed Sensor for Sensing Dynamic DeflectionsFluid Power for Off-Highway Applications SAE19981
1609-006D. MourreA Neural Network and Electrohydraulic Based Variable Rate Fertilizer Application SystemFluid Power for Off-Highway Applications SAE19981
1609-007T. SosnowskiPump/Motor Displacement Control Using High-Speed On/Off ValvesFluid Power for Off-Highway Applications SAE19981
1609-008W. PetriNew Concepts of Proportional Pressure Reducing Valves (PPRVs) for Mobile HydraulicsFluid Power for Off-Highway Applications SAE19981
1609-009B. M. VerdeganNIST Traceable Particle Counter Calibration Standard – Contamination Control Enters the Next CenturyFluid Power for Off-Highway Applications SAE19981
1609-010H. V. PatelPositive O-ring Retention for Zero Leak Hydraulics with SAE J1453 O-ring Face Seal FittingsFluid Power for Off-Highway Applications SAE19981
1609-011V. H. KaufmanStandards for the Global MarketFluid Power for Off-Highway Applications SAE19981
1609-012R. F. HanleyAchievement of Professional Excellence Through Fluid Power CertificationFluid Power for Off-Highway Applications SAE19981
1609-013H. Martin WislandTesting of Off-Highway Mobile Hydraulic ComponentsFluid Power for Off-Highway Applications SAE19981
1609-014J. L. GlanceyDevelopment of a High Oleic Soybean Oil-Based Hydraulic FluidHydraulic Fluids and Alternative Industrial Lubricants SAE19981
1609-015D. R. DraperApplication of Taguchi Method to Simulation of Articulated Vehicle Steering DynamicsVirtual Prototyping, Computer Modeling, and Computer SimulationSAE19981
1609-016V. NandaComputer Modeling and Simulation of Hydraulic SystemsVirtual Prototyping, Computer Modeling, and Computer SimulationSAE19981
1609-017N. KiComputer Modeling and Simulation of a Tracked Log Skidder with Different Grapple ConfigurationsVirtual Prototyping, Computer Modeling, and Computer SimulationSAE19981
1609-018H. PremOff-Highway Mine Haul Truck Dynamics SimulationVirtual Prototyping, Computer Modeling, and Computer SimulationSAE19981
1609-019J. E. HarrisonIntegration of CAE Tools for Complete System PrototypingVirtual Prototyping, Computer Modeling, and Computer SimulationSAE19981
1609-020M. PavlatDevelopment of High Temperature Coreless Filters for Off-Highway TransmissionsDevelopments in Transmission and Controls SAE19981
1609-021R. SwortzelReducing Cycle Time and Costs of Embedded Control Software Using Rapid Prototyping and Automated Code Generation and Test ToolsDevelopments in Transmission and Controls SAE19981
1609-022A. K. AmiryanKinematic Analysis of Chain’s Element Motion of the Chain-Wave TransmissionDevelopments in Transmission and Controls SAE19981
1609-023J. ZubikIntegrated Design Approach to Drive Line SystemsDevelopments in Transmission and Controls SAE19981
1609-024W. TurnerA “Back-to-Back” Comparison of Currently Available Hydromechanical Transmissions. Utilizing Boeing Easy 5™ Mathematical Modeling with the Ricardo Powertrain LibraryDevelopments in Transmission and Controls SAE19981
1609-025L. V. KampenElectronic Controls Improve Hydrostatic Vehicle DrivabilityDevelopments in Transmission and Controls SAE19981
1609-026K.-E. RydbergHydrostatic Drives in Heavy Mobile Machinery – New Concepts and Development TrendsDevelopments in Transmission and Controls SAE19981
1609-027J. L. TolstedtSoftware Process Improvement Methods for a Split Development TeamAgricultural Machine Systems SAE19981
1609-028M. E.WrightAutomatic Height Control of a Sugarcane Harvester BasecutterAgricultural Machine Systems SAE19981
1609-029H. H. HarmsEcologically Oriented Agricultural Machinery DevelopmentAgricultural Machine Systems SAE19981
1609-030Ch. ZhdanovichExperimental Study of Pneumatic Track Propulsion SystemsAgricultural Machine Systems SAE19981
1610-001A. Borin MarelliMultiplex System SimulationSAE19981
1610-002Herve Duval [Renault]SIREX Vehicle Electric Network Simulation SoftwareSAE19981
1610-003P. UpenderAnalyzing of C Class CommunicationsSAE19981
1610-004J. Rumpf-“BMW” AGModeling of Automotive Multiplex SystemsSAE19981
1610-005Data Reduction in Automotive Multiplex SystemsSAE19981
1610-006Testing Systems Modeled by Finite State MachinesSAE19981
1610-007Bruce Beyeler [RGC]Using the MC68332 to Implement the J1850 ProtocolSAE19981
1610-008M. Zachos [Dearborn Inc]A Comparison of Physical Layer Devices for Class C and Class C Sys.SAE19981
1610-009P.RichardsonDistributed Communications in Embedded Military SystemsSAE19981
1610-010H. Kopetz [Tech. Univ. of Vienna]Fault Management in the Time Triggered Protocol [TTP]SAE19981
1610-011W. LawrentzNetwork Applications LayerSAE19981
1610-012B. EmausACP Ford’s Audio Control ProtocolSAE19981
1610-013F. Conolly [Ford Motor ]Direct Estimation of Cyclic Combustion Pressure VariabilitySAE19981
1610-014B. Lim [Seoul Univ]Estimation of Cylinder PressureSAE19981
1610-015M. Chun [Daewoo Motors ]MEASUREMENT and Analysis of KnockingSAE19981
1610-016K. GebauerLocating the Main Conversion Period Exactly in a SI EngineSAE19981
1610-017Emilio AlvaroRelationship among Harmonics from Diagram of Pressure and Parameters of Operation of the EngineSAE19981
1610-018Kevin Bush [MotorolaAutomatic Control of Cylinder-by-Cylinder Air Fuel Mixture Using. A Sens.SAE19981
1610-019Van DuinePerformance Improvement from Dual Energy IGN. On a Methanol DI EngineSAE19981
1610-020G. SchmitzAutomated System for Optimized Calibration of Engine Management SystemsSAE19981
1610-021Anthony O. DyeInteractive Engine DevelopmentSAE19981
1610-022S. Mayer [BMW]Car Projects; Comparison of Aluminum and Steel PerformanceSAE19981
1610-023MC MichaelEnergy Absorption of Circular Thin Wal Aluminum TubesSAE19981
1610-024L. GorbanAutomotive Aluminum RecyclingSAE19981
1610-025Pat. AllenExtruded Aluminum Bumper SystemSAE19981
1610-026E.P.ParickWelding of Aluminum Automotive Comp.SAE19981
1610-027Van DikeThe Effect of Crystallographic Texture on Formability of Autobody ShetSAE19981
1610-028Selection of Manufacturing Processes, Applied to Cutting of Extrusions for Automotive Aluminum SpaceframesSAE19981
1610-029L. BuxtonUnderstanding How Molecules Permeate trough Solid SubstanceSAE19981
1610-030G. HopfThermoplastic Fuel Lines with Improved Barrier PropertiesSAE19981
1610-031E. KrauseNylon Multi-Layer Fuel Lines and the Requirements of a Changing Fuel Tine EnvironmentSAE19981
1610-032G SzaboDevelopment for Automotive Fluid System ConnectionsSAE19981
1610-033J. Rawson [GE Plastics]Testing Thermoplastic BumperSAE19981
1610-034Roy MorganRecycling Automotive PolymersSAE19981
1610-035C. ClarkC and I Type Molded Thermoplastic BumpersSAE19981
1610-036J.BarronThermal Composites Spray PerformsSAE19981
1610-037K. ShermanMeasurement of Vehicle Frame Stiffness for Use in Predicting Thermoplastic Bumper PerformanceSAE19981
1610-038Brayan SuddabyReduced Density Rim Fascia with Improved Impact ProprietiesSAE19981
1610-039W. AllenVehicles Dynamics Simulation ModelsAutomotive Dynamics SAE19981
1610-040Ken WatmoughReal-Time Brake and Tire Lateral Force Models Refined for Low SpeedsAutomotive Dynamics SAE19981
1610-041J. KuiperThe GM Driving SimulatorAutomotive Dynamics SAE19981
1610-042M. Donelly Analogy,Inc,Design Analysis of an Electronically-Controlled Hydraulic Braking SystemAutomotive Dynamics SAE19981
1610-043D. GodboleAutomotive Powertrain Modeling, Simulation and Control Using Integrated System’s ‘Case’ ToolsAutomotive Dynamics SAE19981
1610-044Y. KomatsuNew TPO and Coating Technology for BumperAutomotive Dynamics SAE19981
1610-045L. EversTransient Spray from High Pressure InjectorAutomotive Dynamics SAE19981
1610-046L. EversAnalogy Between Atomization and VaporizationAutomotive Dynamics SAE19981
1610-047H. QuocStudy on Atomisation and Fuel Drop Size Distribution in DI Diesel SprayProcessesSAE19981
1610-048R. CampanellaSpray Characteristics of Five-Hole V.C.O. . Nozzles of a Diesel InjectorsProcessesSAE19981
1610-049P. DigesuDiesel Electro-Injector: a Numerical Simulation CodeProcessesSAE19981
1610-050H.IshiwataRate Shaping Technology for Diesel In-Line PumpsProcessesSAE19981
1610-051Hiroshi IshiwataA Feasibility Study of Pilot Injection In TICSProcessesSAE19981
1610-052Masaru OguraA New Multi-Impingement-Wall Head Diffusion Combustion System of a DI Diesel EngineProcessesSAE19981
1610-053Lin Shu WangIntercooled-Supercharged Gas Generator EngineProcessesSAE19981
1610-054Lin WangIntercooled Gas Generator EngineProcessesSAE19981
1610-055Miin YanThe 2&2-Stroke Cycle EnginesProcessesSAE19981
1610-056S. HendridksonA Practical Recirculating Spark Ignition Power PlantSAE19981
1610-057J.P chiuExamination of the Factors that Influence the Durability of RailplugsSAE19981
1610-058Youssef AbdallaSAE19981
1610-059V. Cutenev [NAMI]Axial Internal Combustion Engine- Practical Prospects for the FutureSAE19981
1610-060 J. RegueiroGeometric Parameters of 4-Valve Cylinder Heads and Their Relationship to Combustion and Engine Full Load PerformanceSAE19981
1610-061H. TecheuchiJoining of SI3N4 Turbine Rotor and Metal ShaftSAE19981
1610-062Thomas MorelConcurrent Simulation and Testing in Engine DevelopmentSAE19981
1610-063R.C. TurinA New Model for fuel supply dynamics in an SI EngineSAE19981
1610-064A. GolverkTractor Diesel Engine Performance under Variable LoadingSAE19981
1610-065Rafael RoioOptimal Design of the Intake System in IN 4- I.C.E.SAE19981
1610-066U. BielertNumerical Simulation of the Turbulent Process in a Combustion Process in a Rapid Compression DeviceSAE19981
1610-067B. SendykaThe Analysis of a Constant Depression Carburetor with a B. Fuel FeederSAE19981
1610-068Z. HanComputation of the In-cylinder Processes of A Natural Gas EngineSAE19981
1610-069B SendykaThe Analysis of the Dynamic Contact in the Valve-Camshaft of the EngineSAE19981
1610-070Jose CorberanBurned Gas Fraction and Its Relationship with Engine Performance at Low LoadsSAE19981
1610-071S. GamacheDevelopment of a Lateral Acceleration Compensating SeatSAE19981
1610-072Virg RungleBenchmarking Seat ComfortSAE19981
1610-073V. MurtyLow Density Automotive SeatingSAE19981
1610-074Larry DemoeMolded Seat Technology vs. Traditional TechnologySAE19981
1610-075John j. QuinlanRecycling Automotive Seating
1610-076Dan Negrut [Iowa Univ.]Dynamic Tire Modeling for Application with Simulations Incorporating TerrainDynamicsSAE19941
1610-077Ch. J. ConstantineThe Effects of Roll Control for Passenger Cars during Emergency ManeuversDynamicsSAE19941
1610-078Anrezej G. NalaczMethodology for Tripped Vehicle Rollover Testing and Analysis of Experimental ResultsDynamicsSAE19941
1610-079Ch.DikersonEffects of Outrigger Design on Vehicle DynamicsDynamicsSAE19941
1610-080W. GarrotSimulator Motion Base Sizing Using SimulationDynamicsSAE19941
1610-081R. Wade AllenMeeting Important Cuing Requirements with Interactive Driving SimulationsDynamicsSAE19941
1610-082T. ShiotsukaActive Control of Driving Motion of Wheel Steering Car with Neutral NetworkDynamicsSAE19941
1610-083D.A. CrollA Systematic Approach to Vehicle Design Using VDASDynamicsSAE19941
1610-084J. E. BernardsValidation of Computer Simulations of Vehicle DynamicsDynamicsSAE19941
1610-085Mc.KinnonDiesel Particulate Filter Systems in Non-road ApplicationsCatalystsSAE19941
1610-086Martin MurtgathA Diesel Particulate Filter Composition and Its Effect on Thermal Durability and Filtration Performance.CatalystsSAE19941
1610-087S SosrensonFlow Characteristics SiC Particulate FilterCatalystsSAE19941
1610-088T. YamadaWall-Flow Type Diesel with Particulate FilterCatalystsSAE19941
1610-089S. OzturkDiesel Catalytic Converters for Urban BusesCatalystsSAE19941
1610-090VossNovel Oxidation CatalystCatalystsSAE19941
1610-091Y. Ogura“ “ for Diesel EngineCatalystsSAE19941
1610-092K.F. HansenThe Influence of an Oxidation Cat Converter on the Chemical and Biological Characteristics of Diesel EmissionsCatalystsSAE19941
1610-093G. PatakyEffects of an Oxidation Catalytic Converter on Diesel EmissionsCatalystsSAE19941
1610-094Den M. FordCalculation of Random Vibration FatigueCatalystsSAE19941
1610-095W. EichlesederPrediction of the Fatigue Life with F.E. MethodCatalystsSAE19941
1610-096C. ChuCritical Plan Fatigue Analysis for SAE 1045 SteelCatalystsSAE19941
1610-097N. E. DowlingRandom Fatigue Load Story Reconstructions.CatalystsSAE19941
1610-098J.W. FashModeling of Shock Absorber BehaviorCatalystsSAE19941
1610-099A. YoshitakeFatigue Properties of Filet Waldet Tap Joints of Steel SheetsCatalystsSAE19941
1610-100Mary WickhamThe Design and Application of a Multi-axis Load TransducerCatalystsSAE19941
1610-101High Temperature Cyclic Fatigue Damage of AluminaCatalystsSAE19941
1610-102El-SayedDurability Schedules IN the Structural Optimization of Ground VehiclesCatalystsSAE19941
1610-103S K PutatundaCalcium Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of Plain Carbon [SAE1050] SteelCatalystsSAE19941
1610-104Tomohiro YamamotoGPS Receiver Using in-Vehicle Diversity AntennaCatalystsSAE19941
1610-105Eduardo BottiDetection of Total Harmonic Distortion due to Output Clipping in Audio Power AmplifiersCatalystsSAE19941
1610-106Mario PaparoAvery Low Noise *P, Interfaced, Multiple High SDE Driver with Self Diagnostics for Car Radio ApplicationCatalystsSAE19941
1610-107S. ShinyaUniversal Grid Vacuum Fluorescent Display for Automotive ApplicationsCatalystsSAE19941
1610-108T.TokuyamaOne-Chip Fluency DACCatalystsSAE19941
1610-109G. McCauleyThe Radio Mounting System.CatalystsSAE19941
1610-110Th. MillerCoping with Road Noise: a DSP SolutionCatalystsSAE19941
1610-111Robert j. TrueA Technology for Measuring Spider ComplianceCatalystsSAE19941
1610-112H. LindenmeierIntegrated Backlight Antenna System for AM/FM and TVCatalystsSAE19941
1610-113R. ZerodMobile Fm Reception: Divers SystemsCatalystsSAE19941
1610-114Charles La RueAUDIONAV: An Automotive Voice Operated Sensor- Free Navigation SystemCatalystsSAE19941
1610-115H.YonetaniHCE with Premixed Gasoline Charge and Ignition by Diesel Fuel-Effects and Pre-Combustion Chamber Parameters-CatalystsSAE19941
1610-116“ -Exhaust Emission Characteristics-CatalystsSAE19941
1610-117“ -On Road Test Using a BusCatalystsSAE19941
1610-118Dale R. TreeOptical Measurements Density, and Temperature in a DI Diesel Engine as Function of Speed and LoadCatalystsSAE19941
1610-119David A. RenfroeDesigning for Pitch and Bounce Motions of Single Passenger Off-Road VehicleCatalystsSAE19941
1610-120B. A. SureshEffect of an Add-On Carbon the Golf-Cart’s Rollover CharacteristicsCatalystsSAE19941
1610-121R.L. PizialiEvaluation of a Proposed ATV Design ModificationCatalystsSAE19941
1610-122G. FlenikenModeling of Pitch and Bounce Motions of Single-Passenger Off Road VehiclesCatalystsSAE19941
1610-123R.L. PizialiEvaluation of a Proposed ATV Design ModificationCatalystsSAE19941
1610-124N TriguiCharacterization of Intakegenerated Fluid Flow Fields in IC Engines Using 3-D Particle Tracking VELOCIMETRICatalystsSAE19941
1610-125G. FowlerSteady-State and Transient Response of Selected ATVsCatalystsSAE19941
1610-126N. TriguiUse of Experimentally Measured in-Cylinder Flow Field DataCatalystsSAE19941
1610-127B. StierParticle Image Velocimetry Measurements of Barrel Swirl in a Production Geometry Optical IC EngineCatalystsSAE19941
1610-128P. SWEETLANDParticle Image Velocimetry Measurements in the Piston Bowl of a DI Diesel EngineCatalystsSAE19941
1610-129Felice. E. CorcioneAnalysis of In-Cylinder Turbulent Air Motion Dependence on Engine SpeedCatalystsSAE19941
1610-130Tetsuro OvamiA Study on Sealing Performance of Dust CoverCatalystsSAE19941
1610-131R. KrishmanDesign of Automotive Powertrain Gaskets and Seals Using CAE TechniquesCatalystsSAE19941
1610-132Nobuo MaedaAnalysis of Rubber Boot Seal Using Finite Element MethodCatalystsSAE19941
1610-133A. WoodwardStatic and Dynamic Measurement of Cylinder Head to Block Separation in Operating EnginesCatalystsSAE19941
1610-134Uwe DrebingElastomer Molded Gaskets for Stationary Components in Comb. EngineCatalystsSAE19941
1610-135Udo Winter Siemens AutomotInfluence of Battery Characteristics on Traction Drive PerformanceElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-136Cassis Design for a Small Electric City CarElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-137J. DauvergneThermal Comfort of Electric VehiclesElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-138D.H. SwanProton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Characterization for Electric Vehicle ApplicationElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-139G. KaradyLow Frequency Magnetic Field Generated at Electric Vehicle’s Charging StationElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-140G. KaradyPower Quality Problems at Electric Vehicle’s Charging StationElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-141Paul MrozekThe Determination of EPA City Fuel Economy from Hot Starts ResultsElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-142Jim LinderEffect of Aftermarket PROM Chips on Vehicle Fuel Economy and EmissionsElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-143H. ScherrerI/M Effectiveness as Directly Measurement by Ambient Co DataElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-143J.V. FoxAggregate Vehicle Emissions Estimates for Elevating Control StrategiesElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-144JW FoxAggregate Vehicle Emission Estimates for Evaluating Control StrategiesElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-145Vera BallantyneNitrous Oxide Emissions from Light Duty VehiclesElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-146T.ChouHydrocarbon Emission Sequence related to Cylinder Mal-Distribution in a L-Head EngineElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-147K.MinThe Effects of Devices on the Engine –Out Hydrocarbon Emissions in SI EnginesElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-148T. KimOptimization of Swirl and Tumble in KMC 2.4L Lean Burn EngineElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-149M. NagashimaJPI Octane Number Requirement Survey Japanese Model CarsElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-150P. BeckwithThe Effect of Three-Way Catalyst Formulation on Sulfur Tolerance and Emissions from Gasoline Fuelled VehiclesElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-151A. NeimarkThe of Oxygenates in Motor Fuel Blends on the Exhaust EmissionsElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-152J.AstonAn Alternative Tubing and Heat Shield Material for Under Hood ApplicationElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-153V.J. ScottHigh Performance Airbag Heat Shields Using Blow-Molded Aluminum Technology.Electric Cars SAE19941
1610-154D. BensonDesign of a Variable-Conductance Vacuum InsulationElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-155Sami HabchiAirflow and Thermal Analysis of Underhood Engine EnclosuresElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-156R.D. SabnisFlow Distribution Effects upon Air Filter Performance MeasurementsElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-157Robertj, HutterAutomotive Cabin Filtration in-Vehicle Test ResultsElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-158J. KuakopaasiA Descriptive Analysis for the Cabin Air Filtration ApplicationElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-159S.J. IikkaTesting Gas Removal for Cabin Air FiltrationElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-160T.J.PtakFactor Influencing the Performance of Car Interior Air FiltersElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-161G.B. BesseeComparison Between Real-Dust Samples and Standardized Test DustsElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-162J. WILLIAMSA Calibration Study of CFD for Automotive Shapes and CDElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-163YanagimotoThe Aerodynamic Development of a Small Specialty CarElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-164Th. W. RyanCombustion and Emissions Characteristics of Minimal Processed Methanol in a Diesel Engine without Ignition AssistElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-165M. AndrewsAutomation of Coal Water Slurry SpraysElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-166J. ZhangModeling Diesel Engine NATURAL Gas Injection: Injection/Cylinder Boundary ConditionsElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-167K. EnokiEffective Utilization of Blended Plat Fuels for Pre Combustion Chamber Compression Ignition EnginesElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-168D.G. ElbertObjective Characterization of Vehicle Brake FeelElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-169Nui WangThe Evolution of the Pad Guided Disc Brake CaliperElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-170J. PerronneOn Line Measurement of Braking Torque Using a Strain SensorElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-171B. NeizelWeight Reduction of Disc Brake Systems with Utilization of New Aluminum MaterialElectric Cars SAE19941
1610-172T. KrepekAnalysis on Electrical Vehicle Performance with the Aid of Optimization TechniquesSAE19941
1610-173Frank MadekaThe Development and Performance of the Amphibian Hybrid Electric VehicleSAE19941
1610-174F. MadekaThe Selection of Lead Acid Batteries for Use in HEVSAE19941
1610-175M.D. CheckelDevelopment of the University of Alberta in the 1993 ChallengeSAE19941
1610-176Rebecca RileyHEV Development at the University of California, Davis: the Design of Ground of FXSAE19941
1610-177J. SchramThe Emission of DI Diesel Engine Operating on Fuels and Lubricants with Know Pah ContentSAE19941
1610-178M.K. MegninCombustion Chamber Deposit Measurement TechniquesSAE19941
1610-179Ch.T. KellerHonda Generators Used to Evaluated Fuels and Additive Effects Combustion Chambers DepositSAE19941
1610-180Sean A. BannonDevelopment of a CRC Intake Valve Deposit TestSAE19941
1610-181J.V. HamillLaser Welding P/M for Automotive ApplicationsSAE19941
1610-182K. AckmanThe evolution of Hard Turning a P/M Differential Gear Ring.SAE19941
1610-183C. FrancoisEnhancing Machinability of P/M Materials.SAE19941
1610-184J. RafanellHow Different P/M Materials Are Machined Today Costs and Resulting Surface FinishesSAE19941
1610-185P. BuehringCan Controller Architecture Optimized for SAE-J1939 ApplicationsSAE19941
1610-186C. A. LupiniPropagation Delay and Oscillator Drift Analysis for Can NetworksSAE19941
1610-187M. KatoEvaluation of Latency Time for Class C High Speed LAN ProtocolsSAE19941
1610-188Y. ShinojimaA Multiplex Communication IC for Automotive Body-Electronic ControlSAE19941
1610-189H. KimuraThe Development of the Advanced Protocol for Automotive Local Area Multiplexing NetworkSAE19941
1610-190Hohn ChidlowHarnessing the Potential of Multimaster Wiring SystemsSAE19941
1610-191J.K. WeberReal-Time, Non Intrusive Software TestingSAE19941
1610-192Alan Williams and Jim SmithSAE19941
1610-193D.C. RoySnap Finger Design and Its Element Stiffness MatricesSAE19941
1610-194Mat SaariUltra Thin Multilayer CircuitsSAE19941
1610-195D.D. WardSAE19941
1610-196M.YangDirect Digital Control of Diesel EnginesSAE19941
1610-197Brian AultAdaptive Air-Fuel Ratio Control of a Spark-Ignition EngineSAE19941
1610-198R. C. TurinModel Based Adaptive Fuel Control in an SI EngineSAE19941
1610-199M. KaoNonlinear Cylinder and Intake Manifold Pressure Observers for Engine Control and DiagnosticsSAE19941
1610-200Y. IasegawaIndividual Cylinder Air-Fuel Ratio Feedback Control Using an ObserverSAE19941
1610-201E. HendricksConventional Air Based Engine ControlSAE19941
1610-202M. YangSURVEI of the ELECTRONIC INJECTION and CONTROL of Diesel EnginesSAE19941
1610-203M. SmithSelf Calibrating Hall Effect Pilot Timing Sensor for Diesel Fuel InjectorsSAE19941
1610-204Gang HeEvaluating of a Spark-Plug-Integrated Combustion Pressure SensorSAE19941
1610-205Dean RoseIn-Cylinder Mixture Excursions in a Port- Injected Engine During Fast Throat OpeningSAE19941
1610-206Kenji MasudaSteady-State Cornering Behavior of Novice and Experience DriversSAE19941
1610-207M. NagataHorizontal Space Judgment of Novice and Experienced DriversSAE19941
1610-208M. A. PassmoreModel for Drivers’ Perception of Vehicle PerformanceSAE19941
1610-209D. KoesterA Method for Evaluating Barriers and Aids to Vehicle Ingress/EgressSAE19941
1610-210C.S. SaunbyAssessment of Automotive Characteristics by Older and Young DriversSAE19941
1610-211M. MikiguchiA Human Factors Analysis of Optical Distortion for Automotive WindshieldsSAE19941
1610-212S. SetoA New Automatic Optical Distortion Measuring System for AutomotiveSAE19941
1610-213Yuji IkedaCycling Variation of CO and CO2 Emissions and Scavenging Flow in a Two–Stroke EngineSAE19941
1610-214Bruce j. Tobis Ford Motor Co.Scavenging of a Firing Two-Stroke Spark-Ignition EngineSAE19941
1610-215J.B. GhandhiInvestigation of Fuel Distribution in a Two Stroke Engine with an Air-Assisted InjectorSAE19941
1610-216G.P. BlairNon Isentropic Analysis of Branched Flow in Engine DuctingSAE19941
1610-217David ThornhillA Genering Simulation Program Applied in the Development of a V6 Automotive Two Stroke EngineSAE19941
1610-218R. GentiliDevelopment of a Pumpless Air Assisted Injection System for Two-Cycle, S.I. Eng.SAE19941
1610-219C.F. LeeInitial Comparisons of Computed and Measured Hollow-Cone Strays in an Eng.SAE19941
1610-220N.K. McKinleyCFD Prediction of Two Stroke, In-Cylinder Steady Flow Field an Experimental ValidationSAE19941
1610-221Eran SherA Stopped Piston Two Stroke Engine for High Altitude ApplicationsSAE19941
1610-222Paul C. MilesIn Cylinder Velocity Measurements in Afired Two-Stroke Cycle EngineSAE19941
1610-223H. SanetsckiInvestigations of Pressure Die Cast Cylinder in Two-Stroke Low-Power EngineSAE19941
1610-224P. R. BabuHydrocarbure Modeling for Two Stroke SI EngineSAE19941
1610-225N. FanettiHigh Ductility Magnesium Seat Back StructureSAE19941
1610-227Ed ColasantiDesign and Development of a Lightweight Seat FrameSAE19941
1610-228M. VidemMetallurgical Consideration for Machining Magnesium AlloysSAE19941
1610-229M.W. DierksEnhanced Mechanical Properties of Die Cast AM Series MagnesiumSAE19941
1610-230Gary RozakCorrosion Resistance of Recycled AZ91D Magnesium IngotSAE19941
1610-231Olav HoltaHigh Purity Magnesium Die Casting AlloysSAE19941
1610-232E. MerckerThe on Aerodynamic Drag of the Longitudinal Position of a Road VehicleSAE19941
1610-233E. MerckerOn the Induced Noise of Test Sections in Different Cabin of a Passenger CarSAE19941
1610-234G.F. RombergThe Chrysler 3/8- Scale Pilot Wind TunnelSAE19941
1610-235A. CogottiAeroacustic Testing Improvements at PininfarinaSAE19941
1610-236G. W. CarrA Further Evaluation of the Ground-Plane Suction Method for Ground Simulation in Automotive Wind TunnelsSAE19941
1610-237S.O. KjelgaardRecent Development of Experimental Techniques and Their ApplicationsSAE19941
1610-238M. ZABATDrag Measurements on 2,3 and 4 Car PlatonsSAE19941
1610-239A.F. AbdelAerodynamic Interference between Road and VehiclesSAE19941
1610-240R.A. ChernenkoffSteel Powders for High Performance Automotive PartsSAE19941
1610-241A. BosePowder Injection Molding of Airbag Sensor ComponentsSAE19941
1610-242Kevin CouchmanThe Processing, Properties, and Applications for Aluminum Metallurgy MaterialsSAE19941
1610-243James E. FoxThe Norstar Cam Bearing CapsSAE19941
1610-244J.B. MikelsenIM240 Repair VerificationSAE19941
1610-245Moshe GrayArchitecture of on-BOARD Vehicle DiagnosticsSAE19941
1610-246K. E. FloodThe Integrated Service SystemSAE19941
1610-247S. P. ChumNew Polyurethane Massed Elastomers for TPO Impact ModificationSAE19941
1610-248B.M.KazmerMechanism and Prevention of Winter Discoloration of Light –Colored PVC Exterir TrimSAE19941
1610-249G. SymoskoPolyurethane Structural Foam for Automotive Spoiler ApplicationsSAE19941
1610-250H. BruerGlobal Acquisition and Presentation of Comparable Data on PlasticsSAE19941
1610-251J. KoizumiLow Thermal Expansion Plastic Alloy for Exterior PartsSAE19941
1610-252Torsten RoderNew Bonding Techniques to Enable Use of TPE in Window EncapsulationSAE19941
1610-253C.H. DanielsThe Influence of Mixture Preparation of a Warm 1.9L Ford EngineSAE19941
1610-254Gang ChenThe Behavior of Multiphase Fuel Flow in the Intake PortEmissionsSAE19941
1610-255M.C.BourkeFuel Film Dynamics in the Intake Port of a Fuel Injected EngineEmissionsSAE19941
1610-256C.H. OnderMeasurement of the Wall-Wetting Dynamics of Sequential Injection Spark Ignition EngineEmissionsSAE19941
1610-257Ahmed Solimanthe Effects of VARIOUS Engine CONTROLL System Malfunctions on Exhaust Emissions Levels during the EPA I/M CycleEmissionsSAE19941
1610-258H.-J. NeusserNew Variable and Mixture Formation System for Multi-Valve EnginesEmissionsSAE19941
1610-259T. KrepecFurther Development of Solenoid Operated Gas Injectors with Fast Opening and ClosingEmissionsSAE19941
1610-260K. YamadaDevelopment of the Module Type Fuel FilterEmissionsSAE19941
1610-261H.CharandraDual versus Single Plug Systems in S.I. EnginesEmissionsSAE19941
1610-262C.S. WeaverEmissions Control for Locomotive EnginesEmissionsSAE19941
1610-263K. N. PattasCeramic Trap System for Passenger CarsEmissionsSAE19941
1610-264D. L. McKinnonDiesel Filters with a Copper Additive for RegenerationEmissionsSAE19941
1610-265T,N. TadrousIn-Service Evaluation of a Direct On-Line SOOT Measurement DeviceEmissionsSAE19941
1610-266H. YoshigawaSimultaneous Reduction of NOx and SOOT Exhausted from Diesel EngineEmissionsSAE19941
1610-267A. MayerPre-Turbo Application of the Knitted Fiber Diesel Particulate TrapEmissionsSAE19941
1610-268S. MehtaAn Aerodynamically Regenerated Diesel Particulate Trap with Flow-Trough SOOT Indenerator SectionEmissionsSAE19941
1610-269Ulrich WeissA New Design of Monolithic Particulate Filter with Transverse Isotropic Property for Diesel Motors.EmissionsSAE19941
1610-270T. UchiyamaParticulate Trap System with Cross Flow Ceramic Filter and Reverse Flow Cleaning Regeneration 2EmissionsSAE19941
1610-271T. YaegashiTechnology for Reducing Power Consumption of Electrically Heated CatalystEmissionsSAE19941
1610-272Paul KuperUltra-Low Power Electrically- Heated Catalyst SystemEmissionsSAE19941
1610-273A Structurally Durable EHC for the Exhaust ManifoldEmissionsSAE19941
1610-274Dylan NixonFast Lightof Non-Electrically and Electrically Heated Micrlith Catalytic ConverterEmissionsSAE19941
1610-275L. S. SochaOptimization of Extruded Electrically Heated CatalystEmissionsSAE19941
1610-276T. C. AustinCost Effectiveness of the California Low Emissions StandardsEmissionsSAE19941
1610-277K.H. HellmanEvaluation of Specialized Methane Catalytic Converters on a CNG- Fueled VehicleEmissionsSAE19941
1610-278P. OeserEmission Technologies with Emphasis on Catalyst Cold Start ImprovementsEmissionsSAE19941
1610-279C. AcroumanisFlow and Combustion in a Four Valve SI Optical EngineEmissionsSAE19941
1610-280K. BoulouchosFlame Speed Models for the Flame Growth Period during Premixed Engine CombustionEmissionsSAE19941
1610-281Y. NakayamaReduction of HC Emission from VTEC Engine during Cold-Start ConditionEmissionsSAE19941
1610-282J.StokesImproving the NOx / Fuel Economy for Gasoline Engines with CCVS Combustion SystemEmissionsSAE19941
1610-283T.H. LakeSolenoid Activated In-Cylinder Injection in Stoichiometric S.I. EnginesEmissionsSAE19941
1610-284J.G. MartinsA Computer Model for the Assessment of Engine Control ParametersEmissionsSAE19941
1610-285C. M. PaulinaPerformance Evaluation of Electric DynamometersTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-286C.L. BrownellSimulation of 8.65’ Uncoupled Twin-Roll Hydrokinetic Dynamometer Operation on a 48’ single –roll electric dynamometerTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-287Y.SuzukiHigh Accuracy High Response 48 inch roll chassis dynamometerTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-288H. RudigerThe Modern Chassis Dynamometer As a Testing Device in the Acoustic LaboratoryTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-289Eberhard ArnoldPassenger Car exhaustion emissions Auditing in ProductionTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-290Peter KaubReducing Time Costs and Downtime in Fuel Systems CalibrationTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-291K.R. ButlerA Strategy to Demonstrate the Compliance of Automotive Controller Software to Systems Compliance Using Simulation TechnologyTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-292P. GunessMulti-Axle Fatigue Correlated Time History RegenerationTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-293Dieter GrohmannA Flexible Reference Model for the Test System DevelopmentTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-294M. ParrinoA High Efficiency Aluminum Radiator with Real Flat TubesTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-295St. WorleyA Heat Transfer Study of a Copper/Brass Automotive Heat ExchangerTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-296David l. MillerCorrosion Mechanism of High Lead Solder and Correlation to Dissolved OxygenTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-297Debra WashingtonLong Life Performance of Carboxylic Acid Based CoolantsTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-298St. BrownWater Droplet Travel When Discharged from the Face of An Evaporator CoreTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-299A. BalantoniNocolok Sil Flux- a Novel Approach for Brazing AluminumTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-300Scott DudleyOptical Method Aid for Visualization of Convective Heat Flow PatternsTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-301G,H, MarshallA Long Life Aluminum Brazing Sheet Alloy with Enhanced Mechanical PerformanceTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-302Philip MieleLow odor binder for molded fiberglassTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-303Holly WilsonViability of Modified Poliphenylene Ether Foam for Headliner ApplicationsTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-304J.P. ShedlowskyBalancing Customer Driven Requirements for High Value Headliner SystemsTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-305J.F. Van DerlofskeDesign Tools for Modeling the Illumination of Design Tools of Automotive Displays and InstrumentsTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-306Thomas A. HoughManagement of Light in Thick Optical Waveguides for Dashboard IlluminationTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-307T. MinatoHigh Luminance Graphic Vacuum Display for Automotive ApplicationsTesting and Instrumentation SAE19941
1610-308C.J. TennantPerformance of a High Speed Engine with Dual Fuel CapabilityPowertrain ConceptsSAE19941
1610-309Patrik BadgleyThe RAND-CAM Engine: A Pistonless Four Stroke EnginePowertrain ConceptsSAE19941
1610-310V.H. MucinoParametric Modeling and Analysis of a Planetary Gear-CVT MechanismPowertrain ConceptsSAE19941
1610-311K. NakamuraProperties of Mullite Crystallized Glass Ceramics DPF with Pulse-Wave Corrugated Honeycomb StructurePowertrain ConceptsSAE19941
1610-312Pierre GodrieSimulation of Flow Field Generated by Intake Port-Valve-Cylinder ConfigurationsPowertrain ConceptsSAE19941
1610-313M.a. PARERSONModeling the Effects of Fuel Injection Characteristics on Diesel Engine SOOT and NOx EmissionPowertrain ConceptsSAE19941
1610-314J.C. DENTAN Investigation of STEADY Flow TROUGH a CURVED INLET PORTPowertrain ConceptsSAE19941
1610-315C.A. Blundstonthe Simulation of Autoignition in a Spark Ignition Engine with Disk GeometryPowertrain ConceptsSAE19941
1610-316M. NagaokaModeling a Hot Wall for Gasoline EnginePowertrain ConceptsSAE19941
1610-317D.S. BreedVehicle Occupant Position SensingPowertrain ConceptsSAE19941
1610-318P. AdhicariAn Overview of Emergency Looking Retractor Performance of Shoulder Harness Safety Belt Systems in American Made VehiclesPowertrain ConceptsSAE19941
1610-319M.MackaySmart Seat Belts-Intelligent Restraint SystemsPowertrain ConceptsSAE19941
1610-320T.J. SzaboHuman Occupant Kinematic RESPONSE to Low Speed Rear-End ImpactsPowertrain ConceptsSAE19941
1610-321R.V. ScawuzzoInfluence of Wheel Resonance on Tire Cavity NoisePowertrain ConceptsSAE19941
1610-322T.J. BrownRoad Hazard Impact Test for Wheel and Tire AssembliesPowertrain ConceptsSAE19941
1610-323Ellen E. YoungbloodIntegrity Assessment of Repaired Cast –Aluminum WheelsPowertrain ConceptsSAE19941
1610-324Isao MachidaReduction in Weight of Steel Wheels by Development of 780 MPA-Grade Hot Rolled Steel SheetsPowertrain ConceptsSAE19941
1610-325C. PietersenWieldable Preprimed SteelPowertrain ConceptsSAE19941
1610-326Toru SanoAnti-Corrosion Eteel Steel Sheet for Aluminum Body PartsPowertrain ConceptsSAE19941
1610-327Y. TobiyamaFormability and Spot Wildability of Galvannealed Steel SheetPowertrain ConceptsSAE19941
1610-328Madk KuehnerChrome Effluent Reduction in the Treatment of Aluminum Refrigeration ComponentsPowertrain ConceptsSAE19941
1610-329GregorovichLow VOC Automotive ClearcoatsPowertrain ConceptsSAE19941
1610-330W. SchneiderFord Waste Minimization ProgramAlternative FuelsSAE19941
1610-331Performance of HD-DI- Diesel Engine with Addition of Ethanol and Rapeseed OilAlternative FuelsSAE19941
1610-332M.L. FranklinA PC Based Fuel and Ignition Control System Used to Map the 3-D Surfaces on Torque and Emission versus Air-Fuel Ratio and Ignition TimingAlternative FuelsSAE19941
1610-333M.L. FranklinSynchronous, Simultaneous Optimization of Ignition Timing and Air-Fuel Ratio in a Gas-Fueled SI EngineAlternative FuelsSAE19941
1610-334Ch. S. WeaverDual Fuel Natural Gas/Diesel EnginesAlternative FuelsSAE19941
1610-335D.P. ClarkePotential of the Non Aftercooled Navistar 7.3T CNG EngineAlternative FuelsSAE19941
1610-336M. OjalaCompetitive Intelligence for the Automotive Industry Using Electronic SourcesAlternative FuelsSAE19941
1610-337W.G. BratfordHigh Strength HNBR-a Benchmark Elastomer for Automotive Synchronous and Serpentine BeltsAlternative FuelsSAE19941
1610-338T.E. AndresPolibenzimidazole Based Materials in Automotive Tribological ApplicationsAlternative FuelsSAE19941
1610-339Silvia CaldariUse of EPR Rubbers in Engine Mounts as related to Polymer Structure and CompoundAlternative FuelsSAE19941
1610-340M. WinklerDesigning Composite Engine Sealing Comp.Alternative FuelsSAE19941
1610-341R.M. Lueptow
The NVG Challenge-Student Participation, Faculty Involvement, and CostsAlternative FuelsSAE19941
1610-342K.B. WipkeAnalysis of Data from Hybrid Electric Vehicle Student CompetitionsAlternative FuelsSAE19941
1610-343L.a. FredrikssonA Finite Element Data Base HYBRID 3 Test DummyAlternative FuelsSAE19941
1610-344D.S. BreedSensing Side ImpactsAlternative FuelsSAE19941
1610-345Sherman HensonBIOSID and EUROSID-1 Dummies In Full -Vehicle Crash TestAlternative FuelsSAE19941
1610-346H. IshihawaImpact Center and Restitution Coefficients for ACCIDENT ReconstructionAccident ReconstructionSAE19941
1610-347G.S. SmithConservation of Momentum Analysis of Two- Dimensional Cooling Bodies with or without TrailersAccident ReconstructionSAE19941
1610-348R.L. WoolleyReference Cases for Comparison of Collision Algorithms in Accident ReconstructionAccident ReconstructionSAE19941
1610-349Alan M. NahumThe Biomechanical Analysis of Accident InjuryAccident ReconstructionSAE19941
1610-350D.B. DaubertThe Nomenclature of Highway DrawingsAccident ReconstructionSAE19941
1610-351R.I. GarberSpot Field Failure Analysis for Accident ReconstructionAccident ReconstructionSAE19941
1610-352Robert J, KainzLife Cycle Management a Solution for Decision Making in the Global MarketAccident ReconstructionSAE19941
1610-353Ch. H SchleyerEffect of Gasoline OLEFIN COMPOSITION- AUTO/OIL AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENT RESEARCH PROGRAMAccident ReconstructionSAE19941
1610-354R.D. StephensReal World Emission Variability as Measured by Remote SensorsAccident ReconstructionSAE19941
1610-355R. SoaveDevelopment of a Fiber Reinforced Aluminum Piston for Heavy Duty Diesel EnginesAccident ReconstructionSAE19941
1610-356K. FreibergThe Jacobs Model 340A Engine RetarderAccident ReconstructionSAE19941
1610-357N. OsakiMitsubishi 2.8L Four Cylinder Diesel EngineDiesel Engine and ComponentsSAE19941
1610-358P.J. MarlinDevelopment of Valve Seals for Turbocharged Compression Ignition EnginesDiesel Engine and ComponentsSAE19941
1610-359D.J.J. LeeFriction Measurement in the Valve Train with a Roller FollwderDiesel Engine and ComponentsSAE19941
1610-360Xi-Huo FuThe Determination of Cylinder Centre Spacing for Vehicle Diesel EngineDiesel Engine and ComponentsSAE19981
1610-361Osamu AizawaOptimum Sealing Design of Cylinder Head Gasket for High PESK Pressure Diesel EnginesDiesel Engine and ComponentsSAE19981
1610-362J. BushComputational Fluid Dynamics Analysis and Validation for a HVAC Duct DesignDiesel Engine and ComponentsSAE19981
1610-363M.J. RecchioApplication of HNBR Elastomers in Automotive Air Conditioning Systems Which Use Refrigerant R-134aDiesel Engine and ComponentsSAE19981
1610-364Pascale MoynatDevelopment of Recycle Heating and Air Conditioning Unit (HVAC)Climate Control and Automotive Cabin Air Filtration SAE19981
1610-365S. H.ColmereyCondition of Vehicle Air Conditioning SystemsClimate Control and Automotive Cabin Air Filtration SAE19941
1610-366J. G LeeValidation of Computational Vehicle Whinshield DE-ICING ProcessesClimate Control and Automotive Cabin Air Filtration SAE19941
1610-367N. Al-HolouFuzzy Logic Based-System to Control Climate in AutomobileClimate Control and Automotive Cabin Air Filtration SAE19941
1610-368J.G. LeeAutomotive Climate Control in Passenger Compartment with External Thermal IrradiationAutomotive Climate ControlSAE19941
1610-369Peter AmbrosSimulation Program for Design of the Cooling Air Duct of MOTOR Cars for Optimizing in the COOLING SystemClimate Control and Automotive Cabin Air Filtration SAE19941
1610-370Toshiro WakitaVisualization of Vehicle Sound Quality Using Human Hearing ModelClimate Control and Automotive Cabin Air Filtration SAE19941
1610-371W.G. LeeActive Noise Control Using the Half Scaled Compartment Cavity ModelClimate Control and Automotive Cabin Air Filtration SAE19941
1610-372M. MullerThe Effect of Engine Mounts on the Noise and Vibration Behavior of VehiclesClimate Control and Automotive Cabin Air Filtration SAE19941
1610-373H. UchidaActive Noise Control System for Engine Noise for Engine Noise in a Car CabinClimate Control and Automotive Cabin Air Filtration SAE19941
1610-374H. SaitoVehicle Interior Noise Prediction Using Sound Intensity MeasurementClimate Control and Automotive Cabin Air Filtration SAE19941
1610-375Klaus P. ZeyenVibration Damping Rubber/ Metal-Elements for Automotive ApplicationsClimate Control and Automotive Cabin Air Filtration SAE19941
1610-376A. SelametClimate Control and Automotive Cabin Air Filtration SAE19941
1610-377M. HamadaHigh Performance Exhausting MountingsClimate Control and Automotive Cabin Air Filtration SAE19941
1610-378J. MayerCarbon and Glass-Fiber Knits for Plastic CarsClimate Control and Automotive Cabin Air Filtration SAE19941
1610-379A. Jayasuriya.A Study of Laminated Composite Shell with Environmental Effects, Using a High-Order FE ModelClimate Control and Automotive Cabin Air Filtration SAE19941
1610-380A. Jayasuriya.An Elasticity Solution of Angle Ply Laminate Composite Steel Based on High-Order FE AnalysisClimate Control and Automotive Cabin Air Filtration SAE19941
1610-381A. Jayasuriya.Variable Curvature Laminated Composite Analysis Module for Impa