Societatea Inginerilor de Automobile din Romania


FISITA – Fédération Internationale des Sociétés d’Ingénieurs des Techniques de l’Automobile  (International Federation of Automotive Engineering Societies) a fost fondată în 1948  și reunește 37 societăți naționale de inginerie a automobilului de pe toate continentele, realizând o rețea ce cuprinde circa 210.000 membri.

Misiunea FISITA constă în a sprijini realizarea unui transport auto eficient, sigur, ieftin și sustenabil. Ca urmare, promovează un dialog global între ingineri, industrie, autorități, universități, organizații de mediu și standardizare.

Contact: FISITA, 29 M11 Business Link, Stansted, Essex, CM24 8GF, United Kingdom

Pentru a promova studierea ingineriei autovehiculelor și realizarea unei cariere în industria de automobile, Comitetul FISITA pentru Educație a lansat un site dedicat studenților și tinerilor ingineri cu scopul de a oferi instrumente de consiliere în adoptarea deciziilor privind formarea profesională și orientarea în carieră.


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 FISITA is the international membership organisation that supports the automotive and mobility systems sector in its quest to advance technological development. Having delivered against this mission for every generation of engineers since 1948, we are uniquely placed to promote excellence in mobility engineering and the development of safe, sustainable and affordable mobility solutions.

 Since creation, FISITA has seen significant growth in influence and relevance. Today our network of Member Societies and Corporate Members extend a reach to over 210,000 engineers in 37 countries, placing us at the heart of the industry and enabling members to connect with each other, network, share technological advancements and collaborate in a pre-competitive environment.

 FISITA facilitates dialogue between engineers and industry, governments, academia, and environmental and standards organisations, across all areas of automotive and mobility systems technology. Achieved through organising and delivering internationally-acclaimed technical events, including the World Automotive Congress, the World Automotive Summit, the newly-created FISITA PLUS conference and EuroBrake, the world’s largest braking technology conference; as well as endorsing the significant events run by our Member Societies.

 The FISITA Roadmap to 2020 strategic engagement plans see our organisation’s continued investment in the next generation of engineers through the ‘Your Future in Automotive’ initiative, the long-term ‘Engineer 2030’ project and ‘International Work Experience Programme’, while our recently formed Industry Committee is pioneering our strategic tracking of the evolving mobility sector through the FISITA Eco-System mapping project – ensuring that our organisation continues to deliver leadership and a relevant community to this and future generations of engineers.

 Engineers create solutions, FISITA continues to support them to do so.

De aici puteti descarca (pdf):

Mai puteti consulta:

FISITA Constitution

FISITA Member Directory

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Revista "Ingineria automobilului"

Romanian Journal of Automotive Engineering