THE 18th EUROPEAN AUTOMOTIVE CONGRESSThe XXXIV-th SIAR International Automotive and Transport Engineering Congress The 13-th CONAT Congress (The International CONference on Automotive and Tractors) „Together for a better and safer
Tag "transportation conference"

The XXXIII-rd SIAR International Automotive and Transport Engineering Congress „Economicitatea, Siguranța și Fiabilitatea Autovehiculelor” ESFA 2023 02.11.2023 – 04.11.2023 BUCUREȘTI, ROMÂNIA Organizat de SIAR – SOCIETATEA INGINERILOR DE AUTOMOBILE DIN

Raport EAEC-MVT Raportul dlui Guenter HOHL privind Congresul EAEC – MVT 2022 SIAR motto: „Knowledge and development, through cooperation!” We are still waiting for your abstracts and papers on the